Leetcode 146. LRU Cache

Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and set.

get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.
set(key, value) - Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.


先開始想的方法是用Queue, 之後想的方法是double linked List, 可以實現O(1)的delete,add 操作。再加上HashTable來解決查找問題

這樣set和get的time complexity 是O(1), space complexity 是O(1) 

public class LRUCache {
    HashMap<Integer, ListNode> map;
    LinkedList list;
    int numOfItems;
    int capacity;

    public LRUCache(int capacity){
        this.capacity = capacity;
        map = new HashMap<Integer, ListNode>();
        list = new LinkedList()
    public int get(int key){
      //loop all the priority queue and find if the key is in the priority queue
        ListNode tem = map.get(key);
        return tem.val;
        System.out.print("there is no such key in the linkedList")
        return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

  public void set(int key, int value) {
      //deal with the corner condition that the number of the items equal to 0
      if(capacity <= 0)
      //The condition that the number of the items is less than the capacity
          ListNode tem = map.get(key);
          ListNode newOne = new ListNode(value);
          map.add(key. newOne);
        if(numOfItems < capacity){
          ListNode tem = new ListNode(value)
          map.add(key, tem);
          ListNode toBeDeleted = list.tail.pre;
          ListNode newOne = new ListNode(value);
          map.add(key. newOne);
  public class ListNode{
    int val;
    ListNode pre;
    ListNode next;
    public ListNode(int val){
       this.val = val;
    public ListNode(int val, ListNode pre, ListNode next){
       this.val = val;
       this.pre = pre;
       this.next = next;

  public class LinkedList{
    ListNode head;
    ListNode tail;
    HashMap<Integer,Integer> map;
    public LinkedList(){
       head = new ListNode(0);
       tail = new ListNode(0);
      //  tail = head;
      //This is to build the cache for the list
      head.next = tail;
      tail.pre = head;
      map = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();

  //This method is to add the val to the head of the linkedList
  public void add(int val){
    ListNode curr = new ListNode(val);
    curr.next = head.next;
    head.next.pre = curr;
    curr.pre = head;
    head.next = curr;
    // if(tail == head))
    // 	tail = curr;
  //this method is to add the list node to the head of the linkedList
  public void add(ListNode curr){
    curr.next = head.next;
    head.next.pre = curr;
    curr.pre = head;
    head.next = curr;
  //the method is to delete the least used process from the cache
  public void delete(){
    //first judge if the pre node of tail is the head node
    if(tail.pre == head)
    tail.pre = tail.pre.pre;
    tail.pre.next = tail;
  //this is to just to delete the node O(1)
  public void delete(ListNode tem){
    tem.pre.next = tem.next;
    tem.next.pre = tem.pre;


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