原创 Torque支持XBOX和XBOX360對我們是種激勵(So exciting for Torque supporting XBOX&360)

Note: Supporting XBOX and XBOX360 means we can make our game for every family. It's a big market in China, Why we shoul

原创 Torque Game Engine最高價值插件之Water Upgrade介紹(Most valued Plug-in: Water Upgrade)

Note : Just intruduction about Water Upgrade,no down link. 這可能是每一個TGE用戶的天使,這個TGE的插件能讓你遊戲裏水的效果相當漂亮,雖然還有些小問題,但是已經讓人窒息了,就是

原创 Torque地圖編輯器裏利用fxShapeReplicator批量種樹和植被(Use fxShapeReplicator speed your work)

Note: my friend asked me how to Replicate many trees(shap) to Torque world editor within a matter of second several day

原创 [教程] 搭建最簡單的gui界面框架(the 'hello world' in GUI of Torque)

Torque遊戲引擎QQ羣成員文章:(←程曉☆曉→,QQ:154141370) Note: it's very basic code about GUI in Torque. check it out now. 這是一個最簡單的GUI程序

原创 Torque的VS2005編譯 (compiling Torque by VS2005)

Torque遊戲引擎QQ羣成員文章:(←迷離的貓→,QQ:613101)Ntoe: maybe you know how to compile Torque by VS2003 or VC6, But what about VS2005,

原创 TORQUE引擎裏利用Sceneobject來產生動態陰影的方法(Shadows class derived from Sceneobject)

Note: Shadows class derived from Sceneobject 大家也許對TORQUE的TGE效果有些微詞,水的效果我們解決了,那陰影呢?我們都知道DIF物體和山等SHAP可以自動計算出靜態陰影,而DTS物體是出

原创 免費書籍和衆多TORQUE Game Engine插件下載(FREE BOOKS & FREE OTHER ELSE)

Note: May all of them are little old, but you should try it since they are all free. 登陸到德國人開的一個TORQUE網:http://tork.beff

原创 [展示]EddieTorque小組成員jiangjiang.c遊戲建模作品(jiangjiang.c's 3ds max pretty model)

Note: the following is jiangjiang.c's 3ds max pretty model. EddieTorque小組(QQ羣:25551662)藏龍臥虎呀!美工的實力更是厲害,下面就是EddieTorque小

原创 Torque的TGE dynamic lights on interiors fix補丁介紹(Introduce TGE dynamic lights on interiors fix)

Note: (It's just a introduce the fix, no the fix download )improves the rendering of dynamic lights in TGE's interior c

原创 如何在TORQUE裏建造山洞-探討篇(DIg a cave in Torque Game)

Note: There are several way to make your cave in TGE. Do you want to know that, here we go! 基本上網絡遊戲裏永遠都不缺少CAVE(山洞),在TOR

原创 torque腳本編程快速入門(ticle about the Torque Scirpt Basic)

Torque遊戲引擎QQ羣成員文章:(←程曉☆曉→,QQ:154141370)感謝程曉☆曉不斷給我們提供清晰明瞭得教程,向←程曉☆曉→致敬!!Note: Article about the Torque Scirpt Basic 1)打開

原创 【實戰】對Torque引擎逼真水效果的升級和改造-技術篇(water fix in Torque -- How to do)

Note: It's a happy time for you since you will see a realism water,now let me show you how to made it.好吧,今天晚上已經有羣友問了水得事

原创 Torque Shader Engine(TSE)遊戲引擎的炫目效果和評論(Some message about TSE)

Note: Althought  TSE is another different game engine and better than TGE, I think they are in different role too,so ma

原创 TORQUE正在進行中的效果新項目-GLOW效果(Working on Implementing Glow Effect (Cg) on TGE)

Note: Working on Implementing Glow Effect (Cg) on TGE 怎麼樣?TGE水的補丁不錯吧?那效果足以讓你心醉一陣子了,不過最近還有一些人也在進行着其他的TGE改造項目,他們的目標都是把CG裏

原创 TORQUE引擎裏如何生成一個在天空中移動的太陽(How to create a sun moving on the sky in the Torque)

Note:The block about How to create a sun moving on the sky in the Torque.Torque遊戲引擎QQ羣成員文章:(←程泊☆曉→  QQ:154141370) TORQU