

在controller-runtime中使用一個 Manager 的接口來管理 Controller,除了控制器其實還可以管理A dmission Webhook,也包括訪問資源對象的client、cache、scheme等,如下圖所示:


Manager 如何使用

首先我們來看看controller-runtime中的Manager 是如何使用的,查看controller-runtime代碼倉庫中的示例,示例中關於Manager的使用步驟如下:

1、實例化 manager,參數 config

2、向 manager 添加 scheme

3、向 manager 添加 controller, 該 controller 包含一個 reconciler 結構體,我們需要在 reconciler 結構體實現邏輯處理

4、向 manager 添加 webhook,同樣需要實現邏輯處理

5、啓動 manager.start()


func main() {

    // 根據 config 實例化 Manager
    // config.GetConfigOrDie() 使用默認的配置~/.kube/config
    mgr, err := ctrl.NewManager(ctrl.GetConfigOrDie(), ctrl.Options{})
    if err != nil {
        setupLog.Error(err, "unable to start manager")

    // in a real controller, we'd create a new scheme for this
    // 將 api 註冊到 Scheme,Scheme 提供了 GVK 到 go type 的映射
    // 如果多個 crd, 需要多次調用 AddToScheme
    err = api.AddToScheme(mgr.GetScheme())
    if err != nil {
        setupLog.Error(err, "unable to add scheme")

    // 註冊 Controller 到 Manager
    // For: 監控的資源,相當於調用 Watches(&source.Kind{Type:apiType},&handler.EnqueueRequestFOrObject{})
    // Owns:擁有的下屬資源,如果 corev1.Pod{} 資源屬於 api.ChaosPod{},也將會被監控,相當於調用 Watches(&source.Kind{Type: <ForType-apiType>}, &handler.EnqueueRequestForOwner{OwnerType: apiType, IsController: true})
    // reconciler 結構體:繼承 Reconciler,需要實現該結構體和 Reconcile 方法
    // mgr.GetClient()、mgr.GetScheme() 是 Client 和 Scheme,前面的 manager.New 初始化了
    err = ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
            Client: mgr.GetClient(),
            scheme: mgr.GetScheme(),
    if err != nil {
        setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create controller")

    // 構建 webhook
    err = ctrl.NewWebhookManagedBy(mgr).
    if err != nil {
        setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create webhook")

    // 啓動 manager,實際上是啓動 controller
    setupLog.Info("starting manager")
    if err := mgr.Start(ctrl.SetupSignalHandler()); err != nil {
        setupLog.Error(err, "problem running manager")


// pkg/manager/manager.go

// Manager initializes shared dependencies such as Caches and Clients, and provides them to Runnables.
// A Manager is required to create Controllers.
// Manager 初始化共享的依賴關係,比如Caches 和 Client,並將它們提供給 Runnables
type Manager interface {
    // Cluster holds a variety of methods to interact with a cluster.
    // Cluster 擁有多種與集羣交互的方法

    // Add will set requested dependencies on the component, and cause the component to be
    // started when Start is called.  Add will inject any dependencies for which the argument
    // implements the inject interface - e.g. inject.Client.
    // Depending on if a Runnable implements LeaderElectionRunnable interface, a Runnable can be run in either
    // non-leaderelection mode (always running) or leader election mode (managed by leader election if enabled).
    // Add 將在組建上設置所需的依賴關係,並在調用 Start 時啓動組件
    // Add 將注入接口的依賴關係,比如:注入inject.Client
    // 根據 Runnable 是否實現了 LeaderElectionRunnable 接口判斷
    // Runnable 可以在非 LeaderElection 模式(始終運行)或 LeaderElection 模式(如果啓用了 LeaderElection,則由 LeaderElection 管理)下運行
    Add(Runnable) error

    // Elected is closed when this manager is elected leader of a group of
    // managers, either because it won a leader election or because no leader
    // election was configured.
    // leader 選舉
    // 當贏得選舉或者爲設置選舉則關閉
    Elected() <-chan struct{}

    // AddMetricsExtraHandler adds an extra handler served on path to the http server that serves metrics.
    // Might be useful to register some diagnostic endpoints e.g. pprof. Note that these endpoints meant to be
    // sensitive and shouldn't be exposed publicly.
    // If the simple path -> handler mapping offered here is not enough, a new http server/listener should be added as
    // Runnable to the manager via Add method.
    AddMetricsExtraHandler(path string, handler http.Handler) error

    // AddHealthzCheck allows you to add Healthz checker
    AddHealthzCheck(name string, check healthz.Checker) error

    // AddReadyzCheck allows you to add Readyz checker
    AddReadyzCheck(name string, check healthz.Checker) error

    // Start starts all registered Controllers and blocks until the context is cancelled.
    // Returns an error if there is an error starting any controller.
    // If LeaderElection is used, the binary must be exited immediately after this returns,
    // otherwise components that need leader election might continue to run after the leader
    // lock was lost.
    // Start 啓動所有已註冊的控制器,並一直運行,直到停止通道關閉
    // 如果啓動任何控制器都出錯,則返回錯誤
    // 如果使用了 LeaderElection,則必須在此返回後立即退出二進制文件
    // 否則需要 Leader 選舉的組件可能會在 Leader 鎖丟失後繼續運行
    Start(ctx context.Context) error

    // GetWebhookServer returns a webhook.Server
    GetWebhookServer() *webhook.Server

    // GetLogger returns this manager's logger.
    GetLogger() logr.Logger

    // GetControllerOptions returns controller global configuration options.
    // GetControllerOptions 控制器全局配置選項
    GetControllerOptions() v1alpha1.ControllerConfigurationSpec

Manager 可以關閉 Runnable 的生命週期(添加/啓動),如果不通過 Manager 啓動(需要處理各種常見的依賴關係)。

Manager 還保持共同的依賴性:client、cache、scheme等。

  • 提供了 getter(例如GetClient)
  • 簡單的注入機制(runtime/inject



Manager 實例化

查看 Manager 的實例化 New 函數的實現:

// pkg/manager/manager.go

// New returns a new Manager for creating Controllers.
// New 返回用於創建控制器的新 Manager
func New(config *rest.Config, options Options) (Manager, error) {
    // Set default values for options fields
    // 設置選項字段的默認值
    options = setOptionsDefaults(options)

    // 構造集羣
    cluster, err := cluster.New(config, func(clusterOptions *cluster.Options) {
        clusterOptions.Scheme = options.Scheme
        clusterOptions.MapperProvider = options.MapperProvider
        clusterOptions.Logger = options.Logger
        clusterOptions.SyncPeriod = options.SyncPeriod
        clusterOptions.Namespace = options.Namespace
        clusterOptions.NewCache = options.NewCache
        clusterOptions.NewClient = options.NewClient
        clusterOptions.ClientDisableCacheFor = options.ClientDisableCacheFor
        clusterOptions.DryRunClient = options.DryRunClient
        clusterOptions.EventBroadcaster = options.EventBroadcaster //nolint:staticcheck
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Create the recorder provider to inject event recorders for the components.
    // TODO(directxman12): the log for the event provider should have a context (name, tags, etc) specific
    // to the particular controller that it's being injected into, rather than a generic one like is here.
    recorderProvider, err := options.newRecorderProvider(config, cluster.GetScheme(), options.Logger.WithName("events"), options.makeBroadcaster)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Create the resource lock to enable leader election
    var leaderConfig *rest.Config
    var leaderRecorderProvider *intrec.Provider

    if options.LeaderElectionConfig == nil {
        leaderConfig = rest.CopyConfig(config)
        leaderRecorderProvider = recorderProvider
    } else {
        leaderConfig = rest.CopyConfig(options.LeaderElectionConfig)
        leaderRecorderProvider, err = options.newRecorderProvider(leaderConfig, cluster.GetScheme(), options.Logger.WithName("events"), options.makeBroadcaster)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    resourceLock, err := options.newResourceLock(leaderConfig, leaderRecorderProvider, leaderelection.Options{
        LeaderElection:             options.LeaderElection,
        LeaderElectionResourceLock: options.LeaderElectionResourceLock,
        LeaderElectionID:           options.LeaderElectionID,
        LeaderElectionNamespace:    options.LeaderElectionNamespace,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Create the metrics listener. This will throw an error if the metrics bind
    // address is invalid or already in use.
    metricsListener, err := options.newMetricsListener(options.MetricsBindAddress)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // By default we have no extra endpoints to expose on metrics http server.
    metricsExtraHandlers := make(map[string]http.Handler)

    // Create health probes listener. This will throw an error if the bind
    // address is invalid or already in use.
    healthProbeListener, err := options.newHealthProbeListener(options.HealthProbeBindAddress)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    errChan := make(chan error)
    runnables := newRunnables(options.BaseContext, errChan)

    return &controllerManager{
        stopProcedureEngaged:          pointer.Int64(0),
        cluster:                       cluster,
        runnables:                     runnables,
        errChan:                       errChan,
        recorderProvider:              recorderProvider,
        resourceLock:                  resourceLock,
        metricsListener:               metricsListener,
        metricsExtraHandlers:          metricsExtraHandlers,
        controllerOptions:             options.Controller,
        logger:                        options.Logger,
        elected:                       make(chan struct{}),
        port:                          options.Port,
        host:                          options.Host,
        certDir:                       options.CertDir,
        webhookServer:                 options.WebhookServer,
        leaseDuration:                 *options.LeaseDuration,
        renewDeadline:                 *options.RenewDeadline,
        retryPeriod:                   *options.RetryPeriod,
        healthProbeListener:           healthProbeListener,
        readinessEndpointName:         options.ReadinessEndpointName,
        livenessEndpointName:          options.LivenessEndpointName,
        gracefulShutdownTimeout:       *options.GracefulShutdownTimeout,
        internalProceduresStop:        make(chan struct{}),
        leaderElectionStopped:         make(chan struct{}),
        leaderElectionReleaseOnCancel: options.LeaderElectionReleaseOnCancel,
    }, nil

New 函數中就是爲 Manager 執行初始化工作,最後返回的是一個 controllerManager 的實例,這是因爲該結構體是 Manager 接口的一個實現,所以 Manager 的真正操作都是這個結構體去實現的。

接下來最重要的是註冊 Controller 到 Manager 的過程:

err = ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
            Client: mgr.GetClient(),
            scheme: mgr.GetScheme(),

builder.ControllerManagedBy 函數返回一個新的控制器構造器 Builder 對象,生成的控制器將由所提供的管理器 Manager 啓動,函數實現很簡單:

// pkg/builder/controller.go

// Builder builds a Controller.
// Builder 構造一個控制器
type Builder struct {
	forInput         ForInput
	ownsInput        []OwnsInput
	watchesInput     []WatchesInput
	mgr              manager.Manager
	globalPredicates []predicate.Predicate
	ctrl             controller.Controller
	ctrlOptions      controller.Options
	name             string

// ControllerManagedBy returns a new controller builder that will be started by the provided Manager.
func ControllerManagedBy(m manager.Manager) *Builder {
	return &Builder{mgr: m}


// pkg/builder/controller.go

// ForInput represents the information set by For method.
// ForInput 標識 For 方法設置的信息
type ForInput struct {
    object           client.Object
    predicates       []predicate.Predicate
    objectProjection objectProjection
    err              error

// For defines the type of Object being *reconciled*, and configures the ControllerManagedBy to respond to create / delete /
// update events by *reconciling the object*.
// This is the equivalent of calling
// Watches(&source.Kind{Type: apiType}, &handler.EnqueueRequestForObject{}).
// For 函數定義了被調諧的對象類型
// 並配置 ControllerManagerBy 通過調諧對象來響應 create/delete/update 事件
// 調用 For 函數相當於調用:
// Watches(&source.Kind{Type: apiType}, &handler.EnqueueRequestForObject{}).
func (blder *Builder) For(object client.Object, opts ...ForOption) *Builder {
    if blder.forInput.object != nil {
        blder.forInput.err = fmt.Errorf("For(...) should only be called once, could not assign multiple objects for reconciliation")
        return blder
    input := ForInput{object: object}
    for _, opt := range opts {

    blder.forInput = input
    return blder

For 函數就是用來定義我們要處理的對象類型的,接着調用了 Owns 函數:

// pkg/builder/controller.go

// Owns defines types of Objects being *generated* by the ControllerManagedBy, and configures the ControllerManagedBy to respond to
// create / delete / update events by *reconciling the owner object*.  This is the equivalent of calling
// Watches(&source.Kind{Type: <ForType-forInput>}, &handler.EnqueueRequestForOwner{OwnerType: apiType, IsController: true}).
// Owns 定義了 ControllerManagerBy 生成的對象類型
// 並配置 ControllerManagerBy 通過調協所有者對象來響應 create/delete/update 事件
// 這相當於調用:
// Watches(&source.Kind{Type: <ForType-forInput>}, &handler.EnqueueRequestForOwner{OwnerType: apiType, IsController: true})
func (blder *Builder) Owns(object client.Object, opts ...OwnsOption) *Builder {
    input := OwnsInput{object: object}
    for _, opt := range opts {

    blder.ownsInput = append(blder.ownsInput, input)
    return blder

Owns 函數就是來配置我們監聽的資源對象的子資源,如果想要協調資源則需要調用 Owns 函數進行配置,然後就是最重要的 Complete 函數了:

// pkg/builder/controller.go

// Build builds the Application Controller and returns the Controller it created.
// Build 構建應用程序 ControllerManagedBy 並返回它創建的 Controller
func (blder *Builder) Build(r reconcile.Reconciler) (controller.Controller, error) {
    if r == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide a non-nil Reconciler")
    if blder.mgr == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide a non-nil Manager")
    if blder.forInput.err != nil {
        return nil, blder.forInput.err
    // Checking the reconcile type exist or not
    if blder.forInput.object == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide an object for reconciliation")

    // Set the ControllerManagedBy
    // 配置 ControllerManagedBy
    if err := blder.doController(r); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Set the Watch
    // 設置 Watch
    if err := blder.doWatch(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return blder.ctrl, nil

Complete 函數通過調用 Build 函數來構建 Controller,其中比較重要的就是 doControllerdoWatch 兩個函數,doController 就是去真正實例化 Controller 的函數:

// pkg/builder/controller.go

func (blder *Builder) doController(r reconcile.Reconciler) error {
    globalOpts := blder.mgr.GetControllerOptions()

    ctrlOptions := blder.ctrlOptions
    if ctrlOptions.Reconciler == nil {
        ctrlOptions.Reconciler = r

    // Retrieve the GVK from the object we're reconciling
    // to prepopulate logger information, and to optionally generate a default name.
    // 從我們正在調協的對象中檢索GVK
    gvk, err := getGvk(blder.forInput.object, blder.mgr.GetScheme())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Setup concurrency.
    // 設置併發
    if ctrlOptions.MaxConcurrentReconciles == 0 {
        groupKind := gvk.GroupKind().String()

        if concurrency, ok := globalOpts.GroupKindConcurrency[groupKind]; ok && concurrency > 0 {
            ctrlOptions.MaxConcurrentReconciles = concurrency

    // Setup cache sync timeout.
    // 設置緩存同步超市時間
    if ctrlOptions.CacheSyncTimeout == 0 && globalOpts.CacheSyncTimeout != nil {
        ctrlOptions.CacheSyncTimeout = *globalOpts.CacheSyncTimeout

    // 根據GVK獲取控制器名
    controllerName := blder.getControllerName(gvk)

    // Setup the logger.
    // 設置日誌 Logger
    if ctrlOptions.LogConstructor == nil {
        log = blder.mgr.GetLogger().WithValues(
            "controller", controllerName,
            "controllerGroup", gvk.Group,
            "controllerKind", gvk.Kind,

        lowerCamelCaseKind := strings.ToLower(gvk.Kind[:1]) + gvk.Kind[1:]

        ctrlOptions.LogConstructor = func(req *reconcile.Request) logr.Logger {
            log := log
            if req != nil {
                log = log.WithValues(
                    lowerCamelCaseKind, klog.KRef(req.Namespace, req.Name),
                    "namespace", req.Namespace, "name", req.Name,
            return log

    // Build the controller and return.
    // 構造 Controller
    // var newController = controller.New
    blder.ctrl, err = newController(controllerName, blder.mgr, ctrlOptions)
    return err

上面的函數通過獲取資源對象的 GVK 來獲取 Controller 的名稱,最後通過一個 newController 函數(controller.New 的別名)來實例化一個真正的 Controller:

// pkg/builder/controller.go

// New returns a new Controller registered with the Manager.  The Manager will ensure that shared Caches have
// been synced before the Controller is Started.
// New 返回一個在 Manager 註冊的 Controller
// Manager 將確保共享緩存在控制器啓動前已經同步
func New(name string, mgr manager.Manager, options Options) (Controller, error) {
	c, err := NewUnmanaged(name, mgr, options)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Add the controller as a Manager components
	// 將 controller 作爲 manager 的組件
	return c, mgr.Add(c)

// NewUnmanaged returns a new controller without adding it to the manager. The
// caller is responsible for starting the returned controller.
// NewUnmanaged 返回一個新的控制器,而不將其添加到 manager 中
// 調用者負責啓動返回的控制器
func NewUnmanaged(name string, mgr manager.Manager, options Options) (Controller, error) {
	if options.Reconciler == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("must specify Reconciler")

	if len(name) == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("must specify Name for Controller")

	if options.LogConstructor == nil {
		log := mgr.GetLogger().WithValues(
			"controller", name,
		options.LogConstructor = func(req *reconcile.Request) logr.Logger {
			log := log
			if req != nil {
				log = log.WithValues(
					"object", klog.KRef(req.Namespace, req.Name),
					"namespace", req.Namespace, "name", req.Name,
			return log

	if options.MaxConcurrentReconciles <= 0 {
		options.MaxConcurrentReconciles = 1

	if options.CacheSyncTimeout == 0 {
		options.CacheSyncTimeout = 2 * time.Minute

	if options.RateLimiter == nil {
		options.RateLimiter = workqueue.DefaultControllerRateLimiter()

	// Inject dependencies into Reconciler
	// 在 Reconciler 中注入依賴關係
	if err := mgr.SetFields(options.Reconciler); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Create controller with dependencies set
	// 創建 Controller 並配置依賴關係
	return &controller.Controller{
		Do: options.Reconciler,
		MakeQueue: func() workqueue.RateLimitingInterface {
			return workqueue.NewNamedRateLimitingQueue(options.RateLimiter, name)
		MaxConcurrentReconciles: options.MaxConcurrentReconciles,
		CacheSyncTimeout:        options.CacheSyncTimeout,
		SetFields:               mgr.SetFields,
		Name:                    name,
		LogConstructor:          options.LogConstructor,
		RecoverPanic:            options.RecoverPanic,
	}, nil

可以看到NewUnmanaged函數纔是真正實例化 Controller 的地方,終於和前文的 Controller 聯繫起來來,Controller 實例化完成後,又通過 mgr.Add(c) 函數將控制器添加到 Manager 中去進行管理,所以我們還需要去查看下 Manager 的 Add 函數的實現,當然是看 controllerManager 中的具體實現:

// pkg/manager/manager.go

// Runnable allows a component to be started.
// It's very important that Start blocks until
// it's done running.
// Runnable 允許一個組件被啓動
type Runnable interface {
    // Start starts running the component.  The component will stop running
    // when the context is closed. Start blocks until the context is closed or
    // an error occurs.
    Start(context.Context) error

//  pkg/manager/internal.go

// Add sets dependencies on i, and adds it to the list of Runnables to start.
// Add 設置i的依賴,並將其他添加到 Runnables 列表啓動
func (cm *controllerManager) Add(r Runnable) error {
    defer cm.Unlock()
    return cm.add(r)

func (cm *controllerManager) add(r Runnable) error {
    // Set dependencies on the object
    // 設置對象的依賴
    if err := cm.SetFields(r); err != nil {
        return err
    return cm.runnables.Add(r)

// pkg/manager/runnable_group.go

// Add adds a runnable to closest group of runnable that they belong to.
// Add should be able to be called before and after Start, but not after StopAndWait.
// Add should return an error when called during StopAndWait.
// The runnables added before Start are started when Start is called.
// The runnables added after Start are started directly.
// Add將runnable添加到它們所屬的最近的runnable組。
// Add應該能夠在Start之前和之後調用,但不能在StopAndWait之後調用。
// 在StopAndWait期間調用Add時應返回錯誤。
// 調用Start時,啓動在Start之前添加的可運行項。
// 啓動後添加的可運行項直接啓動。
func (r *runnables) Add(fn Runnable) error {
    switch runnable := fn.(type) {
    case hasCache:
        return r.Caches.Add(fn, func(ctx context.Context) bool {
            return runnable.GetCache().WaitForCacheSync(ctx)
    case *webhook.Server:
        return r.Webhooks.Add(fn, nil)
    case LeaderElectionRunnable:
        if !runnable.NeedLeaderElection() {
            return r.Others.Add(fn, nil)
        return r.LeaderElection.Add(fn, nil)
        return r.LeaderElection.Add(fn, nil)

controllerManager 的 Add 函數傳遞的是一個 Runnable 參數,Runnable 是一個接口,用來表示可以啓動的一個組件,而恰好 Controller 實際上就實現了這個接口的 Start 函數,所以可以通過 Add 函數來添加 Controller 實例,在 Add 函數中除了依賴注入之外,還根據 Runnable 來判斷組件是否支持選舉功能,支持則將組件加入到 leaderElectionRunnables 列表中,否則加入到 nonLeaderElectionRunnables 列表中,這點非常重要,涉及到後面控制器的啓動方式。


如果 Manager 已經啓動了,現在調用 Add 函數來添加 Runnable,則需要立即調用 startRunnable 函數啓動控制器,startRunnable 函數就是在一個 goroutine 中去調用 Runnable 的 Start 函數,這裏就相當於調用 Controller 的 Start 函數來啓動控制器了。

到這裏就實例化 Controller 完成了,回到前面 Builder 的 build 函數中,doController 函數調用完成,接着是 doWatch 函數的實現:

// pkg/builder/controller.go

func (blder *Builder) doWatch() error {
    // Reconcile type
    // 調協類型
    typeForSrc, err := blder.project(blder.forInput.object, blder.forInput.objectProjection)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    src := &source.Kind{Type: typeForSrc}
    hdler := &handler.EnqueueRequestForObject{}
    allPredicates := append(blder.globalPredicates, blder.forInput.predicates...)
    if err := blder.ctrl.Watch(src, hdler, allPredicates...); err != nil {
        return err

    // Watches the managed types
    // Watches 管理的類型(子類型)
    for _, own := range blder.ownsInput {
        typeForSrc, err := blder.project(own.object, own.objectProjection)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        src := &source.Kind{Type: typeForSrc}
        hdler := &handler.EnqueueRequestForOwner{
            OwnerType:    blder.forInput.object,
            IsController: true,
        allPredicates := append([]predicate.Predicate(nil), blder.globalPredicates...)
        allPredicates = append(allPredicates, own.predicates...)
        if err := blder.ctrl.Watch(src, hdler, allPredicates...); err != nil {
            return err

    // Do the watch requests
    // 執行 watch 請求
    for _, w := range blder.watchesInput {
        allPredicates := append([]predicate.Predicate(nil), blder.globalPredicates...)
        allPredicates = append(allPredicates, w.predicates...)

        // If the source of this watch is of type *source.Kind, project it.
        if srckind, ok := w.src.(*source.Kind); ok {
            typeForSrc, err := blder.project(srckind.Type, w.objectProjection)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            srckind.Type = typeForSrc

        if err := blder.ctrl.Watch(w.src, w.eventhandler, allPredicates...); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

上面的 doWatch 函數就是去將我們需要調諧的資源對象放到 Controller 中進行 Watch 操作,包括資源對象管理的子類型,都需要去執行 Watch 操作,這就又回到了前面 Controller 的 Watch 操作了,其實就是去註冊 Informer 的事件監聽器,將數據添加到工作隊列中去。這樣到這裏我們就將 Controller 初始化完成,併爲我們調諧的資源對象執行了 Watch 操作。

最後是調用 Manager 的 Start 函數來啓動 Manager,由於上面我們已經把 Controller 添加到了 Manager 中,所以這裏啓動其實是啓動關聯的 Controller,啓動函數實現如下所示:

// pkg/manager/internal.go

// Start starts the manager and waits indefinitely.
// There is only two ways to have start return:
// An error has occurred during in one of the internal operations,
// such as leader election, cache start, webhooks, and so on.
// Or, the context is cancelled.
// Start 啓動管理器並無限期等待
// 只有兩種情況讓Start 返回:
// 在其中一個內部操作中發生錯誤
// 例如領導人選舉、cache start、webhooks等等。
// 或者 context 取消
func (cm *controllerManager) Start(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
    // 判斷是否啓動,如果已經啓動,則直接返回
    if cm.started {
        return errors.New("manager already started")
    var ready bool
    defer func() {
        // Only unlock the manager if we haven't reached
        // the internal readiness condition.
        if !ready {

    // Initialize the internal context.
    // 初始化內部的 context
    cm.internalCtx, cm.internalCancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)

    // This chan indicates that stop is complete, in other words all runnables have returned or timeout on stop request
    // 此chan表示停止已完成,換句話說,所有可運行程序都已返回或在停止請求時超時
    stopComplete := make(chan struct{})
    defer close(stopComplete)
    // This must be deferred after closing stopComplete, otherwise we deadlock.
    // stopComplete 關閉後必須在 defer 執行下面的操作,否則會出現死鎖
    defer func() {
        // https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/gettyimages-459889618-1533579787.jpg
        stopErr := cm.engageStopProcedure(stopComplete)
        if stopErr != nil {
            if err != nil {
                // Utilerrors.Aggregate allows to use errors.Is for all contained errors
                // whereas fmt.Errorf allows wrapping at most one error which means the
                // other one can not be found anymore.
                err = kerrors.NewAggregate([]error{err, stopErr})
            } else {
                err = stopErr

    // Add the cluster runnable.
    // 添加集羣 runnable
    if err := cm.add(cm.cluster); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to add cluster to runnables: %w", err)

    // Metrics should be served whether the controller is leader or not.
    // (If we don't serve metrics for non-leaders, prometheus will still scrape
    // the pod but will get a connection refused).
    // Metrics 服務
    if cm.metricsListener != nil {

    // Serve health probes.
    // 健康檢查
    if cm.healthProbeListener != nil {

    // First start any webhook servers, which includes conversion, validation, and defaulting
    // webhooks that are registered.
    // WARNING: Webhooks MUST start before any cache is populated, otherwise there is a race condition
    // between conversion webhooks and the cache sync (usually initial list) which causes the webhooks
    // to never start because no cache can be populated.
    if err := cm.runnables.Webhooks.Start(cm.internalCtx); err != nil {
        if !errors.Is(err, wait.ErrWaitTimeout) {
            return err

    // Start and wait for caches.
    // 啓動並等待緩存同步
    if err := cm.runnables.Caches.Start(cm.internalCtx); err != nil {
        if !errors.Is(err, wait.ErrWaitTimeout) {
            return err

    // Start the non-leaderelection Runnables after the cache has synced.
    if err := cm.runnables.Others.Start(cm.internalCtx); err != nil {
        if !errors.Is(err, wait.ErrWaitTimeout) {
            return err

    // Start the leader election and all required runnables.
        ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
        cm.leaderElectionCancel = cancel
        go func() {
            if cm.resourceLock != nil {
                if err := cm.startLeaderElection(ctx); err != nil {
                    cm.errChan <- err
            } else {
                // Treat not having leader election enabled the same as being elected.
                if err := cm.startLeaderElectionRunnables(); err != nil {
                    cm.errChan <- err

    ready = true
    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
        // We are done
        return nil
    case err := <-cm.errChan:
        // Error starting or running a runnable
        return err

上面的啓動函數其實就是去啓動前面我們加入到 Manager 中的 Runnable(Controller),非 LeaderElection 的列表與 LeaderElection 的列表都分別在一個 goroutine 中啓動:

// pkg/manager/runnable_group.go

// Start starts the group and waits for all
// initially registered runnables to start.
// It can only be called once, subsequent calls have no effect.
// Start啓動組並等待所有最初註冊的可運行程序啓動。
// 只能調用一次,後續調用無效。
func (r *runnableGroup) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
    var retErr error

    r.startOnce.Do(func() {
        defer close(r.startReadyCh)

        // Start the internal reconciler.
        go r.reconcile()

        // Start the group and queue up all
        // the runnables that were added prior.
        r.started = true
        for _, rn := range r.startQueue {
            rn.signalReady = true
            r.ch <- rn

        // If we don't have any queue, return.
        if len(r.startQueue) == 0 {

        // Wait for all runnables to signal.
        for {
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
                if err := ctx.Err(); !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
                    retErr = err
            case rn := <-r.startReadyCh:
                for i, existing := range r.startQueue {
                    if existing == rn {
                        // Remove the item from the start queue.
                        r.startQueue = append(r.startQueue[:i], r.startQueue[i+1:]...)
                // We're done waiting if the queue is empty, return.
                if len(r.startQueue) == 0 {

    return retErr

可以看到最終還是去調用的 Runnable 的 Start 函數來啓動,這裏其實也就是 Controller 的 Start 函數,這個函數相當於啓動一個控制循環不斷從工作隊列中消費數據,然後給到一個 Reconciler 接口進行處理,也就是我們要去實現的 Reconcile(Request) (Result, error) 這個業務邏輯函數。


到這裏我們就完成了 Manager 的整個啓動過程,包括 Manager 是如何初始化,如何和 Controller 進行關聯以及如何啓動 Controller 的。

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