

“結巴”中文分詞:做最好的 Python 中文分詞組件

"Jieba" (Chinese for "to stutter") Chinese text segmentation: built to be the best Python Chinese word segmentation module.

  • Scroll down for English documentation.


  • 支持三種分詞模式:

    • 精確模式,試圖將句子最精確地切開,適合文本分析;
    • 全模式,把句子中所有的可以成詞的詞語都掃描出來, 速度非常快,但是不能解決歧義;
    • 搜索引擎模式,在精確模式的基礎上,對長詞再次切分,提高召回率,適合用於搜索引擎分詞。
  • 支持繁體分詞

  • 支持自定義詞典

  • MIT 授權協議



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代碼對 Python 2/3 均兼容

  • 全自動安裝:easy_install jieba 或者 pip install jieba / pip3 install jieba
  • 半自動安裝:先下載 http://pypi.python.org/pypi/jieba/ ,解壓後運行 python setup.py install
  • 手動安裝:將 jieba 目錄放置於當前目錄或者 site-packages 目錄
  • 通過 import jieba 來引用


  • 基於前綴詞典實現高效的詞圖掃描,生成句子中漢字所有可能成詞情況所構成的有向無環圖 (DAG)
  • 採用了動態規劃查找最大概率路徑, 找出基於詞頻的最大切分組合
  • 對於未登錄詞,採用了基於漢字成詞能力的 HMM 模型,使用了 Viterbi 算法


  1. 分詞

  • jieba.cut 方法接受三個輸入參數: 需要分詞的字符串;cut_all 參數用來控制是否採用全模式;HMM 參數用來控制是否使用 HMM 模型
  • jieba.cut_for_search 方法接受兩個參數:需要分詞的字符串;是否使用 HMM 模型。該方法適合用於搜索引擎構建倒排索引的分詞,粒度比較細
  • 待分詞的字符串可以是 unicode 或 UTF-8 字符串、GBK 字符串。注意:不建議直接輸入 GBK 字符串,可能無法預料地錯誤解碼成 UTF-8
  • jieba.cut 以及 jieba.cut_for_search 返回的結構都是一個可迭代的 generator,可以使用 for 循環來獲得分詞後得到的每一個詞語(unicode),或者用
  • jieba.lcut 以及 jieba.lcut_for_search 直接返回 list
  • jieba.Tokenizer(dictionary=DEFAULT_DICT) 新建自定義分詞器,可用於同時使用不同詞典。jieba.dt 爲默認分詞器,所有全局分詞相關函數都是該分詞器的映射。


# encoding=utf-8
import jieba

seg_list = jieba.cut("我來到北京清華大學", cut_all=True)
print("Full Mode: " + "/ ".join(seg_list))  # 全模式

seg_list = jieba.cut("我來到北京清華大學", cut_all=False)
print("Default Mode: " + "/ ".join(seg_list))  # 精確模式

seg_list = jieba.cut("他來到了網易杭研大廈")  # 默認是精確模式
print(", ".join(seg_list))

seg_list = jieba.cut_for_search("小明碩士畢業於中國科學院計算所,後在日本京都大學深造")  # 搜索引擎模式
print(", ".join(seg_list))


【全模式】: 我/ 來到/ 北京/ 清華/ 清華大學/ 華大/ 大學

【精確模式】: 我/ 來到/ 北京/ 清華大學

【新詞識別】:他, 來到, 了, 網易, 杭研, 大廈    (此處,“杭研”並沒有在詞典中,但是也被Viterbi算法識別出來了)

【搜索引擎模式】: 小明, 碩士, 畢業, 於, 中國, 科學, 學院, 科學院, 中國科學院, 計算, 計算所, 後, 在, 日本, 京都, 大學, 日本京都大學, 深造
  1. 添加自定義詞典


  • 開發者可以指定自己自定義的詞典,以便包含 jieba 詞庫裏沒有的詞。雖然 jieba 有新詞識別能力,但是自行添加新詞可以保證更高的正確率
  • 用法: jieba.load_userdict(file_name) # file_name 爲文件類對象或自定義詞典的路徑
  • 詞典格式和 dict.txt 一樣,一個詞佔一行;每一行分三部分:詞語、詞頻(可省略)、詞性(可省略),用空格隔開,順序不可顛倒。file_name 若爲路徑或二進制方式打開的文件,則文件必須爲 UTF-8 編碼。
  • 詞頻省略時使用自動計算的能保證分出該詞的詞頻。


創新辦 3 i
雲計算 5
凱特琳 nz


  • 使用 add_word(word, freq=None, tag=None) 和 del_word(word) 可在程序中動態修改詞典。

  • 使用 suggest_freq(segment, tune=True) 可調節單個詞語的詞頻,使其能(或不能)被分出來。

  • 注意:自動計算的詞頻在使用 HMM 新詞發現功能時可能無效。


>>> print('/'.join(jieba.cut('如果放到post中將出錯。', HMM=False)))
>>> jieba.suggest_freq(('', ''), True)
>>> print('/'.join(jieba.cut('如果放到post中將出錯。', HMM=False)))
>>> print('/'.join(jieba.cut('「臺中」正確應該不會被切開', HMM=False)))
>>> jieba.suggest_freq('臺中', True)
>>> print('/'.join(jieba.cut('「臺中」正確應該不會被切開', HMM=False)))
  1. 關鍵詞提取

基於 TF-IDF 算法的關鍵詞抽取

import jieba.analyse

  • jieba.analyse.extract_tags(sentence, topK=20, withWeight=False, allowPOS=())
    • sentence 爲待提取的文本
    • topK 爲返回幾個 TF/IDF 權重最大的關鍵詞,默認值爲 20
    • withWeight 爲是否一併返回關鍵詞權重值,默認值爲 False
    • allowPOS 僅包括指定詞性的詞,默認值爲空,即不篩選
  • jieba.analyse.TFIDF(idf_path=None) 新建 TFIDF 實例,idf_path 爲 IDF 頻率文件

代碼示例 (關鍵詞提取)



關鍵詞提取所使用停止詞(Stop Words)文本語料庫可以切換成自定義語料庫的路徑


基於 TextRank 算法的關鍵詞抽取

  • jieba.analyse.textrank(sentence, topK=20, withWeight=False, allowPOS=('ns', 'n', 'vn', 'v')) 直接使用,接口相同,注意默認過濾詞性。
  • jieba.analyse.TextRank() 新建自定義 TextRank 實例

算法論文: TextRank: Bringing Order into Texts


  1. 將待抽取關鍵詞的文本進行分詞
  2. 以固定窗口大小(默認爲5,通過span屬性調整),詞之間的共現關係,構建圖
  3. 計算圖中節點的PageRank,注意是無向帶權圖


見 test/demo.py

  1. 詞性標註

  • jieba.posseg.POSTokenizer(tokenizer=None) 新建自定義分詞器,tokenizer 參數可指定內部使用的 jieba.Tokenizer 分詞器。jieba.posseg.dt 爲默認詞性標註分詞器。
  • 標註句子分詞後每個詞的詞性,採用和 ictclas 兼容的標記法。
  • 用法示例
>>> import jieba.posseg as pseg
>>> words = pseg.cut("我愛北京天安門")
>>> for word, flag in words:
...    print('%s %s' % (word, flag))
我 r
愛 v
北京 ns
天安門 ns
  1. 並行分詞

  • 原理:將目標文本按行分隔後,把各行文本分配到多個 Python 進程並行分詞,然後歸併結果,從而獲得分詞速度的可觀提升

  • 基於 python 自帶的 multiprocessing 模塊,目前暫不支持 Windows

  • 用法:

    • jieba.enable_parallel(4) # 開啓並行分詞模式,參數爲並行進程數
    • jieba.disable_parallel() # 關閉並行分詞模式
  • 例子:https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba/blob/master/test/parallel/test_file.py

  • 實驗結果:在 4 核 3.4GHz Linux 機器上,對金庸全集進行精確分詞,獲得了 1MB/s 的速度,是單進程版的 3.3 倍。

  • 注意:並行分詞僅支持默認分詞器 jieba.dt 和 jieba.posseg.dt

  1. Tokenize:返回詞語在原文的起止位置

  • 注意,輸入參數只接受 unicode
  • 默認模式
result = jieba.tokenize(u'永和服裝飾品有限公司')
for tk in result:
    print("word %s\t\t start: %d \t\t end:%d" % (tk[0],tk[1],tk[2]))
word 永和                start: 0                end:2
word 服裝                start: 2                end:4
word 飾品                start: 4                end:6
word 有限公司            start: 6                end:10

  • 搜索模式
result = jieba.tokenize(u'永和服裝飾品有限公司', mode='search')
for tk in result:
    print("word %s\t\t start: %d \t\t end:%d" % (tk[0],tk[1],tk[2]))
word 永和                start: 0                end:2
word 服裝                start: 2                end:4
word 飾品                start: 4                end:6
word 有限                start: 6                end:8
word 公司                start: 8                end:10
word 有限公司            start: 6                end:10
  1. ChineseAnalyzer for Whoosh 搜索引擎

  1. 命令行分詞

使用示例:python -m jieba news.txt > cut_result.txt


使用: python -m jieba [options] filename


  filename              輸入文件

  -h, --help            顯示此幫助信息並退出
  -d [DELIM], --delimiter [DELIM]
                        使用 DELIM 分隔詞語,而不是用默認的' / '。
                        若不指定 DELIM,則使用一個空格分隔。
  -p [DELIM], --pos [DELIM]
                        啓用詞性標註;如果指定 DELIM,詞語和詞性之間
                        用它分隔,否則用 _ 分隔
  -D DICT, --dict DICT  使用 DICT 代替默認詞典
  -u USER_DICT, --user-dict USER_DICT
                        使用 USER_DICT 作爲附加詞典,與默認詞典或自定義詞典配合使用
  -a, --cut-all         全模式分詞(不支持詞性標註)
  -n, --no-hmm          不使用隱含馬爾可夫模型
  -q, --quiet           不輸出載入信息到 STDERR
  -V, --version         顯示版本信息並退出


--help 選項輸出:

$> python -m jieba --help
Jieba command line interface.

positional arguments:
  filename              input file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d [DELIM], --delimiter [DELIM]
                        use DELIM instead of ' / ' for word delimiter; or a
                        space if it is used without DELIM
  -p [DELIM], --pos [DELIM]
                        enable POS tagging; if DELIM is specified, use DELIM
                        instead of '_' for POS delimiter
  -D DICT, --dict DICT  use DICT as dictionary
  -u USER_DICT, --user-dict USER_DICT
                        use USER_DICT together with the default dictionary or
                        DICT (if specified)
  -a, --cut-all         full pattern cutting (ignored with POS tagging)
  -n, --no-hmm          don't use the Hidden Markov Model
  -q, --quiet           don't print loading messages to stderr
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit

If no filename specified, use STDIN instead.


jieba 採用延遲加載,import jieba 和 jieba.Tokenizer() 不會立即觸發詞典的加載,一旦有必要纔開始加載詞典構建前綴字典。如果你想手工初始 jieba,也可以手動初始化。

import jieba
jieba.initialize()  # 手動初始化(可選)

在 0.28 之前的版本是不能指定主詞典的路徑的,有了延遲加載機制後,你可以改變主詞典的路徑:


例子: https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba/blob/master/test/test_change_dictpath.py


  1. 佔用內存較小的詞典文件 https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba/raw/master/extra_dict/dict.txt.small

  2. 支持繁體分詞更好的詞典文件 https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba/raw/master/extra_dict/dict.txt.big

下載你所需要的詞典,然後覆蓋 jieba/dict.txt 即可;或者用 jieba.set_dictionary('data/dict.txt.big')


結巴分詞 Java 版本

作者:piaolingxue 地址:https://github.com/huaban/jieba-analysis

結巴分詞 C++ 版本

作者:yanyiwu 地址:https://github.com/yanyiwu/cppjieba

結巴分詞 Node.js 版本

作者:yanyiwu 地址:https://github.com/yanyiwu/nodejieba

結巴分詞 Erlang 版本

作者:falood 地址:https://github.com/falood/exjieba

結巴分詞 R 版本

作者:qinwf 地址:https://github.com/qinwf/jiebaR

結巴分詞 iOS 版本

作者:yanyiwu 地址:https://github.com/yanyiwu/iosjieba

結巴分詞 PHP 版本

作者:fukuball 地址:https://github.com/fukuball/jieba-php

結巴分詞 .NET(C#) 版本

作者:anderscui 地址:https://github.com/anderscui/jieba.NET/

結巴分詞 Go 版本


  1. Solr: https://github.com/sing1ee/jieba-solr


  • 1.5 MB / Second in Full Mode
  • 400 KB / Second in Default Mode
  • 測試環境: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.4GHz;《圍城》.txt


1. 模型的數據是如何生成的?

詳見: https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba/issues/7

2. “臺中”總是被切成“臺 中”?(以及類似情況)

P(臺中) < P(臺)×P(中),“臺中”詞頻不夠導致其成詞概率較低


jieba.add_word('臺中') 或者 jieba.suggest_freq('臺中', True)

3. “今天天氣 不錯”應該被切成“今天 天氣 不錯”?(以及類似情況)


jieba.suggest_freq(('今天', '天氣'), True)

或者直接刪除該詞 jieba.del_word('今天天氣')

4. 切出了詞典中沒有的詞語,效果不理想?


jieba.cut('豐田太省了', HMM=False) jieba.cut('我們中出了一個叛徒', HMM=False)





"Jieba" (Chinese for "to stutter") Chinese text segmentation: built to be the best Python Chinese word segmentation module.


  • Support three types of segmentation mode:
  1. Accurate Mode attempts to cut the sentence into the most accurate segmentations, which is suitable for text analysis.
  2. Full Mode gets all the possible words from the sentence. Fast but not accurate.
  3. Search Engine Mode, based on the Accurate Mode, attempts to cut long words into several short words, which can raise the recall rate. Suitable for search engines.
  • Supports Traditional Chinese
  • Supports customized dictionaries
  • MIT License

Online demo


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  • Fully automatic installation: easy_install jieba or pip install jieba
  • Semi-automatic installation: Download http://pypi.python.org/pypi/jieba/ , run python setup.py install after extracting.
  • Manual installation: place the jieba directory in the current directory or python site-packages directory.
  • import jieba.


  • Based on a prefix dictionary structure to achieve efficient word graph scanning. Build a directed acyclic graph (DAG) for all possible word combinations.
  • Use dynamic programming to find the most probable combination based on the word frequency.
  • For unknown words, a HMM-based model is used with the Viterbi algorithm.

Main Functions

  1. Cut

  • The jieba.cut function accepts three input parameters: the first parameter is the string to be cut; the second parameter is cut_all, controlling the cut mode; the third parameter is to control whether to use the Hidden Markov Model.
  • jieba.cut_for_search accepts two parameter: the string to be cut; whether to use the Hidden Markov Model. This will cut the sentence into short words suitable for search engines.
  • The input string can be an unicode/str object, or a str/bytes object which is encoded in UTF-8 or GBK. Note that using GBK encoding is not recommended because it may be unexpectly decoded as UTF-8.
  • jieba.cut and jieba.cut_for_search returns an generator, from which you can use a for loop to get the segmentation result (in unicode).
  • jieba.lcut and jieba.lcut_for_search returns a list.
  • jieba.Tokenizer(dictionary=DEFAULT_DICT) creates a new customized Tokenizer, which enables you to use different dictionaries at the same time. jieba.dt is the default Tokenizer, to which almost all global functions are mapped.

Code example: segmentation

import jieba

seg_list = jieba.cut("我來到北京清華大學", cut_all=True)
print("Full Mode: " + "/ ".join(seg_list))  # 全模式

seg_list = jieba.cut("我來到北京清華大學", cut_all=False)
print("Default Mode: " + "/ ".join(seg_list))  # 默認模式

seg_list = jieba.cut("他來到了網易杭研大廈")
print(", ".join(seg_list))

seg_list = jieba.cut_for_search("小明碩士畢業於中國科學院計算所,後在日本京都大學深造")  # 搜索引擎模式
print(", ".join(seg_list))


[Full Mode]: 我/ 來到/ 北京/ 清華/ 清華大學/ 華大/ 大學

[Accurate Mode]: 我/ 來到/ 北京/ 清華大學

[Unknown Words Recognize] 他, 來到, 了, 網易, 杭研, 大廈    (In this case, "杭研" is not in the dictionary, but is identified by the Viterbi algorithm)

[Search Engine Mode]: 小明, 碩士, 畢業, 於, 中國, 科學, 學院, 科學院, 中國科學院, 計算, 計算所, 後, 在, 日本, 京都, 大學, 日本京都大學, 深造
  1. Add a custom dictionary

Load dictionary

  • Developers can specify their own custom dictionary to be included in the jieba default dictionary. Jieba is able to identify new words, but you can add your own new words can ensure a higher accuracy.
  • Usage: jieba.load_userdict(file_name) # file_name is a file-like object or the path of the custom dictionary
  • The dictionary format is the same as that of dict.txt: one word per line; each line is divided into three parts separated by a space: word, word frequency, POS tag. If file_name is a path or a file opened in binary mode, the dictionary must be UTF-8 encoded.
  • The word frequency and POS tag can be omitted respectively. The word frequency will be filled with a suitable value if omitted.

For example:

創新辦 3 i
雲計算 5
凱特琳 nz
  • Change a Tokenizer's tmp_dir and cache_file to specify the path of the cache file, for using on a restricted file system.

  • Example:

      雲計算 5
      李小福 2
      創新辦 3
      [Before]: 李小福 / 是 / 創新 / 辦 / 主任 / 也 / 是 / 雲 / 計算 / 方面 / 的 / 專家 /
      [After]: 李小福 / 是 / 創新辦 / 主任 / 也 / 是 / 雲計算 / 方面 / 的 / 專家 /

Modify dictionary

  • Use add_word(word, freq=None, tag=None) and del_word(word) to modify the dictionary dynamically in programs.

  • Use suggest_freq(segment, tune=True) to adjust the frequency of a single word so that it can (or cannot) be segmented.

  • Note that HMM may affect the final result.


>>> print('/'.join(jieba.cut('如果放到post中將出錯。', HMM=False)))
>>> jieba.suggest_freq(('', ''), True)
>>> print('/'.join(jieba.cut('如果放到post中將出錯。', HMM=False)))
>>> print('/'.join(jieba.cut('「臺中」正確應該不會被切開', HMM=False)))
>>> jieba.suggest_freq('臺中', True)
>>> print('/'.join(jieba.cut('「臺中」正確應該不會被切開', HMM=False)))
  1. Keyword Extraction

import jieba.analyse

  • jieba.analyse.extract_tags(sentence, topK=20, withWeight=False, allowPOS=())
    • sentence: the text to be extracted
    • topK: return how many keywords with the highest TF/IDF weights. The default value is 20
    • withWeight: whether return TF/IDF weights with the keywords. The default value is False
    • allowPOS: filter words with which POSs are included. Empty for no filtering.
  • jieba.analyse.TFIDF(idf_path=None) creates a new TFIDF instance, idf_path specifies IDF file path.

Example (keyword extraction)


Developers can specify their own custom IDF corpus in jieba keyword extraction

Developers can specify their own custom stop words corpus in jieba keyword extraction

There's also a TextRank implementation available.

Use: jieba.analyse.textrank(sentence, topK=20, withWeight=False, allowPOS=('ns', 'n', 'vn', 'v'))

Note that it filters POS by default.

jieba.analyse.TextRank() creates a new TextRank instance.

  1. Part of Speech Tagging

  • jieba.posseg.POSTokenizer(tokenizer=None) creates a new customized Tokenizer. tokenizer specifies the jieba.Tokenizer to internally use. jieba.posseg.dt is the default POSTokenizer.
  • Tags the POS of each word after segmentation, using labels compatible with ictclas.
  • Example:
>>> import jieba.posseg as pseg
>>> words = pseg.cut("我愛北京天安門")
>>> for w in words:
...    print('%s %s' % (w.word, w.flag))
我 r
愛 v
北京 ns
天安門 ns
  1. Parallel Processing

  • Principle: Split target text by line, assign the lines into multiple Python processes, and then merge the results, which is considerably faster.

  • Based on the multiprocessing module of Python.

  • Usage:

    • jieba.enable_parallel(4) # Enable parallel processing. The parameter is the number of processes.
    • jieba.disable_parallel() # Disable parallel processing.
  • Example: https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba/blob/master/test/parallel/test_file.py

  • Result: On a four-core 3.4GHz Linux machine, do accurate word segmentation on Complete Works of Jin Yong, and the speed reaches 1MB/s, which is 3.3 times faster than the single-process version.

  • Note that parallel processing supports only default tokenizers, jieba.dt and jieba.posseg.dt.

  1. Tokenize: return words with position

  • The input must be unicode
  • Default mode
result = jieba.tokenize(u'永和服裝飾品有限公司')
for tk in result:
    print("word %s\t\t start: %d \t\t end:%d" % (tk[0],tk[1],tk[2]))
word 永和                start: 0                end:2
word 服裝                start: 2                end:4
word 飾品                start: 4                end:6
word 有限公司            start: 6                end:10

  • Search mode
result = jieba.tokenize(u'永和服裝飾品有限公司',mode='search')
for tk in result:
    print("word %s\t\t start: %d \t\t end:%d" % (tk[0],tk[1],tk[2]))
word 永和                start: 0                end:2
word 服裝                start: 2                end:4
word 飾品                start: 4                end:6
word 有限                start: 6                end:8
word 公司                start: 8                end:10
word 有限公司            start: 6                end:10
  1. ChineseAnalyzer for Whoosh

  1. Command Line Interface

$> python -m jieba --help
Jieba command line interface.

positional arguments:
  filename              input file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d [DELIM], --delimiter [DELIM]
                        use DELIM instead of ' / ' for word delimiter; or a
                        space if it is used without DELIM
  -p [DELIM], --pos [DELIM]
                        enable POS tagging; if DELIM is specified, use DELIM
                        instead of '_' for POS delimiter
  -D DICT, --dict DICT  use DICT as dictionary
  -u USER_DICT, --user-dict USER_DICT
                        use USER_DICT together with the default dictionary or
                        DICT (if specified)
  -a, --cut-all         full pattern cutting (ignored with POS tagging)
  -n, --no-hmm          don't use the Hidden Markov Model
  -q, --quiet           don't print loading messages to stderr
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit

If no filename specified, use STDIN instead.


By default, Jieba don't build the prefix dictionary unless it's necessary. This takes 1-3 seconds, after which it is not initialized again. If you want to initialize Jieba manually, you can call:

import jieba
jieba.initialize()  # (optional)

You can also specify the dictionary (not supported before version 0.28) :


Using Other Dictionaries

It is possible to use your own dictionary with Jieba, and there are also two dictionaries ready for download:

  1. A smaller dictionary for a smaller memory footprint: https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba/raw/master/extra_dict/dict.txt.small

  2. There is also a bigger dictionary that has better support for traditional Chinese (繁體):https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba/raw/master/extra_dict/dict.txt.big

By default, an in-between dictionary is used, called dict.txt and included in the distribution.

In either case, download the file you want, and then call jieba.set_dictionary('data/dict.txt.big') or just replace the existing dict.txt.

Segmentation speed

  • 1.5 MB / Second in Full Mode
  • 400 KB / Second in Default Mode
  • Test Env: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.4GHz;《圍城》.txt
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