Best Argumentative Essay Topics for Colleges Students 2022

What do you mean by argumentative essay topics?

If the argumentative essay fascinates you, you may have landed in the right place. Also, select a topic, select a page, and look up information to support your opinion. Please also mention your qualifications, and Bingo, your essay is over. In an argumentative essay, you need to decide on a topic and take a stance on it. Therefore, you need to support your opinion with carefully researched facts and data. In addition, the tricky part is choosing the topic you want to write about. But we have many ideas for you to get started. In addition, argumentative essays topics help students gain a deeper understanding of the topic, thereby developing their disputed writing skills. While choosing a powerful topic for your essay, you may need to focus on your topic. 

How to write an argumentative essay topic? 

In some cases, you can come up with the best ideas by looking at the list of possible topics and seeing if some of them suit your interests. Also, make a list of the argumentative essay topics when you come across them, and finally, think about them for a few minutes. Maybe you can see what someone else thinks. Alternatively, you can test the prompt in your head to see if you can get a complete essay. In addition, you may need to see if the topic of the essay in the dispute forms a two-page rationale. If not, it's not worth it. 

Types of Argumentative essay topics 

Excellent controversial essay topic 

  • Is our society abandoned? 
  • Is the CEO highly paid? 
  • Is there a term limit in Congress? 
  • Are actors and athletes overpaid? 
  • Aggressive video games and behavioral issues-What are your claims? 

Thoughtful argumentative essay topic 

  • High college costs hurt students-Are you for or against it? 
  • Is it possible to ban euthanasia? 
  • Does the federal government use legal marijuana nationwide-What are your requirements? 
  • University Admission and Competition what do you think?
  • Do you need public prayer at school?

Creative argumentative essay topic 

  • Which is the better option, the public school education system or homeschooling? 
  • What is your opinion on teen and celebrity idolization? 
  • After death’s existence what exactly is your claim? 
  • Is fast food a serious issue in terms of physical health? 
  • Gender equality and the social environment what are your thoughts? 

ExcellentArgumentative Essay Topics 

  • Subjects that isn’t required for a high school diploma what is your point of view? 
  • Is GMO safe for human consumption? 
  • Is the current tax system working? 
  • Is a college education worthwhile?
  • Faith brings life to completion. What are your thoughts? 

The topic for a high-scoring controversial essay 

  • Is Social Media Worth the Investment? 
  • Has social media increased the rate of employment? 
  • Social media is an efficient means of communication. Do you agree or disagree? 
  • Facebook and the disclosure of private information Do you concur? 
  • Is it necessary to permanently ban Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp? 

More Argumentative Essay Topics in Depth 

  • Spanish is a simple language to learn. Is it true or false? 
  • Is it necessary for North and South Korea to reunite? 
  • Natural Treatments for Depression what are your thoughts? 
  • Rehabilitation for Sexual Offenders What exactly is your claim? 
  • Which is preferable: an educated parent or an illiterate parent? 

Topics for high-level argumentative essays 

  • What do you think about models and beauty magazines being Photoshopped?
  • Fast food and obese Americans 
  • Everyone is entitled to free education. 
  • Internet access is unrestricted and unrestricted. 
  • Capitalism necessitates more socially responsible policies. 

Professional argumentative essay topics 

  • Do you conduct animal experiments? 
  • On the battlefield, machines and artificial intelligence will replace soldiers. 
  • Reducing the number of classes improves education. 
  • The use of technology in education. 
  • Revolution in modern sociopolitical thought.


Did you select an appropriate  argumentative essay topic ? Yes, possibly. Because you've had fun reading this blog, before you begin writing your essay, we recommend that you can seek essay assistance from your professor, who will approve your topic. Concurrently, find out if your topic hasn't already been covered by your peers, as this will make your work stand out.

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