
事先聲明,本手冊既不完整,又不準確。本手冊是從Mathematica幫助文檔中的MATHEMATICS AND ALGORITHMS和VISUALIZATION AND GRAPHICS中節選,再加上了我的一些翻譯而完成。




Expand[poly,patt]            用變量patt展開多項式poly

ExpandAll[expr]            徹底展開表達式




    perform several replacements




Simplify[expr,assum]        simplify  expr  with assumptions


Together[expr]             通分

Apart[expr]                部分分式展開

Apart[expr,var]       以變量var對錶達式expr進行部分分式展開

Cancel[expr]               分式約分

Collect[expr,x]             將表達式按x合併同類項

Collect[poly,{x,y,…}]      arrange a polynomial as a sum of powers of x, y, …

Collect[poly,patt,h]         apply h to each final coefficientobtained

FactorTerms[expr,x]         pull out factors that do not depend on  x

FactorTerms[poly]  提取公因式

FactorTerms[poly,{x,y,…}] pull out any overall factorthat does not depend on x, y, …

TrigExpand[expr]           三角函數表達式的展開

TrigFactor[expr]           三角函數表達式的因式分解

TrigReduce[expr]           三角函數化簡

TrigToExp[expr]            將三角函數轉化爲指數形式

ExpToTrig[expr]            將指數形式轉換爲三角函數形式

FunctionExpand[expr]       expand out special and other functions

ComplexExpand[expr]        將表達式按複數展開

PowerExpand[expr]          將(x y)p 轉換爲xp yp

PowerExpand[expr,Assumptions->assum]   expand out  expr assuming  assum

Element[x,dom]             聲明x屬於dom域

Element[{x1,x2,…},dom]     state that all the  xi are elements of the domain  dom

Reals                     實數

Integers                  整數

Primes                    素數

Coefficient[expr,form]      求表達式中變量的係數

Exponent[expr,form] 求表達式expr中變量form的最大指數

Part[expr,n]或expr[[n]] 求表達式expr的第n項

Numerator[expr] 求表達式expr的分子

Denominator[expr] 求表達式expr的分母

prints with  f[expr] given in default postfixform:  expr//f


expr//Short                顯示錶達式輸出的一行

Short[expr,n]              顯示錶達式輸出的n行


HornerForm[expr,x]  使表達式expr以x的嵌套形式展現

PolynomialQ[expr,x] 查詢expr是否是x的多項式

PolynomialQ[expr,{x1,x2,…}]  test whether  expr is a polynomial in the  xi

Variables[poly]  取得多項式poly的變量

Coefficient[poly,expr]  求多項式poly中表達式expr的係數

MonomialList[poly]     獲取多項式poly的單項式

CoefficientRules[poly]  獲取多項式poly的單項式的指數向量和係數

ExpandNumerator[expr]  只展開分子

ExpandDenominator[expr] 只展開分母

PolynomialQuotient[ ,q(x),x]    對於  ,求得

PolynomialRemainder[ ,q(x),x]    對於  ,求得b(x)

PolynomialGCD[poly1,poly2]  求最大公約數

PolynomialMod[poly,m]      化簡poly,通過用m減去某多項式的m倍

Factor[poly,Extension->{a1,a2,…}]  因式分解是允許引入a1,a2,…

Factor[poly,Extension->Automatic]  因式分解允許引入代數數

LogicalExpand[expr]     將邏輯函數展開

PiecewiseExpand[expr]  分段函數展開

PiecewiseExpand[expr,assum]  expand out with the specifiedassumptions



Solve[lhs==rhs,x]  解方程

           use the list of rules to get values for  x

        usethe list of rules to get values for an expression

Solve[{lhs1==rhs1,lhs2==rhs2,…},{x,y,…}]   解方程組

Solve[eqns,vars,elims]     find solutions for  vars, eliminating the variables  elims

SolveAlways[eqns,vars]  求使方程恆成立的係數值

Eliminate[{lhs1==rhs1,lhs2==rhs2,…},{x,…}]  消元

Eliminate[eqns,elims]       rearrange equations toeliminate the variables  elims

Reduce[{lhs1==rhs1,lhs2==rhs2,…},{x,y,…}]   化簡方程(有時比Solve更強大)

Root[f,k]   代表方程f[x]==0的第k個根

FindRoot[lhs==rhs,{x,x0}]  尋找方程的根,從x=x0開始找

InverseFunction[f]  求反函數

InverseFunction[f,k,n]  the inverse function of the  n-argument function  f with respect to its  k_th argument

CountRoots[poly,x]  得到多項式的實根數




       unequal(also input as  x  ¹  y)





  all equal

    all unequal (distinct)

x>y>z,etc.    strictly decreasing, etc.





Xor[p,q,…]    異或

Nand[p,q,…]    與非

Nor[p,q,…]   或非

If[p,then,else]      如果p成立,則執行then,否則執行else

Reduce[{ineq1,ineq2,…},x]   化簡不等式

Reduce[{ineq1,ineq2,…},{x1, x2 ,…}]    reduce a collectionof inequalities in several variables

Reduce[{expr1,…,x1Îdom1,…},vars]   explicitly specify individual domains for variables

Reduce[expr,vars,dom]          reduce  eqns over the domain  dom

FindInstance[ineqs,{x1,x2,…}]  找到滿足不等式的一個值

FindInstance[ineqs,vars,n]       try to find  n instances

Minimize[expr,{x1,x2,…}]   求最小值

Minimize[{expr,cons},{x1,x2,…}]   minimize  expr subject to the constraints  cons

Maximize[expr,{x1,x2,…}]   求最大值

Maximize[{expr,cons},{x1,x2,…}]   maximize  expr subject to the constraints  cons

Sum[f,{i,imin,imax}]  求累和  the sum

Sum[f,{i,imin,imax,di}]   the sum with  i increasing in steps of  di

Sum[f,{i,imin,imax},{j,jmin,jmax}]    the nested sum 

Product[f,{i,imin,imax}]  求累積   


Series[expr,{x,x0,n}]    級數展開  find the power seriesexpansion of  expr about the point  x=x0 to at most  n_th order

Series[expr,{x,x0,nx},{y,y0,ny}]    find series expansions with respect to  y, then  x

Normal[series]              truncate a power series to give an ordinary expression

RSolve[eqn,a[n],n]     解遞歸方程

RSolve[{eqn1,eqn2,…},{a1[n],a2[n],…},n]  solve a coupled system ofrecurrence equations

RSolve[eqns,a[n1,n2,…],{n1,n2,…}]    solve partial recurrenceequations

Limit[expr,x->x0]  求極限  find the limit of  expr when  x approaches  x0

Limit[expr,x->x0,Direction->1]  求左極限

Limit[expr,x->x0,Direction->-1]  求右極限

Residue[expr,{x,x0}]   求留數   the residue of  expr when  x equals  x0

D[f,x]   求偏導數 partial derivative

D[f,x,y,…]   multiple derivative

D[f,{x,n}]  求n階偏導數        derivative

Dt[f]   求全微分df

Dt[f,x]  求全微分

Dt[f,x,y,…]   multiple total derivative

Dt[f,x,Constants->{c1,c2,…}]    total derivative with  ci constant (i.e.,  d ci=0)

y/:Dt[y,x]=0    set  

SetAttributes[c,Constant]   define  c to be a constant in all cases

Integrate[f,x]   求f的不定積分

Integrate[f,x,y]  the multiple integral

Integrate[f,{x,xmin,xmax}]  求定積分

Integrate[f,{x,xmin,xmax},{y,ymin,ymax}]  the multiple integral

Integrate[f Boole[cond],{x,xmin,xmax},{y,ymin,ymax}]  integrate  f over the region where  cond  is  True

DSolve[eqn,y[x],x] 解微分方程  solve a differential equationfor  y[x]

DSolve[eqn,y,x]     solve a differential equationfor the function  y

DSolve[{eqn1,eqn2,…},{y1,y2,…},x]    solve a list of differentialequations

DSolve[eqn,y[x1,x2,…],{x1,x2,…}]      solve a partial differentialequation for  y[x1,x2,…]

DSolve[eqn,y,{x1,x2,…}]      solve a partial differentialequation for the function  y

LaplaceTransform[expr,t,s]  求拉普拉斯變換

InverseLaplaceTransform[expr,s,t]   求拉普拉斯反變換

LaplaceTransform[expr,{t1,t2,…},{s1,s2,…}]  the multidimensional Laplacetransform of  expr

InverseLaplaceTransform[expr,{s1,s2,…},{t1,t2,…}]   the multidimensional inverseLaplace transform of  expr

FourierTransform[expr,t,w]  傅里葉變換

InverseFourierTransform[expr,w,t]  傅里葉反變換




FourierSinTransform[expr,t,w]  Fourier sine transform

FourierCosTransform[expr,t,w]  Fourier cosine transform

InverseFourierSinTransform[expr,w,t]  inverse Fourier sine transform

InverseFourierCosTransform[expr,w,t]   inverse Fourier cosinetransform


ZTransform[expr,n,z]  Z變換

InverseZTransform[expr,z,n]   Z反變換

DiracDelta[x]  衝激函數  Dirac delta function d(x)


HeavisideTheta[x]  類似階躍函數   Heaviside theta function q(x), equal to 0 for x<0 and 1 for x>0

DiracDelta[x1,x2,…]  multidimensional Dirac deltafunction

HeavisideTheta[x1,x2,…]  multidimensional Heavisidetheta function

DiscreteDelta[n1,n2,…]   discrete delta d(n1,n2,…)

KroneckerDelta[n1,n2,…]   Kronecker delta

Mean[ ]  求平均值

Mean[{{x1,y1,…},{x2,y2,…},…}]   a list of the means of the  xi,yi,…

Median[list]  求中間值

Max[list]  求最大值

Variance[list]  求方差

StandardDeviation[list]  求標準差

Quantile[data,q]   求分位數  gives the location before which(100q) percent of the data lie

Commonest[data]  list of the elements withhighest frequency

MeanDeviation[data]  求絕對平均差

MedianDeviation[data]  中間數平均差   median absolute deviation,median of Èxi-medianÈ values

Covariance[v1,v2]  求協方差

Correlation[v1,v2]  求相關係數

Expectation[f[x],xélist]  求期望    (可以通過Esc dist Esc來打出é)

BinomialDistribution[n,p]  產生試驗次數爲n,每次實驗成功的概率爲p的二項分佈

BernoulliDistribution[p]  產生成功概率爲p的兩點分佈

NormalDistribution[m,s] 產生正態分佈

PDF[dist,x]   求概率密度函數

FindClusters[data]   partition  data into lists of similarelements

FindClusters[data,n]  partition  data into exactly  n lists of similar elements

Nearest[{elem1,elem2,…},x]  求最接近值  give the list of  elemi to which  x is nearest

Fit[{y1,y2,…},{f1,f2,…},x]   fit the values  yn to a linear combination offunctions  fi

Fit[{{x1,y1},{x2,y2},…},{f1, f2,…},x]  fit the points  (xn,yn) to a linear combination ofthe  fi

FindFit[data,form,{p1,p2,…},x]   find a fit to  form with parameters  pi

Fourier[data]   數值的傅里葉變換

InverseFourier[data]   數值的傅里葉反變換

Fit[{f1,f2,…},{fun1,fun2,…},x]   曲線擬合  find a linear combination ofthe  funi that best fits the values  fi

Fit[data,{fun1,fun2,…},{x,y,…}]   fit to a function of severalvariables

FindFit[data,form,{par1,par2,…},x]    search for values of the  pari that make

 form best fit  data


FindFit[data,form,pars,{x,y,…}]  fit multivariate data

     finds a best fit subject tothe parameter constraints


Interpolation[{f1,f2,…}]   construct an approximatefunction with values  fi at

successive integers

Interpolation[{{x1,f1},{x2,f2},…}]   求近似函數construct an approximatefunction with values  fi at points  xi

Fourier[{u1,u2,…,un}]  離散傅里葉變換

InverseFourier[{v1,v2,…,vn}]   離散傅里葉反變換



Fourier[{{u11,u12,…},{u21,u22,…},…}]   two-dimensional discreteFourier transform

FourierDCT[list]   Fourier discrete cosinetransform of a list of real numbers

FourierDST[list]   Fourier discrete sinetransform of a list of real numbers

FourierDCT[list,m]  Fourier discrete cosinetransform of type  m

FourierDST[list,m]  Fourier discrete sinetransform of type  m


Plot[f,{x,xmin,xmax}]   繪圖  plot  f as a function of  x from  xmin to  xmax

Plot[f,{x,x0,x1,…,xk}]  plot  f over a series of segments,potentially breaking the curve at each of the  xi

Show[plot,option->value]  重畫  redraw a plot with optionschanged

Show[plot1,plot2,…]   聯合繪圖  combine several plots

GraphicsGrid[{{plot1,plot2,…},…}]    draw an array of plots

InputForm[plot]       show the underlying textualdescription of the plot

Plot3D[f,{x,xmin,xmax},{y,ymin,ymax}] 畫三維圖 make a three-dimensional plotof  f as a function of thevariables  x and  y

ListPlot[{y1,y2,…}]  畫點圖   plot  y1,y2,… at  x values  1,2,…

ListPlot[{{x1,y1},{x2,y2},…}]    plot points  (x1,y1),…

ListLinePlot[list]  join the points with lines

ListPlot3D[{{z11,z12,…},{z21,z22,…},…}]   make a three-dimensional plotof the array of heights  zyx

ListPlot3D[{{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2},…}]   make a three-dimensional plotwith heights  zi at positions  {xi,yi}

ListContourPlot[array]   make a contour plot

ListDensityPlot[array]   make a density plot

ParametricPlot[{fx,fy},{t,tmin,tmax}] 參數繪圖

ParametricPlot[{{fx,fy},{gx,gy},…},{t,tmin,tmax}]  plot several parametric curvestogether

ParametricPlot3D[{fx,fy,fz},{t,tmin,tmax}]  make a parametric plot of athree-dimensional curve

ParametricPlot3D[{fx,fy,fz},{t,tmin,tmax},{u,umin,umax}]  make a parametric plot of athree-dimensional surface

ParametricPlot3D[{{fx,fy,fz},{gx,gy,gz},…},…]  plot several objects together

Play[f,{t,0,tmax}]  播放函數的聲音  play a sound with amplitude  f as a function of time  t in seconds

Play[f,{t,0,tmax},SampleRate->r]    play a sound, sampling it  r times a second










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