
# 英國文學導論

1. Introduction and Elizabethan Poetry

1.1 Genaral Introduction

WHY: old/relic of time vs.

Confucius: A superior man should be a practical utensil. 君子不器

Bacon: Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business.讀書足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以長才。<u>其怡情也,最見於獨處幽居之時;其傅彩也,最見於高談闊論之中;其長才也,最見於處世判事之際。

Literature: record of human history:

    the sweetest love

    the most heartbroken betrayal

    the most ferocious war

    the hardest struggle

    the joyful laughter and the miserable cry

    the most precious friendship

    the most fierce hatred and revenge

Literature: make us wise/lessons to be learn/talk with a wise man/delightment

purpose of this course:




(1. know which book to start with, which to swallow and which to take a taste/the important writer and their important work;

2. how the literary works reflect society. to understand the British society and culture behind the literary works

3. learn to form our own literary taste)

1.2 Literiness

1.3 Periods of British Literature

1.4 Renaissance

1.5 Rhyme and Rhythm of English Poetry

1.6 Elizabethan Peotry

1.7 William Shakespeare and His Snnet 18

1.8 Edmund Spenser and His Sonnet 75

2. Elizabethan Drama

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