原创 coursera機器學習公開課筆記2: linear-regression-with-one-variable

Note This personal note is written after studying the coursera opening course, Machine Learning by Andrew NG . And

原创 coursera機器學習公開課筆記4: linear-regression-with-multiple-variables

Multiple Features Note: [7:25 - θTθT is a 1 by (n+1) matrix and not an (n+1) by 1 matrix] Linear regression wi

原创 經典摘錄-貝葉斯公式

本博客已遷移至 SnailDove’s Blog, 查看本文,請點擊此處 說明:全文摘自 Introduction to probability, 2nd Edition 本文討論條件概率定律的應用,首先引入一個計算事件概率的

原创 coursera機器學習公開課筆記1:Introduction

What is Machine Learning? Two definitions of Machine Learning are offered. 1. Arthur Samuel described it as: “the

原创 清華大學公開課《線性代數2》總結


原创 清華大學《Java語言程序設計進階》公開課總結

點擊查看:原文 本文是清華大學許斌老師的公開課:Java語言程序設計進階 的課堂筆記,快速複習一下,時間有限,因此大量直接截圖。許斌老師聲明:沒有配套講義,建議參考書籍:周志明《深入理解java虛擬機》。(JUC) java.ut

原创 《Spark權威指南》的翻譯綜述

本文源地址:《Spark權威指南》的翻譯綜述 前言 本系列文章將對《Spark - The Definitive Guide - Big data processing made simple》進行翻譯,參照其他譯本,取名爲:《

原创 coursera機器學習公開課筆記08: neural-networks-representation

Note This personal note is written after studying the opening course on the coursera website, Machine Learning by A

原创 清華大學公開課線性代數2——第7講:工程中的矩陣

此博客停止更新遷移至SnailDove’s Blog,查看本文點擊此處 筆記源自:清華大學公開課:線性代數2——第7講:工程中的矩陣 提示:如果文中圖片看不清文字,請右鍵單擊鼠標,選擇在新窗口打開圖片,然後放大圖片(這邊上傳之前都

原创 清華大學公開課線性代數2——第5講:線性變換2

此博客停止更新遷移至SnailDove’s Blog,查看本文點擊此處 清華大學公開課:線性代數2——第五講:線性變換2 目錄 目錄 前言 恆等變換與基變換 基變換的應用 一張256x256的灰度圖像 圖像的其中3種基底 j

原创 coursera機器學習公開課筆記:09 neural-networks-learning

Note This personal note is written after studying the opening course on the coursera website, Machine Learning by A

原创 coursera機器學習公開課筆記3: 03-linear-algebra-review

Note This personal note is written after studying the coursera opening course, Machine Learning by Andrew NG . And

原创 coursera機器學習公開課筆記:07 regularization

Note This personal note is written after studying the opening course on the coursera website, Machine Learning by A

原创 coursera機器學習公開課筆記:06 logistic-regression

01_building-a-spam-classifier Prioritizing What to Work On System Design Example: Given a data set of emails, we

原创 hexo博客同步

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