Background Modeling and Foreground Detection -- GMM


  1. Improved Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model for Background Subtraction
  2. 根據作者Zoran Zivkovic給出的代碼修改了一下


Background subtraction is a common computer vision task. We analyze the usual pixel-level approach. We develop an efcient adaptive algorithm using Gaussian mixture probability density. Recursive equations are used to constantly update the parameters and but also to simultaneously select the appropriate number of components for each pixel

Gaussian Mixture Model





其中α 是更新率,比如作者源碼中設置 α=0.01
om(t)=1 當在GMM中找到“匹配項”(sample is close to a component),否則om(t)=0
cf : is a measure of the maximum portion of the datathat can belong to foreground objects without inuencing the background model(eg: cf=0.25 )





// Author : zengdong_1991
// Date   : 2016-06-13
// HomePage :
// Email  : [email protected]

    【[2004 ICPR] Improved Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model for Background Subtraction】

#pragma once
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include "math.h"

#define LEARNINGRATE 0.01
#define INITVARIANCE 36.0
#define BGTHRESHOLD 0.75

#define GMMGAUSSIANFLOAT 6    /*#GMM  中float元素個數*/

typedef struct tagGMMGaussian
    float variance;
    float muR;
    float muG;
    float muB;
    float weight;
    float significants;    //(weight/sigma)

class ZoranZivkovicGMM
    //! full constructor
        float alpha = LEARNINGRATE,
        float bgThreshold = BGTHRESHOLD,
        float variance = INITVARIANCE,
        int maxModels = MAXGMMMODELS,
        float biasSigmaLow = BIASSIGMA_LOW,         
        float biasSigmaHight = BIASSIGMA_HIGHT);
    //! default destructor
    bool initialize(const cv::Mat& oInitImg, const cv::Mat& oROI);
    void operator()(cv::InputArray _image, cv::OutputArray _fgmask, double learningRateOverride = 0);


    size_t m_frameNum = 0;
    cv::Mat m_oROI;
    //! input image size
    cv::Size m_oImgSize;
    //! input image channel size
    size_t m_nImgChannels;
    size_t m_height;
    size_t m_width;
    size_t m_pixelNum;
    //! input image type
    int m_nImgType;

    float m_alpha;
    float m_bgThreshold;   //公式(8)
    float m_variance;    //sigma0
    int m_maxModels;
    float m_biasSigmaLow;
    float m_biasSigmaHight;

    cv::Mat m_modelsPerPixel;        //存儲當前各個像素多少個models, 初始化是 0 
    cv::Mat m_backgroundModels;      //當前背景GMM,  (1, w*h*Num*sizeof(GMM)/sizeof(float))



// Author : zengdong_1991
// Date   : 2016-06-13
// HomePage :
// Email  : [email protected]

#include "ZoranZivkovicGMM.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

int compareGMM(const void* _gmm1, const void* _gmm2)
    GMM gmm1 = *(GMM*)_gmm1;
    GMM gmm2 = *(GMM*)_gmm2;

    if (gmm1.significants < gmm2.significants)
        return 1;
    else if (gmm1.significants == gmm2.significants)
        return 0;
        return -1;

ZoranZivkovicGMM::ZoranZivkovicGMM(float alpha,
    float bgThreshold ,
    float variance,
    int maxModels,
    float biasSigmaLow,
    float biasSigmaHight)
    : m_alpha(alpha)
    , m_bgThreshold(bgThreshold)
    , m_variance(variance)
    , m_maxModels(maxModels)
    , m_biasSigmaLow(biasSigmaLow)
    , m_biasSigmaHight(biasSigmaHight)
    std::cout << "#########################Current Parameters Begin###################" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "m_alpha = " << m_alpha << std::endl;
    std::cout << "m_bgThreshold = " << m_bgThreshold << std::endl;
    std::cout << "m_variance = " << m_variance << std::endl;
    std::cout << "m_maxModels = " << m_maxModels << std::endl;
    std::cout << "m_biasSigmaLow = " << m_biasSigmaLow << std::endl;
    std::cout << "m_biasSigmaHight = " << m_biasSigmaHight << std::endl;
    std::cout << "#########################Current Parameters End###################" << std::endl;




bool ZoranZivkovicGMM::initialize(const cv::Mat& oInitImg, const cv::Mat& oROI)

    CV_Assert(!oInitImg.empty() && oInitImg.cols > 0 && oInitImg.rows > 0);
    CV_Assert(oInitImg.type() == CV_8UC3);   //必須是彩色圖像
    m_oImgSize = oInitImg.size();
    m_nImgType = oInitImg.type();
    m_nImgChannels = oInitImg.channels();
    m_height = oInitImg.rows;
    m_width = oInitImg.cols;
    m_pixelNum = m_height * m_width;


    //1. m_modelsPerPixel 初始化  表示當前各個像素各有幾個GMM
    m_modelsPerPixel.create(m_oImgSize, CV_8UC1);
    m_modelsPerPixel = cv::Scalar_<uchar>::all(0);

    //2. m_backgroundModels 初始化,連續存儲GMM模型.  
    m_backgroundModels.create(1, m_height * m_width * m_maxModels * GMMGAUSSIANFLOAT, CV_32FC1);  //GMMGAUSSIANFLOAT = sizeof(GMM)/sizeof(float)
    m_backgroundModels = cv::Scalar_<float>::all(0);

    return true;


void ZoranZivkovicGMM::operator()(cv::InputArray _image, cv::OutputArray _fgmask, double learningRateOverride)

    cv::Mat oInputImg = _image.getMat();
    _fgmask.create(oInputImg.size(), CV_8UC1);
    cv::Mat oCurrFGMask = _fgmask.getMat();  
    oCurrFGMask = cv::Scalar_<uchar>(255);    
    bool needToInitialize = m_frameNum == 0 || oInputImg.size() != m_oImgSize || oInputImg.type() != m_nImgType;
    if (needToInitialize)
        initialize(oInputImg, cv::Mat());

    GMM* bgModels = (GMM*);

    for (size_t x = 0; x < m_height; x++)
        const uchar* src = oInputImg.ptr<uchar>(x);   
        uchar* pNumModel = m_modelsPerPixel.ptr<uchar>(x);   //models per pixel
        uchar* dstMask = oCurrFGMask.ptr<uchar>(x);        

        for (size_t y = 0; y < m_width; y++)  

            int posPixel = (x*m_width + y)*m_maxModels;
            uchar& numModels = pNumModel[y];   //引用
            float sumWeight = 0.0;
            cv::Vec3f currPixel(src[y*3], src[y*3 + 1], src[y*3 + 2]);   //當前像素值

            int backgroundGaussian = 0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numModels; i++)
                sumWeight += bgModels[posPixel + i].weight;     
                if (sumWeight > m_bgThreshold)
                    backgroundGaussian = i + 1;         

            bool FitsPDF = false;
            sumWeight = 0.0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numModels; i++)
                float weight = bgModels[posPixel + i].weight;
                if (!FitsPDF)

                    cv::Vec3f bgPixel(bgModels[posPixel + i].muB, bgModels[posPixel + i].muG, bgModels[posPixel + i].muR);
                    cv::Vec3f diff = currPixel -  bgPixel;
                    float dist =;

                    if (dist < m_biasSigmaHight * bgModels[posPixel + i].variance && i < backgroundGaussian)
                        dstMask[y] = 0;    //當前像素屬於背景
                    if (dist < m_biasSigmaLow * bgModels[posPixel + i].variance)
                        FitsPDF = true;
                        bgModels[posPixel + i].weight += m_alpha*(1 - weight);
                        bgModels[posPixel + i].muB += (m_alpha / weight)*diff[0];
                        bgModels[posPixel + i].muG += (m_alpha / weight)*diff[1];
                        bgModels[posPixel + i].muR += (m_alpha / weight)*diff[2];

                        float variance = bgModels[posPixel + i].variance;
                        float sigmaNew = variance + (m_alpha / weight)*(dist - variance);
                        bgModels[posPixel + i].variance = sigmaNew < 4 ? 4 : sigmaNew > 5 * m_variance ? 5 * m_variance : sigmaNew;
                        bgModels[posPixel + i].significants = bgModels[posPixel + i].weight / sqrt(bgModels[posPixel + i].variance);
                        bgModels[posPixel + i].weight *= (1 - m_alpha);
                        bgModels[posPixel + i].significants = bgModels[posPixel + i].weight / sqrt(bgModels[posPixel + i].variance);

                    bgModels[posPixel + i].weight *= (1 - m_alpha);
                    bgModels[posPixel + i].significants = bgModels[posPixel + i].weight / sqrt(bgModels[posPixel + i].variance);
                sumWeight += weight;

            //weight 歸一化
            float invSumWeight = 1.0 / sumWeight;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numModels; i++)
                bgModels[posPixel + i].weight *= invSumWeight;
                bgModels[posPixel + i].significants = bgModels[posPixel + i].weight / sqrt(bgModels[posPixel + i].variance);

            qsort(&bgModels[posPixel], numModels, sizeof(GMM), compareGMM);

            if (!FitsPDF)
                if (numModels < m_maxModels)

                int pos = posPixel + numModels - 1;
                bgModels[pos].muB = currPixel[0];
                bgModels[pos].muG = currPixel[1];
                bgModels[pos].muR = currPixel[2];
                bgModels[pos].variance = m_variance;
                bgModels[pos].significants = 0;
                if (numModels == 1)
                    bgModels[pos].weight = 1.0;
                    bgModels[pos].weight = m_alpha;

                float sumWeight = 0.0;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < numModels; i++)
                    sumWeight += bgModels[posPixel + i].weight;
                float invSumWeight = 1.0 / sumWeight;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < numModels; i++)
                    bgModels[posPixel + i].weight *= invSumWeight;
                    bgModels[posPixel + i].significants = bgModels[posPixel + i].weight / sqrt(bgModels[posPixel + i].variance);
            qsort(&bgModels[posPixel], numModels, sizeof(GMM), compareGMM);




// Author : zengdong_1991
// Date   : 2016-06-13
// HomePage :
// Email  : [email protected]

#include <iostream>
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>

#include "ZoranZivkovicGMM.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    std::cout << "Using OpenCV " << CV_MAJOR_VERSION << "." << CV_MINOR_VERSION << "." << CV_SUBMINOR_VERSION << std::endl;

    CvCapture *capture = 0;
    capture = cvCaptureFromAVI("D:\\testVideo\\dataset2014\\highway.avi");  // badminton
    if (!capture){
        std::cerr << "Cannot open video!" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    ZoranZivkovicGMM bgs;
    std::cout << "Press 'q' to quit..." << std::endl;
    int key = 0;
    IplImage *frame;
    bool initialized = false;
    cv::Mat img_mask;
    cv::Mat img_bkgmodel;

    while (key != 'q')
        frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
        cv::Mat img_input(frame);
        bgs(img_input, img_mask);
        cv::medianBlur(img_mask, img_mask, 5);
        if (!img_mask.empty())
            cv::medianBlur(img_mask, img_mask, 5);
            cv::imshow("output", img_mask);
        cv::imshow("input", img_input);


    return 0;


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//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// Copyright (C) 2013, OpenCV Foundation, all rights reserved.
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// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
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#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <float.h>

// to make sure we can use these short names
#undef K
#undef L
#undef T

// This is based on the "An Improved Adaptive Background Mixture Model for
// Real-time Tracking with Shadow Detection" by P. KaewTraKulPong and R. Bowden
// The windowing method is used, but not the shadow detection. I make some of my
// own modifications which make more sense. There are some errors in some of their
// equations.

namespace cv
namespace bgsegm

static const int defaultNMixtures = 5;
static const int defaultHistory = 200;
static const double defaultBackgroundRatio = 0.7;
static const double defaultVarThreshold = 2.5*2.5;
static const double defaultNoiseSigma = 30*0.5;
static const double defaultInitialWeight = 0.05;

class BackgroundSubtractorMOGImpl : public BackgroundSubtractorMOG
    //! the default constructor
        frameSize = Size(0,0);
        frameType = 0;

        nframes = 0;
        nmixtures = defaultNMixtures;
        history = defaultHistory;
        varThreshold = defaultVarThreshold;
        backgroundRatio = defaultBackgroundRatio;
        noiseSigma = defaultNoiseSigma;
        name_ = "BackgroundSubtractor.MOG";
    // the full constructor that takes the length of the history,
    // the number of gaussian mixtures, the background ratio parameter and the noise strength
    BackgroundSubtractorMOGImpl(int _history, int _nmixtures, double _backgroundRatio, double _noiseSigma=0)
        frameSize = Size(0,0);
        frameType = 0;

        nframes = 0;
        nmixtures = std::min(_nmixtures > 0 ? _nmixtures : defaultNMixtures, 8);
        history = _history > 0 ? _history : defaultHistory;
        varThreshold = defaultVarThreshold;
        backgroundRatio = std::min(_backgroundRatio > 0 ? _backgroundRatio : 0.95, 1.);
        noiseSigma = _noiseSigma <= 0 ? defaultNoiseSigma : _noiseSigma;

    //! the update operator
    virtual void apply(InputArray image, OutputArray fgmask, double learningRate=0);

    //! re-initiaization method
    virtual void initialize(Size _frameSize, int _frameType)
        frameSize = _frameSize;
        frameType = _frameType;
        nframes = 0;

        int nchannels = CV_MAT_CN(frameType);
        CV_Assert( CV_MAT_DEPTH(frameType) == CV_8U );

        // for each gaussian mixture of each pixel bg model we store ...
        // the mixture sort key (w/sum_of_variances), the mixture weight (w),
        // the mean (nchannels values) and
        // the diagonal covariance matrix (another nchannels values)
        bgmodel.create( 1, frameSize.height*frameSize.width*nmixtures*(2 + 2*nchannels), CV_32F );
        bgmodel = Scalar::all(0);

    virtual void getBackgroundImage(OutputArray) const
        CV_Error( Error::StsNotImplemented, "" );

    virtual int getHistory() const { return history; }
    virtual void setHistory(int _nframes) { history = _nframes; }

    virtual int getNMixtures() const { return nmixtures; }
    virtual void setNMixtures(int nmix) { nmixtures = nmix; }

    virtual double getBackgroundRatio() const { return backgroundRatio; }
    virtual void setBackgroundRatio(double _backgroundRatio) { backgroundRatio = _backgroundRatio; }

    virtual double getNoiseSigma() const { return noiseSigma; }
    virtual void setNoiseSigma(double _noiseSigma) { noiseSigma = _noiseSigma; }

    virtual void write(FileStorage& fs) const
        fs << "name" << name_
           << "history" << history
           << "nmixtures" << nmixtures
           << "backgroundRatio" << backgroundRatio
           << "noiseSigma" << noiseSigma;

    virtual void read(const FileNode& fn)
        CV_Assert( (String)fn["name"] == name_ );
        history = (int)fn["history"];
        nmixtures = (int)fn["nmixtures"];
        backgroundRatio = (double)fn["backgroundRatio"];
        noiseSigma = (double)fn["noiseSigma"];

    Size frameSize;
    int frameType;
    Mat bgmodel;
    int nframes;
    int history;
    int nmixtures;
    double varThreshold;
    double backgroundRatio;
    double noiseSigma;
    String name_;

template<typename VT> struct MixData
    float sortKey;
    float weight;
    VT mean;
    VT var;

static void process8uC1( const Mat& image, Mat& fgmask, double learningRate,
                         Mat& bgmodel, int nmixtures, double backgroundRatio,
                         double varThreshold, double noiseSigma )
    int x, y, k, k1, rows = image.rows, cols = image.cols;
    float alpha = (float)learningRate, T = (float)backgroundRatio, vT = (float)varThreshold;
    int K = nmixtures;
    MixData<float>* mptr = (MixData<float>*);

    const float w0 = (float)defaultInitialWeight;
    const float sk0 = (float)(w0/(defaultNoiseSigma*2));
    const float var0 = (float)(defaultNoiseSigma*defaultNoiseSigma*4);
    const float minVar = (float)(noiseSigma*noiseSigma);

    for( y = 0; y < rows; y++ )
        const uchar* src = image.ptr<uchar>(y);
        uchar* dst = fgmask.ptr<uchar>(y);

        if( alpha > 0 )
            for( x = 0; x < cols; x++, mptr += K )
                float wsum = 0;
                float pix = src[x];
                int kHit = -1, kForeground = -1;

                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    float w = mptr[k].weight;
                    wsum += w;
                    if( w < FLT_EPSILON )
                    float mu = mptr[k].mean;
                    float var = mptr[k].var;
                    float diff = pix - mu;
                    float d2 = diff*diff;
                    if( d2 < vT*var )
                        wsum -= w;
                        float dw = alpha*(1.f - w);
                        mptr[k].weight = w + dw;
                        mptr[k].mean = mu + alpha*diff;
                        var = std::max(var + alpha*(d2 - var), minVar);
                        mptr[k].var = var;
                        mptr[k].sortKey = w/std::sqrt(var);

                        for( k1 = k-1; k1 >= 0; k1-- )
                            if( mptr[k1].sortKey >= mptr[k1+1].sortKey )
                            std::swap( mptr[k1], mptr[k1+1] );

                        kHit = k1+1;

                if( kHit < 0 ) // no appropriate gaussian mixture found at all, remove the weakest mixture and create a new one
                    kHit = k = std::min(k, K-1);
                    wsum += w0 - mptr[k].weight;
                    mptr[k].weight = w0;
                    mptr[k].mean = pix;
                    mptr[k].var = var0;
                    mptr[k].sortKey = sk0;
                    for( ; k < K; k++ )
                        wsum += mptr[k].weight;

                float wscale = 1.f/wsum;
                wsum = 0;
                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    wsum += mptr[k].weight *= wscale;
                    mptr[k].sortKey *= wscale;
                    if( wsum > T && kForeground < 0 )
                        kForeground = k+1;

                dst[x] = (uchar)(-(kHit >= kForeground));
            for( x = 0; x < cols; x++, mptr += K )
                float pix = src[x];
                int kHit = -1, kForeground = -1;

                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    if( mptr[k].weight < FLT_EPSILON )
                    float mu = mptr[k].mean;
                    float var = mptr[k].var;
                    float diff = pix - mu;
                    float d2 = diff*diff;
                    if( d2 < vT*var )
                        kHit = k;

                if( kHit >= 0 )
                    float wsum = 0;
                    for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                        wsum += mptr[k].weight;
                        if( wsum > T )
                            kForeground = k+1;

                dst[x] = (uchar)(kHit < 0 || kHit >= kForeground ? 255 : 0);

static void process8uC3( const Mat& image, Mat& fgmask, double learningRate,
                         Mat& bgmodel, int nmixtures, double backgroundRatio,
                         double varThreshold, double noiseSigma )
    int x, y, k, k1, rows = image.rows, cols = image.cols;
    float alpha = (float)learningRate, T = (float)backgroundRatio, vT = (float)varThreshold;
    int K = nmixtures;

    const float w0 = (float)defaultInitialWeight;
    const float sk0 = (float)(w0/(defaultNoiseSigma*2*std::sqrt(3.)));
    const float var0 = (float)(defaultNoiseSigma*defaultNoiseSigma*4);
    const float minVar = (float)(noiseSigma*noiseSigma);
    MixData<Vec3f>* mptr = (MixData<Vec3f>*);

    for( y = 0; y < rows; y++ )
        const uchar* src = image.ptr<uchar>(y);
        uchar* dst = fgmask.ptr<uchar>(y);

        if( alpha > 0 )
            for( x = 0; x < cols; x++, mptr += K )
                float wsum = 0;
                Vec3f pix(src[x*3], src[x*3+1], src[x*3+2]);
                int kHit = -1, kForeground = -1;

                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    float w = mptr[k].weight;
                    wsum += w;
                    if( w < FLT_EPSILON )
                    Vec3f mu = mptr[k].mean;
                    Vec3f var = mptr[k].var;
                    Vec3f diff = pix - mu;
                    float d2 =;
                    if( d2 < vT*(var[0] + var[1] + var[2]) )
                        wsum -= w;
                        float dw = alpha*(1.f - w);
                        mptr[k].weight = w + dw;
                        mptr[k].mean = mu + alpha*diff;
                        var = Vec3f(std::max(var[0] + alpha*(diff[0]*diff[0] - var[0]), minVar),
                                    std::max(var[1] + alpha*(diff[1]*diff[1] - var[1]), minVar),
                                    std::max(var[2] + alpha*(diff[2]*diff[2] - var[2]), minVar));
                        mptr[k].var = var;
                        mptr[k].sortKey = w/std::sqrt(var[0] + var[1] + var[2]);

                        for( k1 = k-1; k1 >= 0; k1-- )
                            if( mptr[k1].sortKey >= mptr[k1+1].sortKey )
                            std::swap( mptr[k1], mptr[k1+1] );

                        kHit = k1+1;

                if( kHit < 0 ) // no appropriate gaussian mixture found at all, remove the weakest mixture and create a new one
                    kHit = k = std::min(k, K-1);
                    wsum += w0 - mptr[k].weight;
                    mptr[k].weight = w0;
                    mptr[k].mean = pix;
                    mptr[k].var = Vec3f(var0, var0, var0);
                    mptr[k].sortKey = sk0;
                    for( ; k < K; k++ )
                        wsum += mptr[k].weight;

                float wscale = 1.f/wsum;
                wsum = 0;
                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    wsum += mptr[k].weight *= wscale;
                    mptr[k].sortKey *= wscale;
                    if( wsum > T && kForeground < 0 )
                        kForeground = k+1;

                dst[x] = (uchar)(-(kHit >= kForeground));
            for( x = 0; x < cols; x++, mptr += K )
                Vec3f pix(src[x*3], src[x*3+1], src[x*3+2]);
                int kHit = -1, kForeground = -1;

                for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                    if( mptr[k].weight < FLT_EPSILON )
                    Vec3f mu = mptr[k].mean;
                    Vec3f var = mptr[k].var;
                    Vec3f diff = pix - mu;
                    float d2 =;
                    if( d2 < vT*(var[0] + var[1] + var[2]) )
                        kHit = k;

                if( kHit >= 0 )
                    float wsum = 0;
                    for( k = 0; k < K; k++ )
                        wsum += mptr[k].weight;
                        if( wsum > T )
                            kForeground = k+1;

                dst[x] = (uchar)(kHit < 0 || kHit >= kForeground ? 255 : 0);

void BackgroundSubtractorMOGImpl::apply(InputArray _image, OutputArray _fgmask, double learningRate)
    Mat image = _image.getMat();
    bool needToInitialize = nframes == 0 || learningRate >= 1 || image.size() != frameSize || image.type() != frameType;

    if( needToInitialize )
        initialize(image.size(), image.type());

    CV_Assert( image.depth() == CV_8U );
    _fgmask.create( image.size(), CV_8U );
    Mat fgmask = _fgmask.getMat();

    learningRate = learningRate >= 0 && nframes > 1 ? learningRate : 1./std::min( nframes, history );
    CV_Assert(learningRate >= 0);

    if( image.type() == CV_8UC1 )
        process8uC1( image, fgmask, learningRate, bgmodel, nmixtures, backgroundRatio, varThreshold, noiseSigma );
    else if( image.type() == CV_8UC3 )
        process8uC3( image, fgmask, learningRate, bgmodel, nmixtures, backgroundRatio, varThreshold, noiseSigma );
        CV_Error( Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "Only 1- and 3-channel 8-bit images are supported in BackgroundSubtractorMOG" );

Ptr<BackgroundSubtractorMOG> createBackgroundSubtractorMOG(int history, int nmixtures,
                                  double backgroundRatio, double noiseSigma)
    return makePtr<BackgroundSubtractorMOGImpl>(history, nmixtures, backgroundRatio, noiseSigma);


/* End of file. */
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