Leaflet 官方教程 Zoom levels 縮放級別

A deeper look into what zoom levels are.


Zoom levels


Leaflet works with latitudelongitude and “zoom level”.


Lower zoom levels means that the map shows entire continents, while higher zoom levels means that the map can show details of a city.


To understand how zoom levels work, first we need a basic introduction to geodesy.


The shape of the earth


Let’s have a look at a simple map locked at zoom zero:


    var map = L.map('map', {
        minZoom: 0,
        maxZoom: 0

    var positron = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/light_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
        attribution: cartodbAttribution

    map.setView([0, 0], 0);

See this example stand-alone.

Notice that the “whole earth” is just one image, 256 pixels wide and 256 pixels high:


Just to be clear: the earth is not a square. Rather, the earth is shaped like a weird potato that can be approximated to something similar to a sphere.


GRACE globe animation 
Potato earth image by NASA/JPL/University of Texas Center for Space Research
 with help of the GRACE satellites.

So we assume that the earth is mosly round. To make it flat, we put an imaginary cylinder around, unroll it, and cut it so it looks square:


Usgs map mercator 
This is called a "cylindrical map projection".

This is not the only way of displaying the surface on the earth on a plane. There are hundreds of ways, each of them with its own advantages and disadvantages. The following 6-minute video is a nice introduction to the topic:


Things like geodesy, map projections and coordinate systems are hard, very hard (and out of scope for this tutorial). Assuming that the earth is a square is not always the right thing to do, but most of the time works fine enough, makes things simpler, and allows Leaflet (and other map libraries) to be fast.


Powers of two


For now, let’s just assume that the world is a square:


When we represent the world at zoom level zero, it’s 256 pixels wide and high. When we go into zoom level one, it doubles its width and height, and can be represented by four 256-pixel-by-256-pixel images:


At each zoom level, each tile is divided in four, and its size (length of the edge, given by the tileSize option) doubles, quadrupling the area. (in other words, the width and height of the world is 256·2zoomlevel pixels):

在每一層級,每個切片都被一分爲四,其大小(邊的長度,有tileSize option給出)加倍,(屏幕像素)面積變爲原來的四倍。(也即:世界的長和寬爲256*2^zoomlevel 像素):

This goes on and on. Most tile services offer tiles up to zoom level 18, depending on their coverage. This is enough to see a few city blocks per tile.


A note about scale


One of the disadvantages of using a cylindrical projection is that the scale is not constant, and measuring distances or sizes is not reliable, specially at low zoom levels.


In technical terms, the cylindrical projection that Leaflet uses is conformal (preserves shapes), but not equidistant(does not preserve distances), and not equal-area (does not preserve areas, as things near the equator appear smaller than they are).


By adding a L.Control.Scale to a map, and panning to the equator and to 60° north, we can see how the scale factor doubles. The following example uses javascript timeouts to do this automatically:



        map.setView([0, 0]);
            map.setView([60, 0]);
        }, 2000);
    }, 4000);
See this example stand-alone.

L.Control.Scale shows the scale which applies to the center point of the map. At high zoom levels, the scale changes very little, and is not noticeable.


Controlling the zoom


A leaflet map has several ways to control the zoom level shown, but the most obvious one is setZoom(). For example, map.setZoom(0); will set the zoom level of map to 0.

Leaflet 地圖有很多方式控制顯示級別,最常用的是方法setZoom()。例如,map.setZoom(0);會將地圖的縮放級別設置爲0。

This example again uses timeouts to alternate between zoom levels 0 and 1 automatically:

下面的例子同樣使用了setTimeout方法來控制縮放級別在0 和1 之間自動輪換:

        }, 2000);
    }, 4000);
See this example stand-alone.

Notice how the images shown at zoom levels 0 and one correspond with the images shown in the previous section!


Other ways of setting the zoom are:


  • setView(center, zoom), which also sets the map center
  • setView(center, zoom),該方法可以同時設置地圖中心點座標
  • flyTo(center, zoom), like setView but with a smooth animation
  • flyTo(center,zoom),與setView類似,區別在於有一個平滑動畫效果
  • zoomIn() / zoomIn(delta), zooms in delta zoom levels, 1 by default
  • zoomIn()/zoomIn(delta),放大delta指定的縮放級別,delta默認值爲1
  • zoomOut() / zoomOut(delta), zooms out delta zoom levels, 1 by default
  • zoomOut()/zoomOut(delta),縮小delta 縮放級別,delta默認爲1
  • setZoomAround(fixedPoint, zoom), sets the zoom level while keeping a point fixed (what scrollwheel zooming does)
  • setZoomAround(fixedPoint, zoom),設置縮放級別,保持一個點座標不變(滾輪縮放就是這樣的)
  • fitBounds(bounds), automatically calculates the zoom to fit a rectangular area on the map
  • fitBounds(bounds),自動計算縮放級別,適配參數指定的矩形座標區域。

Fractional zoom


A feature introduced in Leaflet 1.0.0 was the concept of fractional zoom. Before this, the zoom level of the map could be only an integer number (012, and so on); but now you can use fractional numbers like 1.5 or 1.25.

Leaflet 1.0.0引入了一個新特性帶小數的縮放級別。在此之前縮放級別只能是整數(0,1,2等等);現在可以使用小數了,例如1.5或者1.25。

Fractional zoom is disabled by default. To enable it, use the map’s zoomSnap option. The zoomSnap option has a default value of 1 (which means that the zoom level of the map can be 012, and so on).


If you set the value of zoomSnap to 0.5, the valid zoom levels of the map will be 00.511.52, and so on.


If you set a value of 0.1, the valid zoom levels of the map will be, and so on.


The following example uses a zoomSnap value of 0.25:


    var map = L.map('map', {
        zoomSnap: 0.25
See this example stand-alone.

As you can see, Leaflet will only load the tiles for zoom levels 0 or 1, and will scale them as needed.


Leaflet will snap the zoom level to the closest valid one. For example, if you have zoomSnap: 0.25 and you try to do map.setZoom(0.8), the zoom will snap back to 0.75. The same happens with map.fitBounds(bounds), or when ending a pinch-zoom gesture on a touchscreen.

Leaflet 會將縮放級別約束爲最接近的有效值。例如,如果你將zoomSnap設置爲0.25,並調用map.setZoom(0.8),縮放級別將被調整爲0.75。同樣的,當調用map.fitBounds(bounds)或在觸摸屏上通過手指縮放時zoomSnap都會起作用。

zoomSnap can be set to zero. This means that Leaflet will not snap the zoom level.


There is another important map option related to zoomSnapthe zoomDelta option. This controls how many zoom levels to zoom in/out when using the zoom buttons (from the default L.Control.Zoom) or the +/- keys in your keyboard.

還有一個與zoomSnap相關的重要的地圖屬性:zoomDelta屬性。該屬性控制 縮放控件(L.Control.Zoom)及鍵盤+/-鍵  每次縮放地圖的級別。

For the mousewheel zoom, the wheelPxPerZoomLevel option controls how fast the mousewheel zooms in or out.

對於滾輪縮放, wheelPxPerZoomLevel屬性控制管輪縮放的速度。

Here is an example with zoomSnap set to zero:


    var map = L.map('map', {
        zoomDelta: 0.25,
        zoomSnap: 0

Try the following, and see how the zoom level changes:


  • Pinch-zoom if you have a touchscreen
  • 通過手勢縮放,如果你的屏幕是觸摸屏。
  • Zoom in/out with your mousewheel
  • 通過鼠標滾輪縮放
  • Do a box zoom (drag with your mouse while pressing the shift key in your keyboard)
  • 框選縮放(按下shift鍵並拖拽鼠標)
  • Use the zoom in/out buttons
  • 通過縮放組件縮放。
See this example stand-alone.

That concludes this tutorial. Now play with your zoom levels in your maps!


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