


package com.wave.checkin.wavecheckin.utils;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Date;

public class MysqlBatchUtil {
    private String sql = "INSERT INTO query_data (`var_data`, `int_data`, `create_date`, `char_data`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)";
    private String charset = "utf-8";
    private String connectStr = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test";
    private String username = "root";
    private String password = "";
    private void doStore() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException {
        connectStr += "?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&useServerPrepStmts=true&rewriteBatchedStatements=true&serverTimezone=GMT";
        Connection conn = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection(connectStr, username, password);
        // 設置手動提交 
        int count = 0;
        PreparedStatement psts = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
        String line = null;
        Date begin = new Date();
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i <= 100000; i++) {
            psts.setString(1, i + "var");
            psts.setInt(2, i);
            psts.setDate(3, new java.sql.Date(time));
            psts.setString(4, "1");
             // 加入批量處理 
         // 執行批量處理 
        // 提交 
        Date end = new Date();
        System.out.println("數量=" + count);
        System.out.println("運行時間=" + (end.getTime() - begin.getTime()));
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            new MysqlBatchUtil().doStore();
        } catch (Exception e) {






Two variants of prepared statements are implemented by Connector/J, the client-side and the server-side prepared statements. Client-side prepared statements are used by default because early MySQL versions did not support the prepared statement feature or had problems with its implementation. Server-side prepared statements and binary-encoded result sets are used when the server supports them. To enable usage of server-side prepared statements, set useServerPrepStmts=true.

    大意就是 Connector/J(也就是JBDC)預編譯分爲客戶端預編譯和服務端預編譯,默認是使用客戶端預編譯,因爲早期版本MYSQL不支持預編譯或者這功能有問題。如果要使用服務器預編譯,就設置useServerPrepStmts=true.。

MySQL 8.0 provides support for server-side prepared statements. This support takes advantage of the efficient client/server binary protocol. Using prepared statements with placeholders for parameter values has the following benefits:
    1. Less overhead for parsing the statement each time it is executed. Typically, database applications process large volumes of almost-identical statements, with only changes to literal or variable values in clauses such as WHERE for queries and deletes, SET for updates, and VALUES for inserts.
    2. Protection against SQL injection attacks. The parameter values can contain unescaped SQL quote and delimiter characters.


  1. 減少每次語句執行時的語法解析。舉個例子,select * from user where state = ?,這是一個預編譯語句,只會解析一次,之後無論?傳入什麼參數都不需要再進行語法解析,達到“一次編譯、多次運行"的效果;對於普通語句,只要SQL不是百分百一樣,都需要進行語法解析。
  2. 防止SQL注入攻擊。 參數值可以包含未轉義的SQL引號和分隔符。

    另外補充一點,MySQL Server 4.1之前的版本是不支持預編譯的,而Connector/J(也就是JBDC)在5.0.5以後的版本,默認是沒有開啓服務端預編譯功能的。



Should the driver use multiqueries (irregardless of the setting of “allowMultiQueries”) as well as rewriting of prepared statements for INSERT into multi-value inserts when executeBatch() is called? Notice that this has the potential for SQL injection if using plain java.sql.Statements and your code doesn’t sanitize input correctly. Notice that for prepared statements, server-side prepared statements can not currently take advantage of this rewrite option, and that if you don’t specify stream lengths when using PreparedStatement.set*Stream(), the driver won’t be able to determine the optimum number of parameters per batch and you might receive an error from the driver that the resultant packet is too large. Statement.getGeneratedKeys() for these rewritten statements only works when the entire batch includes INSERT statements. Please be aware using rewriteBatchedStatements=true with INSERT … ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE that for rewritten statement server returns only one value as sum of all affected (or found) rows in batch and it isn’t possible to map it correctly to initial statements; in this case driver returns 0 as a result of each batch statement if total count was 0, and the Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO as a result of each batch statement if total count was > 0.

    翻譯過來就是,在executeBatch()方法被執行時,是否使用多查詢(無論是否設置allowMultiQueries屬性)以及將用於插入的預編譯語句重寫爲多值插入?請注意,如果使用java.sql.Statements並且沒有對輸入進行校驗,那麼就這有可能遭到SQL注入攻擊。請注意,服務器預編譯語句當前無法利用此重寫選項,並且如果在使用PreparedStatement.set * Stream()時未指定流長度,則驅動程序將無法確定最佳的每批參數數量,您可能會從驅動程序收到錯誤消息,提示結果包太大。這些重寫語句的Statement.getGeneratedKeys()僅在整個批處理都包含INSERT語句時才起作用。請注意,在INSERT上使用rewriteBatchedStatements = true。


    現在知道了rewriteBatchedStatements用於重寫客戶端預編譯語句,useServerPrepStmts用於開啓服務端預編譯功能。那麼,現在就開始驗證吧。筆者選用mysql5.7(已支持預編譯)+Connector/J 8.0.18(默認未開啓服務端預編譯)。

2019-11-01T01:43:51.832520Z	   79 Query	SHOW WARNINGS
2019-11-01T01:43:51.836262Z	   79 Query	SET NAMES utf8mb4
2019-11-01T01:43:51.836420Z	   79 Query	SET character_set_results = NULL
2019-11-01T01:43:51.836653Z	   79 Query	SET autocommit=1
2019-11-01T01:43:51.841252Z	   79 Query	SET autocommit=0
2019-11-01T01:43:51.865821Z	   79 Query	SELECT @@session.transaction_read_only
2019-11-01T01:43:51.866303Z	   79 Query	INSERT INTO query_data (`var_data`, `int_data`, `create_date`, `char_data`) VALUES ('0var',0,'2019-11-01','1')
2019-11-01T01:43:51.891904Z	   79 Query	INSERT INTO query_data (`var_data`, `int_data`, `create_date`, `char_data`) VALUES ('1var',1,'2019-11-01','1')
2019-11-01T01:43:51.892136Z	   79 Query	commit
2019-11-01T01:43:51.977174Z	   79 Query	rollback
2019-11-01T01:43:51.981484Z	   79 Quit	


2019-11-01T02:23:46.145078Z	   89 Query	SHOW WARNINGS
2019-11-01T02:23:46.148454Z	   89 Query	SET NAMES utf8mb4
2019-11-01T02:23:46.148588Z	   89 Query	SET character_set_results = NULL
2019-11-01T02:23:46.148809Z	   89 Query	SET autocommit=1
2019-11-01T02:23:46.153224Z	   89 Query	SET autocommit=0
2019-11-01T02:23:46.166311Z	   89 Prepare	INSERT INTO query_data (`var_data`, `int_data`, `create_date`, `char_data`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
2019-11-01T02:23:46.171129Z	   89 Query	SELECT @@session.transaction_read_only
2019-11-01T02:23:46.171392Z	   89 Query	SELECT @@session.transaction_read_only
2019-11-01T02:23:46.175887Z	   89 Execute	INSERT INTO query_data (`var_data`, `int_data`, `create_date`, `char_data`) VALUES ('0var',0,'2019-11-01','1')
2019-11-01T02:23:46.204478Z	   89 Execute	INSERT INTO query_data (`var_data`, `int_data`, `create_date`, `char_data`) VALUES ('1var',1,'2019-11-01','1')
2019-11-01T02:23:46.204878Z	   89 Query	commit
2019-11-01T02:23:46.487619Z	   89 Query	rollback
2019-11-01T02:23:46.492423Z	   89 Quit	


2019-11-01T02:40:19.644778Z	   90 Query	SHOW WARNINGS
2019-11-01T02:40:19.650422Z	   90 Query	SET NAMES utf8mb4
2019-11-01T02:40:19.650650Z	   90 Query	SET character_set_results = NULL
2019-11-01T02:40:19.650932Z	   90 Query	SET autocommit=1
2019-11-01T02:40:19.655743Z	   90 Query	SET autocommit=0
2019-11-01T02:40:19.680848Z	   90 Query	SELECT @@session.transaction_read_only
2019-11-01T02:40:19.681998Z	   90 Query	INSERT INTO query_data (`var_data`, `int_data`, `create_date`, `char_data`) VALUES ('0var',0,'2019-11-01','1'),('1var',1,'2019-11-01','1')
2019-11-01T02:40:19.700368Z	   90 Query	commit
2019-11-01T02:40:19.725935Z	   90 Query	rollback
2019-11-01T02:40:19.730085Z	   90 Quit	


2019-11-01T02:42:25.799594Z	   93 Query	SHOW WARNINGS
2019-11-01T02:42:25.803008Z	   93 Query	SET NAMES utf8mb4
2019-11-01T02:42:25.803138Z	   93 Query	SET character_set_results = NULL
2019-11-01T02:42:25.803354Z	   93 Query	SET autocommit=1
2019-11-01T02:42:25.807759Z	   93 Query	SET autocommit=0
2019-11-01T02:42:25.822828Z	   93 Prepare	INSERT INTO query_data (`var_data`, `int_data`, `create_date`, `char_data`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
2019-11-01T02:42:25.826277Z	   93 Query	SELECT @@session.transaction_read_only
2019-11-01T02:42:25.827500Z	   93 Prepare	INSERT INTO query_data (`var_data`, `int_data`, `create_date`, `char_data`) VALUES (?,?,?,?),(?,?,?,?)
2019-11-01T02:42:25.832597Z	   93 Execute	INSERT INTO query_data (`var_data`, `int_data`, `create_date`, `char_data`) VALUES ('0var',0,'2019-11-01','1'),('1var',1,'2019-11-01','1')
2019-11-01T02:42:25.851448Z	   93 Close stmt	
2019-11-01T02:42:25.851605Z	   93 Query	commit
2019-11-01T02:42:25.880361Z	   93 Query	rollback
2019-11-01T02:42:25.884408Z	   93 Quit	




10934	8849	8195	11846	9388
第二種情況,設置useServerPrepStmts=true9837	7045	7553	7195	7931
第三種情況,設置rewriteBatchedStatements=true2799	1481	1456	1180	1543
第四種情況,同時設置rewriteBatchedStatements=true和useServerPrepStmts=true4211	1974	1867	2322	2381

    1) 批量插入大量數據時設置rewriteBatchedStatements=true可以重寫SQL語句,將多條SQL合併成一條SQL,再交由服務端處理,從而大大減少執行時間。
    2) 只設置useServerPrepStmts=true,可以略微提升性能,是因爲Prepare-Execute的執行模式要比單一的Query更快。
    3) 爲什麼同時設置rewriteBatchedStatements=true和useServerPrepStmts=true比只設置rewriteBatchedStatements=true的性能要略差一點,是因爲Prepare本身是有開銷的,在只需要執行一條SQL的時候,這種開銷相對來說會比較大。

	for (int i = 0; i <= 100000; i++) {
            psts.setString(1, i + "var");
            psts.setInt(2, i);
            psts.setDate(3, new java.sql.Date(time));
            psts.setString(4, "1");
             // 加入批量處理 

	public void addBatch() throws SQLException {
        try {
            synchronized(this.checkClosed().getConnectionMutex()) {
                QueryBindings<?> queryBindings = ((PreparedQuery)this.query).getQueryBindings();
                this.query.addBatch(queryBindings.clone()); //
        } catch (CJException var6) {
            throw SQLExceptionsMapping.translateException(var6, this.getExceptionInterceptor());

	public void addBatch(Object batch) {
        if (this.batchedArgs == null) {
            this.batchedArgs = new ArrayList();

        this.batchedArgs.add(batch); //this.batchedArgs爲protect List<Object> batchedArgs;

    總的來說,psts.addBatch(); 所做的就是把每一條新增SQL的參數給存到批量參數列表中,在調用psts.executeBatch方法時,將批量參數列表發送給服務端。







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