rocksDB的LRU cache 三兩說

先講單shard的LRU cache,主要有3個數據結構
LRUHandle 作爲LRU的一個個體元素,其數據結構如下,next,prev是在LRU的雙向列表的next和prev,next_hash是在hash_table用來解決拉鍊地址衝突。key_data[1]被分配了連續的地址,用來存儲key值

struct LRUHandle {
  void* value;
  void (*deleter)(const Slice&, void* value);
  LRUHandle* next_hash;
  LRUHandle* next;
  LRUHandle* prev;
  size_t charge;  // TODO(opt): Only allow uint32_t?
  size_t key_length;
  // The hash of key(). Used for fast sharding and comparisons.
  uint32_t hash;
  // The number of external refs to this entry. The cache itself is not counted.
  uint32_t refs;

  enum Flags : uint8_t {
    // Whether this entry is referenced by the hash table.
    IN_CACHE = (1 << 0),
    // Whether this entry is high priority entry.
    IS_HIGH_PRI = (1 << 1),
    // Whether this entry is in high-pri pool.
    IN_HIGH_PRI_POOL = (1 << 2),
    // Wwhether this entry has had any lookups (hits).
    HAS_HIT = (1 << 3),
   char key_data[1];

LRUHandleTable是個自建的Hash Table,通過key用來快速定位到LRUHandle,從而得到prev 還是next

class LRUHandleTable {

LRUCacheShard是LRU的核心數據結構, 包括了insert ,LookUp數據結構

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