


警告    4    warning C4005: “AF_IPX”: 宏重定義    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    91
警告    5    warning C4005: “AF_MAX”: 宏重定義    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    127
警告    6    warning C4005: “SO_DONTLINGER”: 宏重定義    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    163
錯誤    7    error C2011: “sockaddr”: “struct”類型重定義    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    206
錯誤    8    error C2143: 語法錯誤 : 缺少“}”(在“常量”的前面)    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    384
錯誤    9    error C2143: 語法錯誤 : 缺少“;”(在“常量”的前面)    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    384
錯誤    10    error C2059: 語法錯誤 : “常量”    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    384
錯誤    11    error C2143: 語法錯誤 : 缺少“;”(在“}”的前面)    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    437
錯誤    12    error C4430: 缺少類型說明符 - 假定爲 int。注意: C++ 不支持默認 int    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    437
錯誤    13    error C4430: 缺少類型說明符 - 假定爲 int。注意: C++ 不支持默認 int    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    437
警告    14    warning C4005: “IN_CLASSA”: 宏重定義    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    518
警告    15    warning C4005: “IN_CLASSB”: 宏重定義    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    524
警告    16    warning C4005: “IN_CLASSC”: 宏重定義    c:/program files/microsoft sdks/windows/v6.0a/include/ws2def.h    530
錯誤    133    fatal error C1003: 錯誤計數超過 100;正在停止編譯    f:/yang fan/courses/works/c++/mylamebt/btendpoint/btendpoint.h    267

初看到如此一堆的錯誤委實不爽,但是隻要將二者的包含順序調換一下問題就會解決,原因參見下面那個鏈接。另外,上述問題不僅影響直接包含二者的文件,還影響間接包含的情形。比如,a.h包含了windows.h,b.h包含了winsock2.h,如果在c.h當中要引用a.h和b.h,那麼正確的順序應當是b.h先於a.h。當然,實踐當中有時很難找到究竟是哪兩個文件順序不對了,終極的解決辦法是,在當前工程(就是編譯不過的這個工程)所有include語句最前面加上#include <winsock2.h>和#include<windows.h>,世界清靜了。



問題描述:在 VC 6.0中使用socket相關的函數時沒有什麼問題,可是到了.net下就有以下類似的錯誤,
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(109): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'fd_set'
[C++ Error] winsock.h(54): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'fd_set'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(112): E2146 Need an identifier to declare
[C++ Warning] winsock2.h(144): W8017 Redefinition of 'FD_SET' is not identical
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(153): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'timeval'
[C++ Error] winsock.h(97): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'timeval'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(209): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'hostent'
[C++ Error] winsock.h(153): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'hostent'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(222): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'netent'
[C++ Error] winsock.h(166): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'netent'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(229): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'servent'
[C++ Error] winsock.h(173): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'servent'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(241): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'protoent'
[C++ Error] winsock.h(185): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'protoent'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(327): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'in_addr'
[C++ Error] winsock.h(269): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'in_addr'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(385): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'sockaddr_in'
[C++ Error] winsock.h(319): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'sockaddr_in'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(395): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'WSAData'
[C++ Error] winsock.h(329): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'WSAData'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(411): E2146 Need an identifier to declare
[C++ Warning] winsock2.h(455): W8017 Redefinition of 'SO_DONTLINGER' is not identical
[C++ Warning] winsock2.h(512): W8017 Redefinition of 'AF_IPX' is not identical
[C++ Warning] winsock2.h(540): W8017 Redefinition of 'AF_MAX' is not identical
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(546): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'sockaddr'
[C++ Error] winsock.h(492): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'sockaddr'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(586): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'sockproto'
[C++ Error] winsock.h(501): E2344 Earlier declaration of 'sockproto'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(625): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'linger'
[C++ Error] winsock2.h(625): E2228 Too many error or warning messages


This problem arises because windows.h (at least, that version of it) includes not winsock2.h butwinsock.h; sadly when Microsoft wrote winsock2.h they chose neither to change windows.h to includewinsock2.h, which replaces winsock.h, nor to include windows.h from winsock2.h and then add the definitions for the new Winsock 2 API methods & structures (this might seem reasonable since Winsock 2 does, strictly speaking, replace Winsock 1, but since the API must be fully backwards-compatible the distinction is somewhat meaningless and there's no real benefit to making winsock2.h standalone).

The fix is thankfully simple: always "#include <winsock2.h>before windows.h.

However, you must remember that if windows.h has been included by (for example) a higher-level header file that is subsequently including your header file, it's too late - so you must make sure that the higher-level header files respect this convention also.

It is however rarely necessary to modify the header files of libraries or other code modules you are using just because you include their header files, and their header files include windows.h - you can just includewinsock2.h before you include the library's header files.

在包含jrtplib有時候我也遇到這個問題,解決方法與之相同。一句話,在#include<windows.h>之前 #include <winsock2.h> 問題就可以解決。


     error C2011: 'fd_set' : 'struct' type redefinition
     error C2011: 'timeval' : 'struct' type redefinition
     error C2375: 'accept' : redefinition; different linkage
               #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
               #include <cderr.h>
               #include <dde.h>
               #include <ddeml.h>
                #ifndef _MAC
               #include <winperf.h>
               #include <winsock.h>

               #include <commdlg.h>
提下windows.h有可能包含winsock.h 頭文件,因此我們得出一個很簡單
#include <windows.h>

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