iOS CAAnimation(二)Layer層隱式動畫相關

我們知道,修改自定義創建的layer的部分屬性時,會有動畫的效果。但是修改view 的屬性時,卻沒有動畫出現,這是爲什麼呢?

Core Animation implements its implicit animation behaviors for layers using action objects. An action object is an object that conforms to the CAAction protocol and defines some relevant behavior to perform on a layer. All CAAnimation objects implement the protocol, and it is these objects that are usually assigned to be executed whenever a layer property changes.

Animating properties is one type of action but you can define actions with almost any behavior you want. To do that, though, you have to define your action objects and associate them with your app’s layer objects.


@protocol CAAction
- (void)runActionForKey:(NSString *)event object:(id)anObject
    arguments:(nullable NSDictionary *)dict;



Before an action can be performed, the layer needs to find the corresponding action object to execute. The key for layer-related actions is either the name of the property being modified or a special string that identifies the action. When an appropriate event occurs on the layer, the layer calls its actionForKey: method to search for the action object associated with the key. Your app can interpose itself at several points during this search and provide a relevant action object for that key.




///* Returns the action object associated with the event named by the
// * string 'event'. The default implementation searches for an action
 //* object in the following places:
// *
// * 1. if defined, call the delegate method -actionForLayer:forKey:
// * 2. look in the layer's `actions' dictionary
// * 3. look in any `actions' dictionaries in the `style' hierarchy
// * 4. call +defaultActionForKey: on the layer's class
// *
// * If any of these steps results in a non-nil action object, the
// * following steps are ignored. If the final result is an instance of
// * NSNull, it is converted to `nil'. */
- (nullable id<CAAction>)actionForKey:(NSString *)event;

///* Returns the default action object associated with the event named by
// * the string 'event'. The default implementation returns a suitable
 //* animation object for events posted by animatable properties, nil
// * otherwise. */
+ (nullable id<CAAction>)defaultActionForKey:(NSString *)event;

///* Attach an animation object to the layer. Typically this is implicitly
// * invoked through an action that is an CAAnimation object.
// *
// * 'key' may be any string such that only one animation per unique key
// * is added per layer. The special key 'transition' is automatically
// * used for transition animations. The nil pointer is also a valid key.
// *
 //* If the `duration' property of the animation is zero or negative it
// * is given the default duration, either the value of the
// * `animationDuration' transaction property or .25 seconds otherwise.
// *
// * The animation is copied before being added to the layer, so any
// * subsequent modifications to `anim' will have no affect unless it is
// * added to another layer. */

- (void)addAnimation:(CAAnimation *)anim forKey:(nullable NSString *)key;


/* If defined, called by the default implementation of the
 * -actionForKey: method. Should return an object implementing the
 * CAAction protocol. May return 'nil' if the delegate doesn't specify
 * a behavior for the current event. Returning the null object (i.e.
 * '[NSNull null]') explicitly forces no further search. (I.e. the
 * +defaultActionForKey: method will not be called.) */

- (nullable id<CAAction>)actionForLayer:(CALayer *)layer forKey:(NSString *)event;


Core Animation looks for action objects in the following order:

  1. If the layer has a delegate and that delegate implements the actionForLayer:forKey: method, the layer calls that method. The delegate must do one of the following:

    • Return the action object for the given key.

    • Return nil if it does not handle the action, in which case the search continues.

    • Return the NSNull object, in which case the search ends immediately.

  2. The layer looks for the given key in the layer’s actions dictionary.

  3. The layer looks in the style dictionary for an actions dictionary that contains the key. (In other word, the style dictionary contains an actions key whose value is also a dictionary. The layer looks for the given key in this second dictionary.)

  4. The layer calls its defaultActionForKey: class method.

  5. The layer performs the implicit action (if any) defined by Core Animation.

If you provide an action object at any of the appropriate search points, the layer stops its search and executes the returned action object. When it finds an action object, the layer calls that object’s runActionForKey:object:arguments: method to perform the action. If the action you define for a given key is already an instance of the CAAnimation class, you can use the default implementation of that method to perform the animation. If you are defining your own custom object that conforms to the CAAction protocol, you must use your object’s implementation of that method to take whatever actions are appropriate.


1.首先調用- (nullable id<CAAction>)actionForKey:(NSString *)event;

2.如果view代理方實現了- actionForLayer: forKey: 方法則會調用,




5.調用+ (nullable id<CAAction>)defaultActionForKey:(NSString *)event;這個方法。




Where you install your action objects depends on how you intend to modify the layer.

  • For actions that you might apply only in specific circumstances, or for layers that already use a delegate object, provide a delegate and implement its actionForLayer:forKey: method.

  • For layer objects that do not normally use a delegate, add the action to the layer’s actions dictionary.

  • For actions related to custom properties that you define on the layer object, include the action in the layer’s style dictionary.

  • For actions that are fundamental to the behavior of the layer, subclass the layer and override the defaultActionForKey: method.



#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface TestView : UIView

#import "TestView.h"
#import "TestViewLayer.h"
@implementation TestView
    return [TestViewLayer class];
-(id<CAAction>)actionForLayer:(CALayer *)layer forKey:(NSString *)event{
    return [super actionForLayer:layer forKey:event];
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
@interface TestViewLayer : CALayer

#import "TestViewLayer.h"
@implementation TestViewLayer
-(id<CAAction>)actionForKey:(NSString *)event{
    return [super actionForKey:event];
+(id<CAAction>)defaultActionForKey:(NSString *)event{
    return [super defaultActionForKey:event];
-(void)addAnimation:(CAAnimation *)anim forKey:(NSString *)key{
    [super addAnimation:anim forKey:key];


#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
@interface TestLayer : CALayer

#import "TestLayer.h"
@implementation TestLayer
-(id<CAAction>)actionForKey:(NSString *)event{
    return [super actionForKey:event];
+(id<CAAction>)defaultActionForKey:(NSString *)event{
    return [super defaultActionForKey:event];
-(void)addAnimation:(CAAnimation *)anim forKey:(NSString *)key{
    [super addAnimation:anim forKey:key];

將TestView的view 和 TestLayer的layer添加在TestVC的view和view.layer上。

#import "TestVC.h"
#import "TestLayer.h"
#import "TestView.h"
@interface TestVC (){
    TestLayer *tLayer;
    TestView *tView;
@implementation TestVC
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    tLayer = [TestLayer layer];
    tLayer.frame = CGRectMake(100, 150, 200, 200);
    tLayer.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor].CGColor;
    [self.view.layer addSublayer:tLayer];
    tView = [[TestView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(200, 400, 200, 200)];
    tView.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor];
    [self.view addSubview:tView];
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet<UITouch *> *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
    tLayer.position = CGPointMake(200, 200);
   // = CGPointMake(100, 100);





///* If defined, called by the default implementation of the
// * -actionForKey: method. Should return an object implementing the
 //* CAAction protocol. May return 'nil' if the delegate doesn't specify
 //* a behavior for the current event. Returning the null object (i.e.
// * '[NSNull null]') explicitly forces no further search. (I.e. the
// * +defaultActionForKey: method will not be called.) */

可以得知如果返回nil則表示沒有特別指定一個動畫,系統會自動生成一個,如果返回null([NSNull null])則不會再往下進行,也就是說沒有動畫出現。




///* If defined, called by the default implementation of the -display
// * method, in which case it should implement the entire display
// * process (typically by setting the `contents' property). */
- (void)displayLayer:(CALayer *)layer;

///* If defined, called by the default implementation of -drawInContext: */
- (void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)ctx;

///* If defined, called by the default implementation of the -display method.
// * Allows the delegate to configure any layer state affecting contents prior
// * to -drawLayer:InContext: such as `contentsFormat' and `opaque'. It will not
 //* be called if the delegate implements -displayLayer. */
- (void)layerWillDraw:(CALayer *)layer
  API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.12), ios(10.0), watchos(3.0), tvos(10.0));


imgView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"xx.png"]];
imgView.frame = CGRectMake(0.f, 0.f, 100.f, 100.f);
[self.view addSubview:imgView];


ImgView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.f, 0.f, 100.f, 100.f)];
ImgView.layer.contents = (__bridge id)[UIImage imageNamed:@"xx.png"].CGImage;
[self.view addSubview:ImgView];


//繪製會啓動離屏渲染 增加內存消耗
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
    UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"xx.png"];
    [image drawInRect:rect];
    //[super drawRect:rect];
//繪製內容  CGContext方法來繪製
- (void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)ctx {
    NSLog(@"%s", __func__);
    [super drawLayer:layer inContext:ctx];//該方法調用了drawRect
-(void)layerWillDraw:(CALayer *)layer{
    NSLog(@"%s", __func__);
//系統提供的可以讓我們在drawLayer: inContext:方法之前對layer進行配置
    [super layerWillDraw:layer];

- (void)displayLayer:(CALayer *)layer {
   NSLog(@"%s", __func__);
   self.layer.contents = (__bridge id)[UIImage imageNamed:@"xx.png"].CGImage;



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