grid lstm模型简介


主要通过论文《Grid Long short-Term Memory》。
grid LSTM沿着任何或所有维度(包括网络深度)部署cell。
一个Grid LSTM网络的block有N个hidden vector h1, …, hN和N 个memory vectorm1,m2..作为输入,另外block的各个输出各不相同。


关于2d的grid lstm主要对temporal和depth两个维度分别进行lstm的训练。
1)训练的步骤,首先是训练temporal,包括了hidden state以及memory cell,训练输出,h以及c。


require 'nn'
require 'nngraph'
  This is called once per dimension inside a grid LSTM block to create the gated
  update of the dimension's hidden state and memory cell.

  It takes h_t and h_d, the hidden states from the temporal and 
  depth dimensions respectively, as well as prev_c, the 
  dimension's previous memory cell.

  It returns next_c, next_h along the dimension, using a standard
  lstm gated update, conditioned on the concatenated time and 
  depth hidden states.
function lstm(h_t, h_d, prev_c, rnn_size)
  local all_input_sums = nn.CAddTable()({h_t, h_d})
  local reshaped = nn.Reshape(4, rnn_size)(all_input_sums)
  local n1, n2, n3, n4 = nn.SplitTable(2)(reshaped):split(4)
  -- decode the gates
  local in_gate = nn.Sigmoid()(n1)
  local forget_gate = nn.Sigmoid()(n2)
  local out_gate = nn.Sigmoid()(n3)
  -- decode the write inputs
  local in_transform = nn.Tanh()(n4)
  -- perform the LSTM update
  local next_c           = nn.CAddTable()({
      nn.CMulTable()({forget_gate, prev_c}),
      nn.CMulTable()({in_gate,     in_transform})
  -- gated cells form the output
  local next_h = nn.CMulTable()({out_gate, nn.Tanh()(next_c)})
  return next_c, next_h

    1) Map input x into memory and hidden cells m(1), h(1) along the depth dimension.
    2) Concatenate previous hidden states from time and depth dimensions, [h(1), h(2)] into H.
    3) Forward the time LSTM, LSTM_2(H) -> h(2)', m(2)'.
    4) Concatenate transformed h(2)' and h(1) into H' = [h(1), h(2)']
    5) Forward the depth LSTM, LSTM_1(H') -> h(1)', m(1)'
    6) Either repeat 2-5 for another layer or map h(1)', the final hidden state along the depth 
       dimension, to a character prediction.
local GridLSTM = {}
function GridLSTM.grid_lstm(input_size, rnn_size, n, dropout, should_tie_weights)
  dropout = dropout or 0 

  -- There will be 2*n+1 inputs
  local inputs = {}
  table.insert(inputs, nn.Identity()()) -- input c for depth dimension
  table.insert(inputs, nn.Identity()()) -- input h for depth dimension
  for L = 1,n do
    table.insert(inputs, nn.Identity()()) -- prev_c[L] for time dimension
    table.insert(inputs, nn.Identity()()) -- prev_h[L] for time dimension

  local shared_weights
  if should_tie_weights == 1 then shared_weights = {nn.Linear(rnn_size, 4 * rnn_size), 
nn.Linear(rnn_size, 4 * rnn_size)} end

  local outputs_t = {} -- Outputs being handed to the next time step along the time dimension
  local outputs_d = {} -- Outputs being handed from one layer to the next along the depth dimension

  for L = 1,n do
    -- Take hidden and memory cell from previous time steps
    local prev_c_t = inputs[L*2+1]
    local prev_h_t = inputs[L*2+2]

    if L == 1 then
      -- We're in the first layer
      prev_c_d = inputs[1] -- input_c_d: the starting depth dimension memory cell, just a zero vec.
      prev_h_d = nn.LookupTable(input_size, rnn_size)(inputs[2]) 
-- input_h_d: the starting depth dimension hidden state. We map a char into hidden space via a lookup table
      -- We're in the higher layers 2...N
      -- Take hidden and memory cell from layers below
      prev_c_d = outputs_d[((L-1)*2)-1]
      prev_h_d = outputs_d[((L-1)*2)]
      if dropout > 0 then prev_h_d = nn.Dropout(dropout)(prev_h_d):annotate{name='drop_' .. L} end 
-- apply dropout, if any

    -- Evaluate the input sums at once for efficiency
    local t2h_t = nn.Linear(rnn_size, 4 * rnn_size)(prev_h_t):annotate{name='i2h_'..L}
    local d2h_t = nn.Linear(rnn_size, 4 * rnn_size)(prev_h_d):annotate{name='h2h_'..L}

    -- Get transformed memory and hidden states pointing in the time direction first
    local next_c_t, next_h_t = lstm(t2h_t, d2h_t, prev_c_t, rnn_size)

    -- Pass memory cell and hidden state to next timestep
    table.insert(outputs_t, next_c_t)
    table.insert(outputs_t, next_h_t)

    -- Evaluate the input sums at once for efficiency
    local t2h_d = nn.Linear(rnn_size, 4 * rnn_size)(next_h_t):annotate{name='i2h_'..L}
    local d2h_d = nn.Linear(rnn_size, 4 * rnn_size)(prev_h_d):annotate{name='h2h_'..L}

    -- See section 3.5, "Weight Sharing" of
    -- The weights along the temporal dimension are already tied (cloned many times in train.lua)
    -- Here we can tie the weights along the depth dimension. Having invariance in computation
    -- along the depth appears to be critical to solving the 15 digit addition problem w/ high accy.
    -- See fig 4. to compare tied vs untied grid lstms on this task.
    if should_tie_weights == 1 then
      print("tying weights along the depth dimension")[1], 'weight', 'bias', 'gradWeight', 'gradBias')[2], 'weight', 'bias', 'gradWeight', 'gradBias')

    -- Create the lstm gated update pointing in the depth direction.
    -- We 'prioritize' the depth dimension by using the updated temporal hidden state as input
    -- instead of the previous temporal hidden state. This implements Section 3.2, "Priority Dimensions"
    local next_c_d, next_h_d = lstm(t2h_d, d2h_d, prev_c_d, rnn_size)

    -- Pass the depth dimension memory cell and hidden state to layer above
    table.insert(outputs_d, next_c_d)
    table.insert(outputs_d, next_h_d)

  -- set up the decoder
  local top_h = outputs_d[#outputs_d]
  if dropout > 0 then top_h = nn.Dropout(dropout)(top_h) end
  local proj = nn.Linear(rnn_size, input_size)(top_h):annotate{name='decoder'}
  local logsoft = nn.LogSoftMax()(proj)
  table.insert(outputs_t, logsoft)

  return nn.gModule(inputs, outputs_t)

return GridLSTM




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