110407 ShellSort

This solution gets "Wrong answer" result inhttp://www.programming-challenges.com/,

but it gets "Accepted" result inhttp://uva.onlinejudge.org/.

According to the explanation in http://www.programming-challenges.com/problems_specific.txt, I think my program should be correct, and it is the problem of http://www.programming-challenges.com/to judge my program as "Wrong answer".

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct Tortoise
	string m_name;
	int m_index;

typedef Tortoise* TortoisePtr;

static void ShellSort(TortoisePtr* tortoises, int cnt)
	if (cnt <= 1)

	int toHandleMaxTortoiseIndex = 0;
	while(tortoises[toHandleMaxTortoiseIndex]->m_index != (cnt - 1))

	int searchSecondMaxFrom = (toHandleMaxTortoiseIndex == 0) ? 1 : 0;
	for (int k = cnt; k >= 2; --k)
		int j = searchSecondMaxFrom;
		while(tortoises[j]->m_index != (k - 2))

		if (toHandleMaxTortoiseIndex < j)
			cout << tortoises[j]->m_name << endl;

			TortoisePtr temp = tortoises[j];
			for (int x = j; x >= 1; --x)
				tortoises[x] = tortoises[x - 1];
			tortoises[0] = temp;
			toHandleMaxTortoiseIndex = 0;
			toHandleMaxTortoiseIndex = j;

static void RunTestCase()
	int cnt;
	cin >> cnt;

	cin.ignore(); // Consume the '\n' after the count of tortoises.

	TortoisePtr* tortoises = new TortoisePtr[cnt];
	for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
		tortoises[i] = new Tortoise();
		getline(cin, tortoises[i]->m_name);

	map<string, int> queueInfo;
	string temp;
	for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
		getline(cin, temp);
		queueInfo.insert(pair<string, int>(temp, i));

	for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
		tortoises[i]->m_index = queueInfo[tortoises[i]->m_name];

	ShellSort(tortoises, cnt);

	for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
		delete tortoises[i];
	delete[] tortoises;

static void Test()
	int cnt;
	cin >> cnt;
	for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
		cout << endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	return 0;

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