

> 插件

color-picker -- 顏色選擇
block-comments-n -- 塊註釋
file-icons -- 文件圖標
seti-icons -- 文件圖標 [recommand]
markdown-preview -- md文件瀏覽
tree-view-git-status -- giti狀態瀏覽
atom-material-ui -- theme
minimap -- preview source code
docblockr -- comments auto complete.
simplified-chinese-menu -- Atom中文包
emmet -- css style to fill html tag.
atom-html-preview -- html實時預覽
autocomplete-paths -- 文件路徑自動提示
jquery-snippets -- jq代碼自動提示完成
autoprefixer -- 自動添加瀏覽器前綴
activate-power-mode -- 代碼編輯時的特效 -- cpu佔用會升高
highlight-selected -- 雙擊高亮選中詞
language-javascript-jsx -- jsx語法支持
hyperclick + goto-definition -- Ctrl + click 函數跳轉
linter-jshint -- js代碼檢查
git-control -- git GUIa插件
symbol-tree-view -- atom代碼解構預覽插件
jsx-comment -- jsx 註釋插件
toggler -- 正反義詞切換插件(true -> false)
color-tabs -- 自定義tab顏色
atom-beautify -- 格式化美化代碼
svn -- 文件狀態顯示
atom-material-syntax -- 配合atom-material-ui扁平化主題的編輯器主題
css-color-name -- 鍵入color 名字後在提示區域裏顯示顏色預覽
remote-ftp -- 使用sftp協議遠程編輯同步到虛擬機或服務器
tree-view-autoresize -- 自動根據文件名長度調整文件瀏覽樹寬度
tree-view-copy-relative-path -- 在文件樹中複製某個文件的相對路徑
atom-vim-mode-plus -- 在atom編輯器中使用vim模式
Chester Atom -- 編輯器主題
atom-ide-ui -- atomIDE插件,需要配合ide-typescript
nucleus-dark-ui -- UI主題插件,比較醒目
city-lights -- UI主題,專注代碼,扁平風格
markdown-scroll-sync -- markdown編輯同步預覽
platformio-ide-terminal -- 編輯器內嵌命令行終端
Chester Atom -- Systax 主題
dash -- UI主題
seti -- UI主題 (using)
Material Palenight -- Syntax 主題 (using)
Nucleus Dark -- UI 主題
autocomplete-python -- python自動補全
python-debugger -- python調試器

> 代碼段配置

# Your snippets
# Atom snippets allow you to enter a simple prefix in the editor and hit tab to
# expand the prefix into a larger code block with templated values.
# You can create a new snippet in this file by typing "snip" and then hitting
# tab.
# An example CoffeeScript snippet to expand log to console.log:
# '':
#   'Console log':
#     'prefix': 'log'
#     'body': 'console.log $1'
# Each scope (e.g. '' above) can only be declared once.
# This file uses CoffeeScript Object Notation (CSON).
# If you are unfamiliar with CSON, you can read more about it in the
# Atom Flight Manual:

  'head comment':
    'prefix': 'head-comment'
    'body': '''
            * @name: $1
            * @description: $2
            * @author: 楊偉([email protected])
  'block comment':
    'prefix': 'block-comment'
    'body': '''
             * [fn description]
             * @author 楊偉([email protected])
             * @param 參數名 {參數類型} [描述]
             * @return {參數類型} [description]
  'line commnet':
    'prefix': 'line-comment'
    'body': '''
            /* ------------------- $1 ------------------- */
  'line commnet main':
    'prefix': 'line-comment-main'
    'body': '''
            /* ************************* $1 ************************* */
  'comments instruction':
    'prefix': 'inst-comment'
    'body': '''
            /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   'normal comment 1':
     'prefix': 'normal-comment-1'
     'body': '''
             /*   $1   */

  'component block comment':
    'prefix': 'block-comment'
    'body': '''
            /* ============================================================================
            ============================================================================= */
  'sub-component block comment':
    'prefix': 'sublock-comment'
    'body': '''
            /*  子組件$1
            ============================================================================= */

  'component block comment':
    'prefix': 'block-comment'
    'body': '''
            /* ============================================================================
            ============================================================================= */
  'sub-component block comment':
    'prefix': 'sublock-comment'
    'body': '''
            /*  子組件$1
            ============================================================================= */

  'html5 structure autocomplete':
    'prefix': 'html5'
    'body': '''
            <!DOCTYPE html>
                <meta charset="utf-8">
                <!-- 中文 -->
                <meta lang="zh-Hans">
                <!-- 英文 -->
                <meta lang="en">
                <!-- 簡體中文 -->
                <meta lang="zh-cmn-Hans">
                <!-- 繁體中文 -->
                <meta lang="zh-cmn-Hant">
                <!-- 優先使用新版IE和Chrome -->
                <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
                <meta name="renderer" content="webkit">
                <!-- 百度禁止轉碼 -->
                <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-siteapp">
                <!-- 頁面關鍵詞 -->
                <meta name="keywords" content="1 2 3">
                <!-- 頁面描述 -->
                <meta name="description" content="123">
                <!-- 移動端視口viewport -->
                <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,minimum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">
                <!-- 網頁作者 -->
                <meta name="author" content="name,[email protected]">
                <!-- 搜索引擎抓取 -->
                <meta name="robots" content="index,follow">



> 快捷鍵配置

# Your keymap
# Atom keymaps work similarly to style sheets. Just as style sheets use
# selectors to apply styles to elements, Atom keymaps use selectors to associate
# keystrokes with events in specific contexts. Unlike style sheets however,
# each selector can only be declared once.
# You can create a new keybinding in this file by typing "key" and then hitting
# tab.
# Here's an example taken from Atom's built-in keymap:
# 'atom-text-editor':
#   'enter': 'editor:newline'
# 'atom-workspace':
#   'ctrl-shift-p': 'core:move-up'
#   'ctrl-p': 'core:move-down'
# You can find more information about keymaps in these guides:
# *
# *
# If you're having trouble with your keybindings not working, try the
# Keybinding Resolver: `Cmd+.` on macOS and `Ctrl+.` on other platforms. See the
# Debugging Guide for more information:
# *
# This file uses CoffeeScript Object Notation (CSON).
# If you are unfamiliar with CSON, you can read more about it in the
# Atom Flight Manual:

  'ctrl-i': 'core:move-up'
  'ctrl-m': 'core:move-down'
  'ctrl-j': 'core:move-left'
  'ctrl-l': 'core:move-right'
  'ctrl-alt-j': 'editor:move-to-first-character-of-line'
  'ctrl-alt-l': 'editor:move-to-end-of-screen-line'
  'ctrl-alt-k': 'editor:move-to-end-of-screen-line'

  'alt-l': 'editor:move-to-end-of-word'
  'alt-j': 'editor:move-to-beginning-of-word'
  'ctrl-shift-j': 'editor:select-to-beginning-of-word'
  'ctrl-shift-l': 'editor:select-to-end-of-line'
  'ctrl-backspace': 'editor:delete-to-beginning-of-word'
  'ctrl-delete': 'editor:delete-line'
  'ctrl-shift-k': 'pane:show-next-item'
  'ctrl-shift-i': 'pane:show-previous-item'
  'ctrl-shift-x': 'autoprefixer'
  #markdown preview
  'ctrl-shift-m': 'markdown-preview:toggle'

  'ctrl-u': 'core:move-up'
  'ctrl-j': 'core:move-down'


> 熱鍵映射map

// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
        "key": "ctrl+j",
        "command": "cursorLeft",
        "when": "textInputFocus"
        "key": "ctrl+l",
        "command": "cursorRight",
        "when": "textInputFocus"
        "key": "ctrl+i",
        "command": "cursorUp",
        "when": "textInputFocus"
        "key": "ctrl+m",
        "command": "cursorDown",
        "when": "textInputFocus"
        "key": "ctrl+alt+j",
        "command": "cursorHome",
        "when": "textInputFocus"
        "key": "ctrl+alt+l",
        "command": "cursorEnd",
        "when": "textInputFocus"
        "key": "ctrl+shift+i",
        "command": "cursorPageUp",
        "when": "textInputFocus"
        "key": "ctrl+shift+k",
        "command": "cursorPageDown",
        "when": "textInputFocus"
        "key": "alt+j",
        "command": "cursorWordStartLeft",
        "when": "textInputFocus"
        "key": "alt+l",
        "command": "cursorWordStartRight",
        "when": "textInputFocus"

> 常用插件

  1. Push -> SFTP and File based uploading
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