

Class containing methods to ease debugging while developing a game.

Class Variables


static var isDebugBuild : boolean

In the Build Settings dialog there is a check box called "Development Build".

在"Build Settings" 對話框中有一個"Development Build"的選項。

If it is checked isDebugBuild will be true. In the editor isDebugBuild always returns true. It is recommended to remove all calls toDebug.Log when deploying a game, this way you can easily deploy beta builds with debug prints and final builds without.  


Class Functions


static function DrawLine (start :Vector3, end :Vector3, color :Color =Color.white, duration : float = 0.0f) : void

Draws a line from the point start to end with color for a duration of time. If duration is 0 then the line is rendered 1 frame.


The line will be drawn in the scene view of the editor. If gizmo drawing is enabled in the game view, the line will also be drawn there.



static function DrawRay (start :Vector3, dir :Vector3, color :Color =Color.white, duration : float = 0.0f) : void
Draws a line from start to start + dir with color for a duration of time. If duration is 0 then the line is rendered 1 frame.


The line will be drawn in the scene view of the editor. If gizmo drawing is enabled in the game view, the line will also be drawn there.



static function Break () : void

Pauses the editor.


This is useful when you want to check certain values on the inspector and you are not able to pause it manually.



static function Log (message : object) : void

Logs message to the Unity Console.


static function Log (message : object, context :Object) : void
Logs message to the Unity Console.


When you select the message in the console a connection to the context object will be drawn. This is very useful if you want know on which object an error occurs.



static function LogError (message : object) : void

A variant of Debug.Log that logs an error message to the console.


static function LogError (message : object, context :Object) : void

A variant of Debug.Log that logs an error message to the console.


When you select the message in the console a connection to the context object will be drawn. This is very useful if you want know on which object an error occurs.



static function LogWarning (message : object) : void
A variant of 
Debug.Log that logs a warning message to the console.


static function LogWarning (message : object, context : Object) : void

A variant of Debug.Log that logs a warning message to the console.


When you select the message in the console a connection to the context object will be drawn. This is very useful if you want know on which object a warning occurs.




1.安裝Unity3D安裝包內置的MonoDevelop,MonoDevelop官方下載的版本是沒有Unity3D 的調試插件的。

2.打開Unity ,選擇Edit –> Preference ,設置外部編輯器爲MonoDevelop 。

3.運行MonoDevelop(如果MonoDevelop不能運行,則需要安裝 .Net 3.5 ),選擇菜單(Tools –> Preference) 打開選項設置窗口,在左邊的導航窗口的最後一個節點(Unity –> Debugger),在右邊設置Editor Location爲正確的位置(即Unity.exe執行文件Path),然後勾選Launch Unity Automatically和Build Project in MonoDevelop ,按OK按鈕保存。

4.在Unity Editor的Project窗口點擊鼠標右鍵,在彈出菜單中選擇Sync MonoDevelop Project(或者選擇菜單欄中的Assets -> Sync MonoDevelop Project),將自動運行MonoDevelop並打開對應的項目。

5.在MonoDevelop中編程、爲源代碼設置斷點(F9),關閉Unity Editor,擊調試按鈕(F5)開始調試,在自動打開的Unity Editor中點擊Play按鈕,斷點就開始起作用了。

6.MonoDevelop的調試需要完成本幀所有調試才能返回給Unity,即調試中途Unity Scene的信息將不會更新。

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