4 AI基础:超越经典搜索算法

4.1 Classical Search 经典搜索

  • In previous chapter, we addressed a single category of problems, where the solution is a sequence of actions with following features:
    -observable, 可观测
    -deterministic, 确定性
    -known environments. 已知环境
  • In this chapter, we will discuss the local search algorithms, evaluating and modifying one or more current states rather than systematically exploring paths from an initial state.
  • The search algorithms that we have seen so far are designed to explore search spaces systematically, they are called Classic Search.
  • This systematicity is achieved by keeping one or more paths in memory and by recording which alternatives have been explored at each point along the path.
    这种系统性是通过将一条或多条路径保存在内存中,并在路径的每个点上记录已经探索过哪些备选方案来实现的。(record how to chose a node to be expanded)
  • When a goal is found, the path to that goal also constitutes a solution to the problem.
  • In many problems, however, the path to the goal is irrelevant to the solution.
  • For example, in the 8-queens problem, what matters is the final configuration of queens, not the order in which they are added.
  • The same general property holds for many important applications such as integrated-circuit design, factory-floor layout, job-shop scheduling, automatic programming, telecommunications network optimization, vehicle routing, and portfolio management.

4.2 Local Search Algorithms(局部搜索算法)

  • In many optimization problems, the path to the goal does not matter; the goal state itself is the solution.
  • In such cases, we can use a different class of algorithms that do not worry about paths at all. That is local search algorithm.
  • Local search algorithms operate using a single current node (rather than multiple paths), and generally move only to neighbors of that node. 局部搜索算法从单个当前节点(而不是多条路径)出发,通常只移动到它的邻近状态。
  • Typically, the paths followed by the search are not retained.

Basic idea:

Basic idea: in the search process, always search towards the direction closest to the target.

  • The goal can be the maximum or the minimum.
  • Local search algorithms have two key advantages:局部搜索算法有如下两个主要优点:
    -use very little memory; 使用很少的内存;
    -can find reasonable solutions in large or infinite (continuous) state spaces. 在大的或无限(连续)状态空间中,能发现合理的解。

Methods of Local Search

  • Hill-climbing search(爬山搜索)
  • Local beam search(局部束搜索)
  • Simulated annealing search(模拟煺火搜索)
  • Genetic algorithms(遗传算法)

(1)Hill-climbing Search(爬山搜索)

  • Hill-Climbing search algorithm is the most basic local search technique.
  • It is an iterative algorithm: 爬山法是一种迭代算法:
    starts with an arbitrary solution to a problem,
    then incrementally change a single element of the solution,
    if it’s a better solution, the change is made to the new solution,
    repeating until no further improvements can be found.
  • Hill-climbing Search is simply a loop that continually moves in the direction
    of increasing value—that is, uphill.
    爬山搜索是简单的循环过程,不断向值增加的方向持续移动—— 即,登高。
  • It terminates when it reaches a “peak” where no neighbor has a higher value.
  • The algorithm does not maintain a search tree, so the data structure for the
    current node need only record the state and the value of the objective function.
  • Hill climbing does not consider the state that are not the neighbors of the current state. 爬山法不会考虑与当前状态不相邻的状态。
  • It is sometimes called greedy local search, because it grabs the best neighbor state without thinking ahead about where to go next.
  • It turns out that greedy local search algorithms often perform quite well.
  • It often makes rapid progress toward a solution, because it is usually quite easy
    to improve a bad state.
  • If the peak is taken as the goal, h(n) to represent the height difference between the peak and the current position n, the algorithm is equivalent to always climbing towards the top of the mountain. Under the condition of single peak, it will be able to reach the peak.
  • At each step the current node is replaced by the best neighbor; in this version, that means the neighbor with the highest VALUE, but if a heuristic cost estimate h is used, we would find the neighbor with the lowest h.
    在每一步,当前结点都会被它的最佳相邻结点所代替;这里,最佳相邻结点是指VALUE 最高的相邻结点,但是若使用启发式代价评估函数h, 我们要找的就是h 最低的相邻结点。

Example: n-queens problems n皇后问题

  • To illustrate hill climbing, we will use it to solve the n-queens problem.
  • Put all n queens on an n × n board. Each time move a queen to reduce the number of conflicts, so that there are no two queens on the same row, column, or diagonal.
    把n个皇后放在n x n的棋盘上。每次移动一个皇后来减少冲突数量,使得没有两个皇后在同一行、同一列、或同一对角线上。
  • each state has 8 queens on the board, one per column.
    每个状态都是在棋盘上放置8 个皇后,每列一个皇后。
  • The heuristic cost function h is the number of pairs of queens that are attacking each other, either directly or indirectly.
    启发式评估函数h 是形成相互攻击的皇后对的数量;不管是直接还是间接。
  • The global minimum of this function is zero, which occurs only at perfect solutions. 该函数的全局最小值是0, 仅在找到解时才会是这个值。
  • Hill-climbing algorithms typically choose one randomly among the set of best successors if there is more than one.

Weaknesses of Hill-Climbing 爬山法的弱点

It often gets stuck for the three reasons: 它在如下三种情况下经常被困:
- Local maxima 局部最大值
higher than its neighbors but lower than global maximum. 高于相邻节点但低于全局最大值。
A local maximum is a peak that is higher than each of its neighboring states but lower than the global maximum.
Hill-climbing algorithms that reach the vicinity of a local maximum will be drawn upward toward the peak but will then be stuck with nowhere else to go.
- Plateaux 高原
can be a flat local maximum, or a shoulder. 可能是一个平坦的局部最大值,或山肩。
- Ridges 山岭
result in a sequence of local maxima that is very difficult to navigate.

Example of local maxima


  • h = number of pairs of queens that are attacking each other, either directly or indirectly ,h = 17
  • It shows the values of all its successors, with the best successors having h=12.
  • Hill-climbing algorithms typically choose one randomly among the set of best successors if there is more than one. 如果有多个后继同是最小值,爬山法会在最佳后继集合中随机选择一个进行扩展。
    (a) Its heuristic cost estimate h=17. It shows the value of h for each possible successor obtained by moving a queen within its column. The best moves are marked.
    当前状态的启发式代价评估h =17, 方格中显示的数字表示将这一列中的皇后移到该方格而得到的后继的h 值。最佳移动在图中做了标记.
    (1) Choose one randomly among the set of best successors and place the queen in the same
    column to this cell.
    (2) Recalculate the value of h in each cell. 再重新计算各个方格里的h值,
    (3) goto step (1) until the optimal solution is obtained or can not find a neighbor with lower value than the current node .
    (b) A local minimum in the 8-queens state space; the state has h=1 but every successor has a higher cost.
    八皇后问题状态空间中的一个局部极小值:该状态的 h=l, 但是它的每个后继的 h 值都会比它.

Now hill climbing gets stuck in local maxima.

Problem of Hill-Climbing

  • It is very difficult for greedy algorithms to deal with the situation of falling into local maxima.
  • In each case, the algorithm reaches a point at which no progress is being made.
  • Starting from a randomly generated 8-queens state, steepest-ascent hill climbing gets stuck 86% of the time, solving only 14% of problem instances.
  • The hill-climbing algorithms described so far are incomplete—they often fail to find a goal when one exists because they can get stuck on local maxima.
    到现在为止我们描述的爬山法是不完备的—— 它们经常会在目标存在的情况下因为被局部极大值卡住而找不到目标。

Variants of Hill-Climbing 爬山法的变型

Stochastic hill-climbing 随机爬山法

  • It chooses at random among uphill moves; the probability of selection can vary with the steepness of uphill move.
    在向上移动的过程中,随机地选择下一步, 被选中的概率可能随向上移动的陡峭程度的不同而变化。
  • This usually converges more slowly than steepest ascent.
  • still incomplete—they may get stuck on local maxima.

Random-restart hill-climbing 随机重启爬山法

  • It adopts the well-known adage, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”
  • It conducts a series of hill-climbing searches from randomly generated initial states, until a goal is found.
  • It is complete with probability approaching 1, because it will eventually generate a goal state as the initial state.
  • If each hill-climbing search has a probability p of success, then the expected number of restarts required is 1/p.
  • For 8-queens, then, random-restart hill climbing is very effective indeed. Even for three million queens, the approach can find solutions in under a minute.
    对于八皇后问题,随机重启爬山法实际上是有效的。即使有300 万个皇后,这个方法找到解的时间不超过1分钟。
  • The success of hill climbing depends very much on the shape of the state-space landscape: if there are few local maxima and plateaux, random-restart hill climbing will find a good solution very quickly.

(2)Simulated Annealing Search 模拟退火

  • A hill-climbing algorithm that never makes “downhill” moves toward states with lower value (or higher cost) is guaranteed to be incomplete, because it can get stuck on a local maximum.
    爬山法搜索从来不“下山”, 即不会向值比当前结点低的(或代价高的)方向搜索,它肯定是不完备的,理由是可能卡在局部极大值上。
  • In contrast, a purely random walk—that is, moving to a successor chosen uniformly at random from the set of successors—is complete but extremely inefficient.
  • Therefore, it seems reasonable to try to combine hill climbing with a random walk in some way that yields both efficiency and completeness. Simulated annealing is such an algorithm.

Annealing 退火

  • In metallurgy, annealing is the process used to temper or harden metals and glass by heating them to a high temperature and then gradually cooling them, thus allowing the material to reach a low energy crystalline state.
  • To explain simulated annealing, we switch our point of view from hill climbing to gradient descent (i.e., minimizing cost) and imagine the task of getting a ping-pong ball into the deepest crevice in a bumpy surface.
  • If we just let the ball roll, it will come to rest at a local minimum.
  • If we shake the surface, we can bounce the ball out of the local minimum.
  • The trick is to shake just hard enough to bounce the ball out of local minima but not hard enough to dislodge it from the global minimum.
  • The simulated-annealing solution is to start by shaking hard (i.e., at a high temperature) and then gradually reduce the intensity of the shaking (i.e., lower the temperature).

Basic Idea of Simulated Annealing Search

  • escape local maxima by allowing some “bad” moves but gradually decrease their frequency.
  • Break through Local Optima with probability and move towards Global Optimum

  • The innermost loop of the simulated-annealing algorithm is quite similar to hill climbing.
  • Instead of picking the best move, however, it picks a random move.
  • If the move improves the situation, it is always accepted.
  • Otherwise, the algorithm accepts the move with some probability less than 1.
    否则,算法以某个小于1 的概率接受该移动。
  • The probability decreases exponentially with the “badness” of the move—the amount ΔE by which the evaluation is worsened.
    随着移动导致状态“变坏”, 概率会成指数级下降一一评估值ΔE 变坏。
  • The probability also decreases as the “temperature” T goes down: “bad” moves are more likely to be allowed at the start when T is high, and they become more unlikely as T ecreases.
    这个概率也随“温度”T的 降低而下降:开始T高的时候可能允许“坏的”移动,当T降低时则不可能允许“坏的”移动。
  • If the schedule lowers T slowly enough, the algorithm will find a global optimum with probability approaching 1.
  • Simulated annealing was first used extensively to solve VLSI (very large scale integration) layout problems in the early 1980s. It has been applied widely to factory scheduling and other large-scale optimization tasks.
    模拟退火在20 世纪80 年代早期广泛用于求解VLSI (大规模集成电路)布局问题。现在它
  • Simulated annealing is a probabilistic method to approach the global optimal
    solution, which was published in 1953.
  • The simulated annealing algorithm, a version of stochastic hill climbing where some downhill moves are allowed. Downhill moves are accepted readily early in the annealing schedule and then less often as time goes on.

(3)Local Beam Search 局部束搜索

  • Keeping just one node in memory might seem to be an extreme reaction to the problem of memory limitations.
  • The local beam search algorithm keeps track of k states rather than just one.
    局部束搜索算法记录k 个状态而不是只记录一个。
  • It starts with k randomly generated states
  • At each step, all the successors of all k states are generated.
  • If any one is a goal state, stop; else select the k best successors from the complete list and repeat.

Example: Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP) 旅行推销员问题

  • Given the distance between a series of cities and each pair of cities, find the shortest loop to visit each city only once and return to the original city
  • The problem is to find a Hamilton loop with the least weight in a undirected completed graph with weight.

迄今没有一个能简单判定 哈密顿图 的充要条件。从算法设计理论来说,还没有有效的方法可求得该问题的精确解。好在有(nearest neighbor algorithm)最近邻居算法,(best-edge algorithm)最佳边算法都能给出比较不错的结果。

  • Suppose that the weights of the horizontal and vertical line segments are equal and less than the diagonal weight. 假设水平和竖直线段的权值相等,均小于对角线的权值。
  • Keeps track of k states rather than just 1. Start with k randomly generated states. k=2 in this example. 保持k个状态而不仅仅为1。从k个随机生成的状态开始。本例中k=2。
  • Generate all successors of all the k states. None of these is a goal state so we continue.
    Select the best k successors from the complete list. Repeat the process until goal found.

(4)Genetic Algorithms 遗传算法(GA)

  • The elements of genetic algorithms was introduced in 1960s.Became popular
    through the work of John Holland in early 1970s, and particularly his book
    Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems(1975).
  • It is a search heuristic that mimics the process of natural selection.
  • In this algorithm, successor states are generated by combining two parent states rather than by modifying a single state. It is dealing with sexual reproduction rather than asexual reproduction.
    在该算法中, 后继节点是由两个父辈状态的组合而不是修改单一状态生成的。其处理过程是有性繁殖,而不是无性繁殖。
  • Genetic algorithms belong to the larger class of evolutionary algorithms. 遗传算法属于进化算法这个大分类。
  • The algorithms generate solutions to optimization problems using techniques inspired by natural evolution, such as inheritance, mutation, selection, and crossover.
  • It begin with a set of k randomly generated states, called the population. 该算法开始时具有一组k个随机生成的状态,称其为种群
  • Each state, or individual, is represented as a string over a finite alphabet, most commonly, a string of 0s and 1s.
  • Each state is rated by the objective function, or (in GA terminology) the fitness function.
  • A fitness function should return higher values for better states.


  • 种群(Population):指初始给定的多个解的集合。
  • 个体(Individual):指种群中的单个元素,通常由一个用于描述其基本遗传结构的数据结构来表示。
  • 染色体(Chromosome):指对个体进行编码后所得到的编码串。染色体中的每一位称为基因,染色体上由若干个基因构成的一个有效信息段称为基因组。例如:11011为一个染色体,每一位上的0或1表示基因。
  • 适应度(Fitness)函数:一种用来对种群中各个个体的环境适应性进行度量的函
  • 遗传操作(Genetic Operator):指作用于种群而产生新的种群的操作。标准的遗传操作包括以下三种基本形式:
     选择(Selection)
     交叉(Crossover)
     变异(Mutation)

Example: 8-queens problem 8皇后问题

An 8-queens state must specify the positions of 8 queens, each in a column of 8
squares, the state could be represented as 8 digits, each in the range from 1to 8.
Fig. 1 Digit strings representing 8-queens states.
(a) the initial population, (b) ranked by the fitness function,
© resulting in pairs for mating, (d) reproduce child, (e) subject to mutation.

  • For the 8-queens problem, we use the number of nonattacking pairs of queens to define the fitness, which has a value of 28 for a solution. 在八皇后问题中,我们用不相互攻击的皇后对的数目来表示适应度. 最优解的适应度是28。
  • The values of the four states are 24, 23, 20, and 11. 这四个状态的适应度分别是24、23、20 和11.
  • In this particular variant of the genetic algorithm, the probability of being chosen for reproducing is directly proportional to the fitness score, and the percentages are shown next to the raw scores.在这个特定的遗传算法实现中,被选择进行繁殖的概率直接与个体的适应度成正比,其百分比标在旁边。
  • In ©, two pairs are selected at random for reproduction, in accordance with the probabilities in (b). 在图1 © 中,按照(b) 中的概率随机地选择两对进行繁殖。
  • Notice that one individual is selected twice and one not at all.4 For each pair to be mated, a crossover point is chosen randomly from the positions in the string.
    请注意其中一个个体被选中两次, 而有一个个体一次也没被选中,对于要配对的每对个体,在字符串中随机选择一个位置作为杂交点。
  • In Figure 1, the crossover points are after the third digit in the first pair and after the fifth digit in the second pair.
    图1 中的杂交点在第一对的第三位数字之后和第二对的第五位数字之后。
  • In (d), the offspring themselves are created by crossing over the parent strings at the crossover point.
    在图1 (d) 中,父串在杂交点上进行杂交而创造出后代。
  • For example, the first child of the first pair gets the first three digits from the first parent and
    the remaining digits from the second parent, whereas the second child gets the first three
    digits from the second parent and the rest from the first parent. The 8-queens states involved
    in this reproduction step are shown in Figure 2.
  • Finally, in (e), each location is subject to random mutation with a small independent probability.
    最后,在图1 (e) 中每个位置都会按照某个小的独立概率随机变异。
  • One digit was mutated in the first, third, and fourth offspring.
    在第1、第3和第4 个后代中都有一个数字发生了变异。
  • In the 8-queens problem, this corresponds to choosing a queen at random and moving it to a random square in its column.
    Fig. 2 Those three 8-queens states correspond to the first two parents in “Selection” and their
    offspring in “Crossover”.
    The shaded columns are lost in the crossover step and the unshaded columns are retained.

The Genetic Algorithm


Applications of Genetic Algorithms 遗传算法的应用


Vivid Interpretation —形象解释

  • Hill climbing algorithm: a kangaroo jumps higher than it is now. It found the highest peak not far away, but not really the highest peak, perhaps just the secondary peak.
  • Simulated annealing: the kangaroo is drunk and jumps randomly for a long time, during which time it may go high or low. However, it gradually sobered up and jumped to the highest peak.
  • Genetic algorithm: n kangaroos were randomly put into the mountain. Kangaroos do not know that their task is to find the highest peak. But every few years, some kangaroos are shot at the low peaks. As a result, the kangaroo at the low peak died, while the kangaroo at the mountain peak multiplied. Many years later, the kangaroos would unconsciously gather at the high peaks.
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