原创 vmware ESX -5 Vitual center architecture (VC architecture)

  Vitual center architecture (VC architecture) according to the vmware website,virtual center is  composed of five main

原创 vmware ESX -3 Planing and installing vmware esx server

Planing and installing vmware esx server ------ Select the right hardware for virtualization . most hardware selected

原创 IBM servers

Blade servers are a relatively new technology that has captured industry focus because of their high density, high powe

原创 AWS EC2 & Open***V!PN搭建屬於自己的V!PN服務器

使用Amazon EC2及Open***搭建屬於自己的***服務器

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install open source via mirrors,163.com 1. download    boot.iso 2. install via http website: mirrors.163.com directory:

原创 New method to create Shadowsocks service on GC

New method to create Shadowsocks service on google cloud. create instance centos7 with minor cpu. yum install python-se

原创 find command

# find . -name "[a-z][A-Z][0--9][0--9].txt" -print    -might return something like "wD38.txt". # find -perm 755 -print  

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nslookup set q=mxexample to ensure the mail server is readyadd MX to example.com.zone and 192.168.1.zonerndc reloadensur

原创 Virtualization with Xen

Basic requirement: cpu need to have pae(physical memory extention)# yum groupinstall  virtualization

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原创 RAID server check (RH3)

hard raid VS soft raid :there is no much merit in build soft raid on production enviromentit is very rare for enterprise

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#to delete a directory ,need to own w right to parent directory.#rpm management#ifdown eth0; ifup eth0#comm symmetric en

原创 find command

# find . -name "[a-z][A-Z][0--9][0--9].txt" -print    -might return something like "wD38.txt". # find -perm 755 -print