原创 Sample06 for Weblogic - Transactions and Security

0. Prerequisite It is pity that this chapter has no sample, I add one by myself, just for security. Firstly from domai

原创 Sample03 for Glassfish - Session beans with lifecycle callbacks and @Resource inject

0. Prerequisite As sample01. 1. Customize general configuration As sample01 2. Customize code in chapter3     $

原创 Sample02 for Weblogic - Simple example of Stateless, Stateful, MDB and JPA Enity

0. Prerequisite Actually this sample is postponed, please reference to prerequisites of sample03 and 04. 1. Customiz

原创 A shell script to create a simple Session EJB

As learning EJB, usually I want to create new case from a old one, it is boring because there are always some variable

原创 Sample04 for Glassfish - MDB Samples

0. Prerequisite As sample01.  1. Customize code in chapter4     $ cd $HOME/student/ejbactGF/chapter4     $ for i i

原创 Sample03 for Weblogic - Session beans with lifecycle callbacks and @Resource inject

0. Prerequisite We take advantage of Weblogic attached sample db here, the data source has been configured in Weblogic

原创 Sample02 for Glassfish - Simple example of Stateless, Stateful, MDB and JPA Enity

0. Prerequisite 1) JDBC resources We use default JDBC resources, which is based on database sun-appserv-samples:     C

原创 Sample05 for Weblogic - Interceptors and Timers

1. Customize code in chapter5 $ cd $HOME/student/ejbAction $ cd chapter5 $ for i in `find * -name "*.orig"`; do j=`exp

原创 重置 WebLogic 管理密碼

If you forget the AdminServer password for your WebLogic 11g domain, you can reset it from the command line using the f

原创 《DSAA》 9.6.2 雙連通性

如果一個連通的無向圖的任意頂點刪除後,剩下的圖仍然連通,該圖被稱爲雙連通的。 如果一個圖不是雙連通的,那麼那些將其刪除後不再連通的節點,被稱爲割裂點。 我們可以用深度優先生成樹來尋找割裂點,起點爲樹根,每向前搜索到一個點就會產生一條前向邊

原创 《DSAA》 12.1 自頂向下伸展樹

在許多應用中,當一個節點被訪問後,馬上就很可能再次被訪問到,研究表明這種情況比人們預料的要頻繁的多。所以伸展樹的基本想法是:當一個節點被訪問後,它就要通過一系列的旋轉被放到根上。 自頂向下伸展樹的搜索方式非常獨特,它實際上是一個拆了又

原创 Sample04 for Weblogic - MDB Samples

0. Prerequisite This case is for MDB, we still use "weblogic.examples.ejb30.QueueConnectionFactory" which is created i

原创 How to setup Weblogic official sample - EJB

1. Download weblogic installer from www.oracle.com 2. Install Weblogic $ sudo xhost + # in case current user cannot

原创 《DSAA》 12.2.3 紅黑樹的自頂向下刪除

當初自學圍棋的時候背過一些定式,一般定式都比較容易,從開始到結束用不了幾個回合。直到有一天遇到了像妖刀,大雪崩,大斜這樣的大型定式,變化極爲繁複,一個定式擺下去能佔滿1/4個棋盤,這個要掌握就非常困難了。 如果把算法類比爲圍棋的佈局,

原创 《DSAA》 9.3.2 Dijkstra 算法

曾經下圍棋樂此不疲,雖說棋力總也不漲,最近聽朋友的建議學學算法,找來一本初級的《DSAA》,按照書上的講解或僞代碼寫了一些case,意外地覺得和下圍棋的樂趣有些類似。 這裏用 Dijkstra 算法求有向賦權圖中任一節點到其他所有節點的