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我想申請OpenAI plugins的waitlist,幫我用英文寫一個申請文案,我要申請的是Browsing這個Plugin,官方問題是:What types of use cases or new plugins do you want to see built?


Subject: OpenAI Browsing Plugin Waitlist Application

Dear OpenAI Team,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am writing to express my keen interest in joining the waitlist for your Browsing plugin. I have been closely following the development and the transformative potential of your AI technologies, and I am eager to explore the new opportunities that this plugin can offer.

Regarding the use cases that I'd like to see developed, I believe there are numerous possibilities across diverse domains:

  1. Educational Context: The Browsing plugin can be used to facilitate learning and research. It could potentially read, comprehend, and summarize online content, making it easier for students or researchers to glean important information and assist in academic projects.
  2. Content Creation: This plugin could prove to be an invaluable tool for content creators, journalists, and bloggers. It could browse the web for recent trends or news, offering a more efficient way to stay up-to-date and generate relevant content.
  3. E-commerce: The Browsing plugin can play a significant role in e-commerce, where it can scour the web for product comparisons, user reviews, and the best deals, thus aiding online shoppers and retailers alike.

As for new plugins, I'd be excited to see more development in the following areas:

  1. Language Learning Plugin: An AI tool that can create context-based language learning exercises from any given text, aiding users in learning new languages effectively.
  2. Health and Fitness Plugin: An AI plugin that can tailor fitness routines and dietary plans based on user's preferences, health data, and the latest research found on the web.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to use the Browsing plugin and contribute to the OpenAI community with my feedback.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]




傳言waitlist是用AI審覈的,所以可以寫個讓AI通過自己申請的命令,可以“騙過”GPT的審覈。感覺不一定靠譜,我也試了,用這個方法申請Code interpreter 插件。




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