原创 HDU - 5418 Victor and World (TSP問題求最小哈密頓迴路 floyd + 狀壓dp)

After trying hard for many years, Victor has finally received a pilot license. To have a celebration, he intends to buy

原创 UCF Local Programming Contest 2017 Multimodal Transport(建圖 + 最短路)

New methods of shipping goods have transformed the transportation industry and helped usher in an era of global commerc

原创 Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest 2019 H. Historic Exhibition(思維)

The Benelux Artistic Pottery Consortium is preparing for an exhibit of its most prized urns and vases at a gallery in N

原创 cifar10數據集訓練

有關CIFAR-10數據集  (1)CIFAR-10數據集由10個類的60000個32x32彩色圖像組成,每個類有6000個圖像。有50000個訓 練圖像和10000個測試圖像。 (2)數據集分爲五個訓練批次和一個測試批次,每個批次有10

原创 HDU - 2068 RPG的錯排(錯排公式 + 思維)


原创 牛客算法週週練7 D 華華和月月逛公園(tarjan算法求無向圖的割點和橋)

鏈接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/5713/D 來源:牛客網   時間限制:C/C++ 1秒,其他語言2秒 空間限制:C/C++ 32768K,其他語言65536K 64bit IO Forma

原创 Codeforces Round #641 (Div. 2)

A. Orac and Factors 題意: 進行 k 次操作:將原數加上它的最小因子(除1外) 思路: 如果 n 是偶數,每次加的都是 2 如果 n 是奇數,第一次加上一個奇數,然後變成了一個偶數,之後都加 2 #include

原创 codeforces1348 D. Phoenix and Science

D. Phoenix and Science time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output st

原创 codeforces1345 C. Hilbert's Hotel(貪心)

C. Hilbert's Hotel Hilbert's Hotel is a very unusual hotel since the number of rooms is infinite! In fact, there is exa

原创 codeforces1351 C. Skier(結構體作鍵值 重載運算符)

C. Skier Skier rides on a snowy field. Its movements can be described by a string of characters 'S', 'N', 'W', 'E' (whi

原创 ICPC North Central NA Contest 2018

B. Maximum Subarrays You may have heard of the "maximum subarray problem'' from your university's undergraduate algorit

原创 Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest 2019

A. Alphabet Animals You are playing a game in which a group of players take turns saying animal names. The animal name

原创 nowcoder20030 [HNOI2003]操作系統(優先隊列)

鏈接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/problem/20030 來源:牛客網   題目描述 寫一個程序來模擬操作系統的進程調度。假設該系統只有一個CPU,每一個進程的到達時間,執行時間和運行優先級都是已知的。其中

原创 codeforces1341 D. Nastya and Scoreboard(dp + 貪心)

D. Nastya and Scoreboard time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output s

原创 TensorFlow安裝 + 簡單圖像視頻檢測

(anaconda安裝過程略(* ̄3 ̄)╭ yolov3-wider_16000.weights資源鏈接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1N7zTVE9TIS7VhUida6Xz2Q 提取碼:nowr yolov3.we