七扭八歪解faster rcnn(keras版)(二)

if img_data['bboxes'][bbox_num]['class'] != 'bg':

      # all GT boxes should be mapped to an anchor box, so we keep track of which anchor box was best
      if curr_iou > best_iou_for_bbox[bbox_num]:
         best_anchor_for_bbox[bbox_num] = [jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx, anchor_size_idx]
         best_iou_for_bbox[bbox_num] = curr_iou
         best_x_for_bbox[bbox_num,:] = [x1_anc, x2_anc, y1_anc, y2_anc]
         best_dx_for_bbox[bbox_num,:] = [tx, ty, tw, th]

      # we set the anchor to positive if the IOU is >0.7 (it does not matter if there was another better box, it just indicates overlap)
      if curr_iou > C.rpn_max_overlap:
         bbox_type = 'pos'
         num_anchors_for_bbox[bbox_num] += 1
         # we update the regression layer target if this IOU is the best for the current (x,y) and anchor position
         if curr_iou > best_iou_for_loc:
            best_iou_for_loc = curr_iou
            best_regr = (tx, ty, tw, th)

      # if the IOU is >0.3 and <0.7, it is ambiguous and no included in the objective
      if C.rpn_min_overlap < curr_iou < C.rpn_max_overlap:
         # gray zone between neg and pos
         if bbox_type != 'pos':
            bbox_type = 'neutral'

# turn on or off outputs depending on IOUs
if bbox_type == 'neg':
   y_is_box_valid[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 1
   y_rpn_overlap[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 0
elif bbox_type == 'neutral':
   y_is_box_valid[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 0
   y_rpn_overlap[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 0
elif bbox_type == 'pos':
   y_is_box_valid[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 1
   y_rpn_overlap[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 1
   start = 4 * (anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx)
   y_rpn_regr[jy, ix, start:start+4] = best_regr
如果標註樣本不是背景,那麼更新一系列變量,bbox_num對應於標註樣本,如果iou大於C.rpn_max_overlap(初始設定爲0.7),則將bbox_type設定爲pos,這個變量對應於每一個anchor。如果iou還大於best_iou_for_loc,這裏每一點的每一個anchor(在該代碼中是4*3個),都會跟該標註樣本里面所有的bounding box做對比,如果大於則將best_regress設爲該anchor的tx,ty,tw,th。




下邊做循環,保證每一個樣本的bbox都至少有一個best anchor

# we ensure that every bbox has at least one positive RPN region
for idx in range(num_anchors_for_bbox.shape[0]):
   if num_anchors_for_bbox[idx] == 0:
      # no box with an IOU greater than zero ...
      if best_anchor_for_bbox[idx, 0] == -1:

# one issue is that the RPN has many more negative than positive regions, so we turn off some of the negative
# regions. We also limit it to 256 regions.
num_regions = 256

if len(pos_locs[0]) > num_regions/2:
   val_locs = random.sample(range(len(pos_locs[0])), len(pos_locs[0]) - num_regions/2)
   y_is_box_valid[0, pos_locs[0][val_locs], pos_locs[1][val_locs], pos_locs[2][val_locs]] = 0
   num_pos = num_regions/2

if len(neg_locs[0]) + num_pos > num_regions:
   val_locs = random.sample(range(len(neg_locs[0])), len(neg_locs[0]) - num_pos)
   y_is_box_valid[0, neg_locs[0][val_locs], neg_locs[1][val_locs], neg_locs[2][val_locs]] = 0

y_rpn_cls = np.concatenate([y_is_box_valid, y_rpn_overlap], axis=1)
y_rpn_regr = np.concatenate([np.repeat(y_rpn_overlap, 4, axis=1), y_rpn_regr], axis=1)

return np.copy(y_rpn_cls), np.copy(y_rpn_regr)




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