數據結構實驗報告-zstu計科全英一Experiment 2:判斷紅黑樹


(1) Task description:
There is a kind of balanced binary search tree named red-black tree in the data structure. It has the following 5 properties:
(1) Every node is either red or black.
(2) The root is black.
(3) Every leaf (NULL) is black.
(4) If a node is red, then both its children are black.
(5) For each node, all simple paths from the node to descendant leaves contain the same number of black nodes.
For each given binary search tree, you are supposed to tell if it is a legal red-black tree.

(2) Methods:

  1. Using insert function to build the red-black tree, judging the absolute value of the number and the element of the node.
  2. The rule 1 and 3 are must true, so we just need to judge the rule 2,4,5.
  3. Rule 2 is easy.
  4. Rule 4, I use a recursive function to judge. When the node is null, the function will end. If a red node has a red children node, the function will return false.
  5. Rule 5, I first calculate the number of black nodes in the leftmost subtree path, than use the recursive function to calculate the number of black nodes of every paths of the tree, if not equal, return false.


# include<stdio.h>

typedef struct TreeNode* Tree;


struct TreeNode {
	int Element;
	Tree  Left;
	Tree  Right;
int baseBlack = 0; //定義最左邊子樹路徑的黑色節點數

void insert(Tree T,int number)
	if (abs(number) <= abs(T->Element))
		if (T->Left == NULL)
			T->Left = malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
			T->Left->Element = number;
			T->Left->Left = NULL;
			T->Left->Right = NULL;
			insert(T->Left, number);
		if (T->Right == NULL)
			T->Right = malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
			T->Right->Element = number;
			T->Right->Left = NULL;
			T->Right->Right = NULL;
			insert(T->Right, number);
//第一條和第三條一定是滿足的  需要判斷的是規則2,4,5

// judge (2) The root is black.
// 判斷第二條規則 根是否爲黑色
int judgeRull2(Tree rbtree)
	if (rbtree->Element < 0) return 0;

// judge (4) If a node is red, then both its children are black.
// 通過遞歸,判斷第四個規則是否成立
int judgeRull4(Tree rbtree)
	if (rbtree == NULL) return 1;
	if (rbtree->Element < 0)
		if (!rbtree->Left) return 1; //如果爲空 返回1
		if (rbtree->Left->Element < 0) //非空 看看值
			return 0;
		if (!rbtree->Right) return 1;
		if (rbtree->Right->Element < 0)
			return 0;
	return judgeRull4(rbtree->Left) && judgeRull4(rbtree->Right);

void blackOfLeft(Tree rbtree)
	while (rbtree != NULL)
		if (rbtree->Element > 0)
		rbtree = rbtree->Left;

//judge (5) For each node, all simple paths from the node to descendant leaves contain the same number of black nodes.
// 通過遞歸比較每個路徑的黑色節點個數是否等於最左邊的路徑的黑色節點個數
int judgeRull5(Tree rbtree,int count)
	if (rbtree == NULL) return 1;
	if (rbtree->Element > 0) count++;
	if (rbtree->Right == NULL && rbtree->Left == NULL)
		if (count != baseBlack) return 0;
	return judgeRull5(rbtree->Left, count) && judgeRull5(rbtree->Right, count);

int main()
	Tree rbtree = malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));

	int N;
	printf("Please input the number of nodes first,and then input the preorder traversal sequence of the tree\n");
	scanf("%d", &N);
	int tempElement;

	scanf("%d", &tempElement);
	rbtree->Element = tempElement;
	rbtree->Left = NULL;
	rbtree->Right = NULL;

	for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
		scanf("%d", &tempElement);
		insert(rbtree, tempElement);

	if (judgeRull2 && judgeRull4 && judgeRull5) printf("Yes");
	else printf("No");

	return 0;



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