C++核心準則ES.20: 保證所有對象被初始化

ES.20: Always initialize an object

ES.20: 保證所有對象被初始化



Avoid used-before-set errors and their associated undefined behavior. Avoid problems with comprehension of complex initialization. Simplify refactoring.




void use(int arg)
    int i;   // bad: uninitialized variable
    // ...
    i = 7;   // initialize i

No, i = 7 does not initialize i; it assigns to it. Also, i can be read in the ... part. Better:


void use(int arg)   // OK
    int i = 7;   // OK: initialized
    string s;    // OK: default initialized
    // ...


The always initialize rule is deliberately stronger than the an object must be set before used language rule. The latter, more relaxed rule, catches the technical bugs, but:


  • It leads to less readable code

  • 它會略微降低代碼的可讀性。

  • It encourages people to declare names in greater than necessary scopes

  • 它會鼓勵人們將名稱定義在超出必要的作用域中。

  • It leads to harder to read code

  • 它會帶來更難讀的代碼。

  • It leads to logic bugs by encouraging complex code

  • 由於它會鼓勵複雜代碼從而引起邏輯錯誤。

  • It hampers refactoring

  • 難於重構

The always initialize rule is a style rule aimed to improve maintainability as well as a rule protecting against used-before-set errors.




Here is an example that is often considered to demonstrate the need for a more relaxed rule for initialization。



widget i;    // "widget" a type that's expensive to initialize, possibly a large POD
widget j;

if (cond) {  // bad: i and j are initialized "late"
    i = f1();
    j = f2();
else {
    i = f3();
    j = f4();

This cannot trivially be rewritten to initialize i and j with initializers. Note that for types with a default constructor, attempting to postpone initialization simply leads to a default initialization followed by an assignment. A popular reason for such examples is "efficiency", but a compiler that can detect whether we made a used-before-set error can also eliminate any redundant double initialization.



Assuming that there is a logical connection between i and j, that connection should probably be expressed in code:


pair<widget, widget> make_related_widgets(bool x)
    return (x) ? {f1(), f2()} : {f3(), f4() };

auto [i, j] = make_related_widgets(cond);    // C++17

If the make_related_widgets function is otherwise redundant, we can eliminate it by using a lambda ES.28:


auto [i, j] = [x]{ return (x) ? pair{f1(), f2()} : pair{f3(), f4()} }();    // C++17

Using a value representing "uninitialized" is a symptom of a problem and not a solution:



widget i = uninit;  // bad
widget j = uninit;

// ...
use(i);         // possibly used before set
// ...

if (cond) {     // bad: i and j are initialized "late"
    i = f1();
    j = f2();
else {
    i = f3();
    j = f4();

Now the compiler cannot even simply detect a used-before-set. Further, we've introduced complexity in the state space for widget: which operations are valid on an uninit widget and which are not?




Complex initialization has been popular with clever programmers for decades. It has also been a major source of errors and complexity. Many such errors are introduced during maintenance years after the initial implementation.




This rule covers member variables.


class X {
    X(int i, int ci) : m2{i}, cm2{ci} {}
    // ...

    int m1 = 7;
    int m2;
    int m3;

    const int cm1 = 7;
    const int cm2;
    const int cm3;

The compiler will flag the uninitialized cm3 because it is a const, but it will not catch the lack of initialization of m3. Usually, a rare spurious member initialization is worth the absence of errors from lack of initialization and often an optimizer can eliminate a redundant initialization (e.g., an initialization that occurs immediately before an assignment).




If you are declaring an object that is just about to be initialized from input, initializing it would cause a double initialization. However, beware that this may leave uninitialized data beyond the input -- and that has been a fertile source of errors and security breaches:


constexpr int max = 8 * 1024;
int buf[max];         // OK, but suspicious: uninitialized
f.read(buf, max);

The cost of initializing that array could be significant in some situations. However, such examples do tend to leave uninitialized variables accessible, so they should be treated with suspicion.


constexpr int max = 8 * 1024;
int buf[max] = {};   // zero all elements; better in some situations
f.read(buf, max);

Because of the restrictive initialization rules for arrays and std::array, they offer the most compelling examples of the need for this exception.


When feasible use a library function that is known not to overflow. For example:


string s;   // s is default initialized to ""
cin >> s;   // s expands to hold the string

Don't consider simple variables that are targets for input operations exceptions to this rule:


int i;   // bad
// ...
cin >> i;

In the not uncommon case where the input target and the input operation get separated (as they should not) the possibility of used-before-set opens up.


int i2 = 0;   // better, assuming that zero is an acceptable value for i2
// ...
cin >> i2;

A good optimizer should know about input operations and eliminate the redundant operation.




Sometimes, a lambda can be used as an initializer to avoid an uninitialized variable:


error_code ec;
Value v = [&] {
    auto p = get_value();   // get_value() returns a pair<error_code, Value>
    ec = p.first;
    return p.second;

or maybe(也可以這樣):

Value v = [] {
    auto p = get_value();   // get_value() returns a pair<error_code, Value>
    if (p.first) throw Bad_value{p.first};
    return p.second;

See also: ES.28(參見ES.28)



  • Flag every uninitialized variable. Don't flag variables of user-defined types with default constructors.

  • 提示所有未初始化變量。具有默認構造函數的用戶定義類型應該除外。

  • Check that an uninitialized buffer is written into immediately after declaration. Passing an uninitialized variable as a reference to non-const argument can be assumed to be a write into the variable.

  • 檢查沒有初始化的緩衝區被聲明之後馬上被寫入的情況。以非常量引用參數的方式傳遞一個未初始化變量可以認爲是對該變量的寫入。








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