535. Encode and Decode TinyURL

Note: This is a companion problem to the System Design problem: Design TinyURL.

TinyURL is a URL shortening service where you enter a URL such as https://leetcode.com/problems/design-tinyurl and it returns a short URL such as http://tinyurl.com/4e9iAk.

Design the encode and decode methods for the TinyURL service. There is no restriction on how your encode/decode algorithm should work. You just need to ensure that a URL can be encoded to a tiny URL and the tiny URL can be decoded to the original URL.

之前刷完了array分類  開始刷 HashTable 第一題簡單的有點懵逼 ——2017.3.24

class Solution {

    // Encodes a URL to a shortened URL.
    string encode(string longUrl) {
         return longUrl;

    // Decodes a shortened URL to its original URL.
    string decode(string shortUrl) {
        return shortUrl;

// Your Solution object will be instantiated and called as such:
// Solution solution;
// solution.decode(solution.encode(url));

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