原创 WiFi輔助的地磁匹配室內定位方法

You L , Yuan Z , Haiyu L , et al. WiFi-Aided Magnetic Matching for Indoor Navigation with Consumer Portable Devices

原创 Real-Time Loop Closure in 2D LIDAR SLAM 翻譯和總結(二)

5.2 分支定界掃描匹配 像素級(pixel-accurate)匹配優化公式爲: ξ∗=argmax(ξ∈ω)∑k=1KMnearest(Tξhk)(BBS) \xi^*= argmax(\xi \in \omega)\sum_{

原创 Real-Time Loop Closure in 2D LIDAR SLAM 翻譯和總結(一)

Hess W , Kohler D , Rapp H , et al. Real-Time Loop Closure in 2D LIDAR SLAM[C]// 2016 IEEE International Conference

原创 MSCKF2.0(Mingyang Li-IJRR2013) 論文要點總結

論文:Li M, Mourikis A I. High-precision, consistent EKF-based visual-inertial odometry[J]. The International Journal

原创 基於WIFI指紋的室內定位

讀了一篇關於wif定位的文章,感覺不錯: Miyagusuku R , Yamashita A , Asama H . Data Information Fusion From Multiple Access Points for

原创 無約束智能手機的步伐檢測和步數統計方法分析和比較-筆記

論文:Brajdic A, Harle R. Walk detection and step counting on unconstrained smartphones[C]//Proceedings of the 2013 AC

原创 Efficient Sparse Pose Adjustment(SPA) for 2D Mapping 翻譯和總結

Konolige K , Grisetti G , Rainer Kümmerle, et al. Efficient sparse pose adjustment for 2D mapping[C]// 2010 IEEE/RS

原创 Real-Time Correlative Scan Matching 翻譯和總結

Olson E B . Real-time correlative scan matching[C]// Robotics and Automation, 2009. ICRA '09. IEEE International Co

原创 基於iBeacon指紋的室內定位系統論文筆記

論文:Wang M. Indoor Navigation Systems Based On iBeacon Fingerprinting[D]. Vanderbilt University, 2015. 該論文主要是對iBeaco

原创 MSCKF(Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter-2006) 論文要點總結(一)

論文:Mourikis A I , Roumeliotis S I . A Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter for Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation[J].

原创 ORB-SLAM-Mono論文要點總結(一)——系統概述

ORB-SLAM論文要點總結 一種基於特徵識別的通用且精確單目SLAM系統 一、簡介 文章基於PTAM的主要思想、Place recognition、scale-aware loop closing和大場景共視圖設計ORB單目SL

原创 Cartographer SLAM——submap的建立過程(一)

Cartographer 3D中submap的建立過程1. LocalTrajectoryBuilder3D::AddRangeData()1)激光點雲原始數據的時間同步2) 檢查是否已經經過了基於IMU的姿態初始化,主要通過

原创 VTK安裝錯誤解決辦法,點雲拼接中所遇

原文鏈接: https://www.cnblogs.com/sincere-diligence/p/9336045.html 我嘗試了第一種方法,無效。然後試了第二種方法可行 1 -- Found OpenNI2: /usr/lib

原创 Efficient Sparse Pose Adjustment(SPA) for 2D Mapping 論文總結

Konolige K , Grisetti G , Rainer Kümmerle, et al. Efficient sparse pose adjustment for 2D mapping[C]// 2010 IEEE/RS