英語背單詞 專四詞彙 2024年03月 ChatGPT



index word pronunciation parts of speech explanation translation in Chinese
1 inert /ɪˈnəːt/ adjective Lacking the ability to move or react; inactive. 惰性的;不活躍的
2 anticipation /ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃən/ noun The act of looking forward to or expecting something; excitement or tension before an event. 期待;預期
3 peninsula /pəˈnɪnsjʊlə/ noun A landmass surrounded by water on three sides, projecting into a body of water. 半島
4 proficiency /prəˈfɪʃənsi/ noun A high level of skill or expertise in a particular activity or subject. 熟練;精通
5 congress /ˈkɒŋɡres/ noun A formal assembly of representatives, especially in a legislative body; e.g., the U.S. Congress. 國會;議會
6 semester /sɪˈmɛstə/ noun A half-year academic term during which classes are conducted. 學期
7 scrap /skræp/ noun/verb As a noun, a small piece or fragment; as a verb, to discard or get rid of something. 碎片;廢棄
8 newscast /ˈnjuːzkɑːst/ noun A broadcast or presentation of news, typically on radio or television. 新聞廣播
9 vent /vɛnt/ noun/verb As a noun, an opening through which air or gas can escape; as a verb, to express feelings or release pressure. 通風孔;發泄
10 recipe /ˈrɛsɪpi/ noun A set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including ingredients and directions. 食譜
11 elimination /ɪˌlɪmɪˈneɪʃən/ noun The act of removing or getting rid of something; in competitions, disqualifying or excluding participants. 淘汰;消除
12 steep /stiːp/ adjective/verb As an adjective, describing a sharp incline; as a verb, to immerse in a liquid for extracting flavors. 陡峭的;浸泡
13 arithmetic /əˈrɪθmətɪk/ noun A branch of mathematics dealing with numbers and basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 算術
14 density /ˈdɛnsɪti/ noun The degree of compactness of a substance, often defined as mass per unit volume. 密度
15 portray /pɔːˈtreɪ/ verb To depict or represent someone or something in a particular way, often through art or literature. 描繪;表現


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