tf API:網絡構建模塊tf.nn,tf.layers, tf.contrib




tf.contrib: 各類模塊的實驗代碼,包括各類高級操作的API,在構建網絡的高級操作API中,包含tf.contrib.layers、tf.contrib.nn和tf.contrib.slim(好用的模塊),屬於實驗代碼,不穩定。但在TF2.0移除了contrib模塊。

個人:由於tensorflow已經發展到2.0以上,1.x移植到2.x還是存在不兼容,建議採用tf.keras, 採用tensorflow作爲後端。





rnn_cell module: 構建RNN.


all_candidate_sampler(...): 生成所有類的集合.

atrous_conv2d(...): 卷積(又稱帶孔卷積或膨脹卷積).

atrous_conv2d_transpose(...): atrous_conv2d的轉置.

avg_pool(...): 平均池化.

avg_pool1d(...): 平均池化.

avg_pool2d(...): 平均池化.

avg_pool3d(...): 平均池化.

avg_pool_v2(...): 平均池化.

batch_norm_with_global_normalization(...): 批量歸一化.

batch_normalization(...): 批量歸一化.

bias_add(...): 添加偏置.

bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(...): 創建雙向遞歸神經網絡的動態版本. (deprecated)

collapse_repeated(...): 將重複的標籤合併爲單個標籤.

compute_accidental_hits(...): 計算與true_classes匹配的sampled_candidates中的位置ID.

compute_average_loss(...): 使用sample_weights縮放每個示例的損失並計算其平均值.

conv1d(...): 給定3D輸入和濾波器張量,計算1D卷積。. (deprecated argument values) (deprecated argument values)

conv1d_transpose(...): 轉置 conv1d.

conv2d(...): 給定4-D輸入和濾波器張量,計算2-D卷積。.

conv2d_backprop_filter(...): 計算相對於濾波器的卷積梯度.

conv2d_backprop_input(...): 計算相對於輸入的卷積梯度.

conv2d_transpose(...): 轉置 of conv2d.

conv3d(...): 給定5-D輸入和濾波器張量,計算3-D卷積.

conv3d_backprop_filter(...): 計算3D卷積相對於濾波器的梯度.

conv3d_backprop_filter_v2(...): 計算3D卷積相對於濾波器的梯度.

conv3d_transpose(...): 轉置 of conv3d.

conv_transpose(...): 轉置 of convolution.

convolution(...): 計算N-D卷積的和 (actually cross-correlation).

crelu(...): 計算級聯的ReLU.

ctc_beam_search_decoder(...): 對輸入中給出的對數執行波束搜索解碼.

ctc_beam_search_decoder_v2(...): 對輸入中給出的對數執行波束搜索解碼.

ctc_greedy_decoder(...): 對輸入中給出的對數執行貪婪解碼(最佳路徑).

ctc_loss(...): 計算CTC(連接器時間分類)損失.

ctc_loss_v2(...): 計算CTC(連接器時間分類)損失.

ctc_unique_labels(...): 獲取tf.nn.ctc_loss的批處理標籤的唯一標籤和索引 .

depth_to_space(...): T型張量的DepthToSpace.

depthwise_conv2d(...): Depthwise 2-D convolution.

depthwise_conv2d_backprop_filter(...): 計算相對於濾波器的深度卷積的梯度.

depthwise_conv2d_backprop_input(...): 計算相對於輸入的深度卷積的梯度.

depthwise_conv2d_native(...): 給定4-D輸入和濾波器張量,計算二維深度卷積.

depthwise_conv2d_native_backprop_filter(...): 計算相對於濾波器的深度卷積的梯度.

depthwise_conv2d_native_backprop_input(...): 計算相對於輸入的深度卷積的梯度.

dilation2d(...): 計算4D輸入和3D濾波器張量的灰度膨脹.

dropout(...): Computes dropout. (deprecated arguments)

dynamic_rnn(...): 創建由RNNCell指定的遞歸神經網絡 cell. (deprecated)

elu(...):計算指數線性: exp(features) - 1 if < 0, features otherwise.

embedding_lookup(...): 在嵌入張量列表中查找id.

embedding_lookup_sparse(...): 計算給定id和權重的嵌入.

erosion2d(...): 計算4-D值和3-D內核張量的灰度腐蝕.

fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler(...): 使用提供的(固定的)基本分發對一組類進行採樣.

fractional_avg_pool(...): 對輸入執行分數平均池. (deprecated)

fractional_max_pool(...): 對輸入執行分數最大池化. (deprecated)

fused_batch_norm(...): Batch normalization.

in_top_k(...): 判斷目標是否在前K個預測中.

l2_loss(...): L2 Loss.

l2_normalize(...): 使用L2範數沿尺寸軸標準化. (deprecated arguments)

leaky_relu(...): 計算 Leaky ReLU 激活函數.

learned_unigram_candidate_sampler(...): 從訓練期間學習到的分佈中抽樣一組類別.

local_response_normalization(...): Local Response Normalization.

log_poisson_loss(...): 計算給定的對數泊松損失 log_input.

log_softmax(...): 計算log softmax activations. (deprecated arguments)

log_uniform_candidate_sampler(...): 使用對數均勻(Zipfian)基本分佈對一組類進行採樣.

lrn(...): Local Response Normalization.

max_pool(...): 最大池化.

max_pool1d(...): 最大池化.

max_pool2d(...): 最大池化.

max_pool3d(...): 最大池化.

max_pool_v2(...): 最大池化.

max_pool_with_argmax(...): 對輸入執行最大池化,並輸出最大值和索引.

moments(...): 計算x的均值和方差.

nce_loss(...): 計算並返回噪聲對比估計訓練損失.

normalize_moments(...): 根據足夠的統計量計算的均值和方差.

pool(...): 執行N-D池化操作.

quantized_avg_pool(...): 產生量化類型的輸入張量的平均池.

quantized_conv2d(...): 給定量化的4D輸入和濾波器張量,計算2D卷積.

quantized_max_pool(...): 爲量化類型產生輸入張量的最大池.

quantized_relu_x(...): 計算量化整流線性X: min(max(features, 0), max_value)

raw_rnn(...): 創建由RNNCell單元指定的RNN和循環函數loop_fn.

relu(...): 計算整流線性: max(features, 0).

relu6(...): 計算整流線性6: min(max(features, 0), 6).

relu_layer(...): 計算Relu(x * weight + biases).

safe_embedding_lookup_sparse(...): 查找嵌入結果,說明無效的ID和空白功能.

sampled_softmax_loss(...): 計算並返回採樣的softmax訓練損失。

scale_regularization_loss(...): 按副本數縮放給定正則化損失的總和.

selu(...): 計算比例指數線性: scale * alpha * (exp(features) - 1)

separable_conv2d(...): 帶可分離濾波器的二維卷積.

sigmoid(...): 計算x元素的S形.

sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(...): 計算給定logits的S形交叉熵 .

softmax(...): 計算softmax 激活. (deprecated arguments)

softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(...): 計算S形交叉熵  between logits and labels. (deprecated)

softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(...): 計算S形交叉熵 between logits and labels. (deprecated arguments)

softplus(...): 計算 softplus: log(exp(features) + 1).

softsign(...): 計算 softsign: features / (abs(features) + 1).

space_to_batch(...): T型4維張量的SpaceToBatch.

space_to_depth(...): T型張量的SpaceToDepth.

sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(...): 計算稀疏softmax交叉熵 between logitsand labels.

static_bidirectional_rnn(...): 創建雙向遞歸神經網絡. (deprecated)

static_rnn(...): 創建一個指定的遞歸神經網絡 by RNNCell cell. (deprecated)

static_state_saving_rnn(...): RNN接受狀態保存程序以進行時間截斷的RNN計算. (deprecated)

sufficient_statistics(...): 計算x的均值和方差的足夠統計量.

swish(...): 計算 Swish activation function: x * sigmoid(x).

tanh(...): 計算 hyperbolic tangent of x element-wise.

top_k(...): 查找最後一個維度的k個最大條目的值和索引.

uniform_candidate_sampler(...): 使用統一的基本分佈對一組類進行採樣.

weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits(...): 計算加權交叉熵. (deprecated arguments)

weighted_moments(...): 返回x的頻率加權均值和方差.

with_space_to_batch(...): 對輸入的空分批表示執行運算.

xw_plus_b(...): Computes matmul(x, weights) + biases.

zero_fraction(...): 返回值中零的分數.





experimental module: Public API for tf.layers.experimental namespace.


class AveragePooling1D: Average Pooling layer for 1D inputs.

class AveragePooling2D: Average pooling layer for 2D inputs (e.g. images).

class AveragePooling3D: Average pooling layer for 3D inputs (e.g. volumes).

class BatchNormalization: Batch Normalization layer from

class Conv1D: 1D convolution layer (e.g. temporal convolution).

class Conv2D: 2D convolution layer (e.g. spatial convolution over images).

class Conv2DTranspose: Transposed 2D convolution layer (sometimes called 2D Deconvolution).

class Conv3D: 3D convolution layer (e.g. spatial convolution over volumes).

class Conv3DTranspose: Transposed 3D convolution layer (sometimes called 3D Deconvolution).

class Dense: Densely-connected layer class.

class Dropout: Applies Dropout to the input.

class Flatten: Flattens an input tensor while preserving the batch axis (axis 0).

class InputSpec: Specifies the ndim, dtype and shape of every input to a layer.

class Layer: Base layer class.

class MaxPooling1D: Max Pooling layer for 1D inputs.

class MaxPooling2D: Max pooling layer for 2D inputs (e.g. images).

class MaxPooling3D: Max pooling layer for 3D inputs (e.g. volumes).

class SeparableConv1D: Depthwise separable 1D convolution.

class SeparableConv2D: Depthwise separable 2D convolution.


average_pooling1d(...): Average Pooling layer for 1D inputs. (deprecated)

average_pooling2d(...): Average pooling layer for 2D inputs (e.g. images). (deprecated)

average_pooling3d(...): Average pooling layer for 3D inputs (e.g. volumes). (deprecated)

batch_normalization(...): Functional interface for the batch normalization layer. (deprecated)

conv1d(...): Functional interface for 1D convolution layer (e.g. temporal convolution). (deprecated)

conv2d(...): Functional interface for the 2D convolution layer. (deprecated)

conv2d_transpose(...): Functional interface for transposed 2D convolution layer. (deprecated)

conv3d(...): Functional interface for the 3D convolution layer. (deprecated)

conv3d_transpose(...): Functional interface for transposed 3D convolution layer. (deprecated)

dense(...): Functional interface for the densely-connected layer. (deprecated)

dropout(...): Applies Dropout to the input. (deprecated)

flatten(...): Flattens an input tensor while preserving the batch axis (axis 0). (deprecated)

max_pooling1d(...): Max Pooling layer for 1D inputs. (deprecated)

max_pooling2d(...): Max pooling layer for 2D inputs (e.g. images). (deprecated)

max_pooling3d(...): Max pooling layer for 3D inputs (e.g. (deprecated)

separable_conv1d(...): Functional interface for the depthwise separable 1D convolution layer. (deprecated)

separable_conv2d(...): Functional interface for the depthwise separable 2D convolution layer. (deprecated)




autograph module: This is the legacy module for AutoGraph, kept for backward compatibility.

batching module: Ops and modules related to batch.

bayesflow module: Ops for representing Bayesian computation.

checkpoint module: Tools for working with object-based checkpoints.

cloud module: Module for cloud ops.

cluster_resolver module: Standard imports for Cluster Resolvers.

compiler module: A module for controlling the Tensorflow/XLA JIT compiler.

constrained_optimization module: A library for performing constrained optimization in TensorFlow.

copy_graph module: Functions to copy elements between graphs.

crf module: Linear-chain CRF layer.

cudnn_rnn module: Ops for fused Cudnn RNN models.

data module: Experimental API for building input pipelines.

deprecated module: Non-core alias for the deprecated tf.X_summary ops.

distribute module: A distributed computation library for TF.

distributions module: Classes representing statistical distributions and ops for working with them.

eager module: TensorFlow Eager execution prototype.

estimator module: estimator python module.

factorization module: Ops and modules related to factorization.

feature_column module: Experimental utilities for tf.feature_column.

ffmpeg module: Working with audio using FFmpeg.

framework module: Framework utilities.

graph_editor module: TensorFlow Graph Editor.

grid_rnn module: GridRNN cells

image module: Ops for image manipulation.

input_pipeline module: Ops and modules related to input_pipeline.

integrate module: Integration and ODE solvers.

keras module: Implementation of the Keras API meant to be a high-level API for TensorFlow.

kernel_methods module: Ops and estimators that enable explicit kernel methods in TensorFlow.

labeled_tensor module: Labels for TensorFlow.

layers module: Ops for building neural network layers, regularizers, summaries, etc.

learn module: High level API for learning (DEPRECATED).

legacy_seq2seq module: Deprecated library for creating sequence-to-sequence models in TensorFlow.

linear_optimizer module: Ops for training linear models.

lookup module: Ops for lookup operations.

losses module: Ops for building neural network losses.

memory_stats module: Ops for memory statistics.

metrics module: Ops for evaluation metrics and summary statistics.

mixed_precision module: Library for mixed precision training.

model_pruning module: Model pruning implementation in tensorflow.

nn module: Module for variants of ops in tf.nn.

opt module: A module containing optimization routines.

optimizer_v2 module: Distribution-aware version of Optimizer.

periodic_resample module: Custom op used by periodic_resample.

predictor module: Modules for Predictors.

proto module: Ops and modules related to proto.

quantization module: Ops for building quantized models.

quantize module: Functions for rewriting graphs for quantized training.

receptive_field module: Module that declares the functions in tf.contrib.receptive_field's API.

recurrent module: Recurrent computations library.

reduce_slice_ops module: reduce by slice

remote_fused_graph module: Remote fused graph ops python library.

resampler module: Ops and modules related to resampler.

rnn module: RNN Cells and additional RNN operations.

rpc module: Ops and modules related to RPC.

saved_model module: SavedModel contrib support.

seq2seq module: Ops for building neural network seq2seq decoders and losses.

signal module: Signal processing operations.

slim module: Slim is an interface to contrib functions, examples and models.

solvers module: Ops for representing Bayesian computation.

sparsemax module: Module that implements sparsemax and sparsemax loss, see [1].

specs module: Init file, giving convenient access to all specs ops.

staging module: contrib module containing StagingArea.

stat_summarizer module: Exposes the Python wrapper for StatSummarizer utility class.

stateless module: Stateless random ops which take seed as a tensor input.

summary module: TensorFlow Summary API v2.

tensor_forest module: Random forest implementation in tensorflow.

tensorboard module: tensorboard module containing volatile or experimental code.

testing module: Testing utilities.

tfprof module: tfprof is a tool that profile various aspect of TensorFlow model.

timeseries module: A time series library in TensorFlow (TFTS).

tpu module: Ops related to Tensor Processing Units.

training module: Training and input utilities.

util module: Utilities for dealing with Tensors.

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