
目前,有很多清理內存的工具,如Wise Memory Optimizer、 MemoryZipperPlus、SweepRAM等,360安全衛士、騰訊電腦管家、魯大師等等系統工具也帶有清理內存的功能。

這些工具主要使用Windows提供的API:EmptyWorkingSet 或SetProcessWorkingSetSize 進行內存清理。

EmptyWorkingSet 強制將進程工作集中的內存儘可能多地移動到頁面文件中 (Removes as many pages as possible from the working set of the specified process.),函數原型爲:

BOOL WINAPI EmptyWorkingSet( _In_ HANDLE hProcess );

SetProcessWorkingSetSize可以設置進程工作集中內存的最大最小值(Sets the minimum and maximum working set sizes for the specified process.),函數原型爲:

BOOL WINAPI SetProcessWorkingSetSize( _In_ HANDLE hProcess, _In_ SIZE_T dwMinimumWorkingSetSize, _In_ SIZE_T dwMaximumWorkingSetSize );其中,如果後兩個參數均爲-1時,該函數效果與EmptyWorkingSet相同(The working set of the specified process can be emptied by specifying the value (SIZE_T)–1 for both the minimum and maximum working set sizes. This removes as many pages as possible from the working set. The EmptyWorkingSet function can also be used for this purpose.)。



準確地說,不是提升權限,而是把令牌中禁用的權限啓用。MSDN上指出,如果需要打開其他進程並獲得所有權限,需要啓用SeDebugPrivilege權限(To open a handle to another process and obtain full access rights, you must enable the SeDebugPrivilege privilege)。

提升權限時,需要用到的API有:OpenProcessToken、LookupPrivilegeValue、AdjustTokenPrivileges、CloseHandle,MSDN上有詳細的用法講解(Enabling and Disabling Privileges in C++),在這不一一介紹了,下面給出程序提權部分代碼:

BOOL EnableDebugPrivilege { BOOL bRet = FALSE; HANDLE hToken; if (::OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &hToken)) { LUID luid; if (::LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, &luid)) { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; tp.PrivilegeCount = 1UL; tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid; tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; if (::AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), NULL, NULL)) { bRet = TRUE; } } ::CloseHandle(hToken); } return bRet; }第二步就是遍歷系統所有進程,調用上面兩個函數傳入的只是一個進程的句柄,也就是說每次調用只針對於一個進程的內存空間,所以我們還需要遍歷整個系統的所有進程,然後獲取每個進程的句柄,將該句柄當做參數傳入上面兩個函數。遍歷系統所有進程有很多方法,這裏使用ToolHelp API獲取。其中用到3個API函數:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot、Process32First、Process32Next,MSDN上對其用法已經有詳細的介紹(Taking a Snapshot and Viewing Processes),這裏也不再一一介紹。

第三步自然就是在上面遍歷過程中調用EmptyWorkingSet 或 SetProcessWorkingSetSize 來實現清理內存。下面給出實現代碼,代碼中使用的是SetProcessWorkingSetSize函數,懶得包含EmptyWorkingSet需要的Psapi.h頭文件。

BOOL EmptyAllProcess { BOOL bRet = FALSE; HANDLE hProcessSnap = ::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (hProcessSnap != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { PROCESSENTRY32 pe32; pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); if (::Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe32)) { do { HANDLE hProcess = ::OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pe32.th32ProcessID); if (hProcess) { ::SetProcessWorkingSetSize(hProcess, (SIZE_T)-1, (SIZE_T)-1); ::CloseHandle(hProcess); } } while (::Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32)); bRet = TRUE; } ::CloseHandle(hProcessSnap); } return bRet; }

第四步,爲了更加直觀的顯示優化後所騰出的內存空間,可以在清理前後獲取系統內存使用狀態。這裏用到GlobalMemoryStatusEx函數來獲取當前系統物理內存與虛擬內存。GlobalMemoryStatus函數也可以獲取,但在內存超過4GB時得到的結果不正確(On computers with more than 4 GB of memory, the GlobalMemoryStatus function can return incorrect information, reporting a value of –1 to indicate an overflow. )。程序中參照MSDN上的例子打印出內存的使用狀況。







Why Memory Optimizers and RAM Boosters Are Worse ThanUseless

Many companies want to sell you “memoryoptimizers,” often as part of “PC optimization” programs. These programs areworse than useless — not only will they not speed up your computer, they’llslow it down.

Such programs take advantage ofinexperienced users, making false promises about boosting performance. Inreality, your computer knows how to manage RAM on its own. It will use RAM toincrease your computer’s performance — there’s no point in having RAM sitempty.

Is Your Computer’s RAM Filling Up? That’s Good!

Memory optimizers are based on amisunderstanding. You may look at your computer’s RAM and see it filling up —for example, you may have 4 GB of RAM and see that 3 GB is full with only 1 GBto spare. That can be surprising to some people — look how bloated modernversions of Windows are! How are you ever going to run additional programs withso little memory available?

In reality, modern operating systems arepretty good at managing memory on their own. That 3 GB of used RAM doesn’tnecessarily indicate waste. Instead, your computer uses your RAM to cache datafor faster access. Whether it’s copies of web pages you had open in yourbrowser, applications you previously opened, or any other type of data youmight need again soon, your computer hangs onto it in its RAM. When you needthe data again, your computer doesn’t have to hit your hard drive — it can justload the files from RAM.

Crucially, there’s no point inhaving RAM empty. Even if your RAM is completely full and your computer needsmore of it to run an application, your computer can instantly discard thecached data from your RAM and use that space for the application. There’s nopoint in having RAM sit empty — if it’s empty, it’s being wasted. If it’s full,there’s a good chance it can help speed up program loading times and anythingelse that would use your computer’s hard drive.

Notice that very little RAM is actually“free” in the screenshot below. The RAM is being used as a cache, but it’sstill marked as available for any program that needs to use it.

In the past, full RAM did indicate aproblem. If you were running Windows Vista on a computer with half a gig ofRAM, you could feel the computer constantly slowing down — it had to constantlyread and write to the hard drive, using the hard drive’s page file as aninefficient replacement for RAM. However, modern computers generally haveenough RAM for most users. Even low-end computers generally ship with 4GB of RAM, which should be more than enough unless you’re doing intensive gaming,running multiple virtual machines, or editing videos.

Even if RAM was a problem for you,there’s no reason to use a memory optimizer. Memory optimizers are snake oilthat are useless at best and harmful at worst.

How Memory Optimizers Work

When you use a memory optimizer, you’llsee your computer’s RAM usage go down. This may seem like an easy win — you’vedecreased RAM usage just be pressing a button, after all. But it’s not thatsimple.

Memory optimizers actually work in oneof two ways:

· They call the EmptyWorkingSet Windows API function,forcing running applications to write their working memory to the Windows pagefile.

· They quickly allocate a large amount of memory tothemselves, forcing Windows to discard cached data and write application datato the page file. They then deallocate the memory, leaving it empty.

Both of these tricks will indeed free upRAM, making it empty. However, all this does is slow things down — now theapplications you use will have to get the data they need from the page file,reading from the hard drive and taking longer to work. Any memory being usedfor cache may be discarded, so Windows will have to get the data it needs fromthe hard drive.

In other words, these programs free upfast memory by forcing data you need onto slower memory, where it will have tobe moved back to fast memory again. This makes no sense! All it accomplishes isselling you another system optimization program you don’t need.

If Windows needs RAM, it will push datato the page file or discard cached data, anyway. This all happens automaticallywhen it needs to — there’s no point in slowing things down by forcing it to happenbefore it's necessary.

Like PC cleaning apps, memoryoptimizers are a scam. They appear to be doing something positive to people whodon’t understand how memory management works, yubut they’re actually doingsomething harmful.

How to Actually “Optimize” Your Memory

If you do want to have more availableRAM, skip the memory optimizer. Instead, try to get rid of running applicationsyou don’t need — purge unnecessary programs from your system tray, disableuseless startup programs, and so on.

If you do need more RAM for what you do,try buying some more RAM. RAM is pretty cheap and it’s not too hard to installit yourself using one of the RAM installing guides available online.Just ensure you buy the correct type of RAM for your computer.



現在,基本各種內存清理工具使用的都是上面提到的方式,有的還允許設置自動清理,程序每隔一定時間自動進行清理...... 當你明白了這些工具的實現原理後,你會發現,這類工具僅僅是一個騙局而已,它們只不過安慰一下那些不懂內存管理的人,不但沒什麼貢獻,反而會使你係統變得更慢。




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