做了個vscode 小插件,用於修改window 的顏色以區分同時打開的不同工作區,快用起來吧!



以高效且便捷的方式自定義Visual Studio Code工作區窗口的狀態欄、標題欄以及活動邊欄等顏色!這將對那些需要同時打開多個vscode窗口/工作區的人非常有用。Coralize提供了一系列中國傳統文化色彩,並搭配友好的用戶界面。

Customize the color scheme of Visual Studio Code's workspace window, including the status bar, title bar, and activity side bar, with ease and efficiency. This feature is particularly useful for those who frequently work with multiple instances of VSCode or multiple workspaces. Coralize offers a variety of Chinese traditional culture-inspired color schemes, presented through a user-friendly interface.


默認的, Coralize 會設定 vscode 窗口的 Title bar, Side bar, 以及 Status bar 顏色。

如果你並不需要他們其中的一些, 你可以通過 擴展設置, 按照需要禁用或者開啓。

By default, Coralize sets the colors of the Title bar, Side bar, and Status bar in the vscode window. If you don't need any of them, you can disable or enable them as needed through extension settings.

  • "coralize.applyToTitleBar" : ture/false
  • "coralize.applyToSideBar" : ture/false
  • "coralize.applyToStatusBar" : ture/false


如果你的窗口發生了異常的顏色切換, 那麼很可能是和其他插件衝突造成的, 例如 Peacock, 如果你同時安裝了 Peacock , 那麼你可以通過 Peacock 的插件設置 color字段爲 null 以解決該問題 (@ext:johnpapa.vscode-peacock).

If you experience abnormal color switching in your window, it is likely caused by conflicts with other plugins, such as Peacock. If you have installed Peacock at the same time, you can solve this problem by setting the "color" field to "null" in the plugin settings of Peacock (@ext:johnpapa.vscode-peacock).


Coralize is Inspired by Peacock.


You can find repository of Coralize here : Github

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