還原yolov3 的 anchors

Part I: kmeans 聚類

1.kmean 聚類代碼 包 下載 指路:



1. 打開 example.py 文件,修改 ANNOTATIONS_PATH。
2. 爲解決 box has no area 問題,修改 example.py 文件,過濾掉xmax-xmin=0 , ymax-ymin=0時的數據值。 
3. 在pycharm中運行,或在 該文件的終端,python example.py

# 修改後的example.py

import glob
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import numpy as np

from kmeans import kmeans, avg_iou

ANNOTATIONS_PATH = "train2017_xml"
#ANNOTATIONS_PATH = "VOCdevkit/VOC2007/Annotations"

def load_dataset(path):
	dataset = []
	for xml_file in glob.glob("{}/*xml".format(path)):
		tree = ET.parse(xml_file)

		height = int(tree.findtext("./size/height"))
		width = int(tree.findtext("./size/width"))

		for obj in tree.iter("object"):
			xmin = int(obj.findtext("bndbox/xmin")) / width
			ymin = int(obj.findtext("bndbox/ymin")) / height
			xmax = int(obj.findtext("bndbox/xmax")) / width
			ymax = int(obj.findtext("bndbox/ymax")) / height

			dataset.append([xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin])

	return np.array(dataset)

data = load_dataset(ANNOTATIONS_PATH)
for i in data:
    if i[0]!=0 and i[1]!=0:
out = kmeans(data_nonzero, k=CLUSTERS)
print("Accuracy: {:.2f}%".format(avg_iou(data_nonzero, out) * 100))
print("Boxes:\n {}".format(out))

ratios = np.around(out[:, 0] / out[:, 1], decimals=2).tolist()
print("Ratios:\n {}".format(sorted(ratios)))

Part II: 還原yolov3 anchors

1. 粘貼論文中的關於anchors的一段話:

2. coco有2014 和 2017 兩個年份的數據集。


更多關於coco標註詳解,可以參考    https://blog.csdn.net/qq_29631521/article/details/97130811

我們用到的是instance 就是目標檢測實例。

3. 把 json 轉換成voc 需要的 xml

參考自 https://blog.csdn.net/Dreaming_of_you/article/details/105414664

#translate coco_json to xml
import os
import time
import json
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from pycocotools.coco import COCO

def trans_id(category_id):
    names = []
    namesid = []
    for i in range(0, len(cats)):
        #print('id:{1}\t {0}'.format(names[i], namesid[i]))
    index = namesid.index(category_id)
    return index

root = '/home/studieren/PycharmProjects/kmeans-anchor-boxes-master/'  # 你下載的 COCO 數據集所在目錄
dataType = 'train2014'
anno  = '{}/annotations/instances_{}.json'.format(root, dataType)
xml_dir = '{}/{}_xml'.format(root, dataType)

coco = COCO(anno)  # 讀文件
cats = coco.loadCats(coco.getCatIds())  # 這裏loadCats就是coco提供的接口,獲取類別

# Create anno dir
dttm = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
if os.path.exists(xml_dir):
    os.rename(xml_dir, xml_dir + dttm)

with open(anno, 'r') as load_f:
    f = json.load(load_f)

imgs = f['images']

df_cate = pd.DataFrame(f['categories'])
df_cate_sort = df_cate.sort_values(["id"], ascending=True)
categories = list(df_cate_sort['name'])
print('categories = ',categories)
df_anno = pd.DataFrame(f['annotations'])

for i in tqdm(range(len(imgs))):
    xml_content = []
    file_name = imgs[i]['file_name']
    height = imgs[i]['height']
    img_id = imgs[i]['id']
    width = imgs[i]['width']

    xml_content.append("	<folder>VOC2007</folder>")
    xml_content.append("	<filename>" + file_name + "</filename>")
    xml_content.append("	<size>")
    xml_content.append("		<width>" + str(width) + "</width>")
    xml_content.append("		<height>" + str(height) + "</height>")
    xml_content.append("	</size>")
    xml_content.append("	<segmented>0</segmented>")
    # 通過img_id找到annotations
    annos = df_anno[df_anno["image_id"].isin([img_id])]

    for index, row in annos.iterrows():
        bbox = row["bbox"]
        category_id = row["category_id"]
        cate_name = categories[trans_id(category_id)]
        # add new object
        xml_content.append("	<object>")
        xml_content.append("		<name>" + cate_name + "</name>")
        xml_content.append("		<pose>Unspecified</pose>")
        xml_content.append("		<truncated>0</truncated>")
        xml_content.append("		<difficult>0</difficult>")
        xml_content.append("		<bndbox>")
        xml_content.append("			<xmin>" + str(int(bbox[0])) + "</xmin>")
        xml_content.append("			<ymin>" + str(int(bbox[1])) + "</ymin>")
        xml_content.append("			<xmax>" + str(int(bbox[0] + bbox[2])) + "</xmax>")
        xml_content.append("			<ymax>" + str(int(bbox[1] + bbox[3])) + "</ymax>")
        xml_content.append("		</bndbox>")
        xml_content.append("	</object>")

    x = xml_content
    xml_content = [x[i] for i in range(0, len(x)) if x[i] != "\n"]
    ### list存入文件
    xml_path = os.path.join(xml_dir, file_name.replace('.jpg', '.xml'))
    with open(xml_path, 'w+', encoding="utf8") as f:
    xml_content[:] = []

4. 獲得聚類結果

將轉化好的 包含xml 的 annotation_path 修改在 example.py 文件中並執行。

2014 結果如下:

Accuracy: 60.53%
 [[0.103125   0.08541667]
 [0.1        0.2625    ]
 [0.2109375  0.16393443]
 [0.046875   0.12708333]
 [0.271875   0.42857143]
 [0.0234375  0.06088993]
 [0.053125   0.03958333]
 [0.690625   0.709375  ]
 [0.0140625  0.022     ]]
 [0.37, 0.38, 0.38, 0.63, 0.64, 0.97, 1.21, 1.29, 1.34]


Accuracy: 60.42%
 [[0.2640625  0.408     ]
 [0.196875   0.15      ]
 [0.09375    0.075     ]
 [0.046875   0.03541667]
 [0.021875   0.06041667]
 [0.0125     0.02107728]
 [0.0453125  0.12266667]
 [0.096875   0.25      ]
 [0.6765625  0.70352941]]
 [0.36, 0.37, 0.39, 0.59, 0.65, 0.96, 1.25, 1.31, 1.32]

將兩個結果分別×416 和 608 

# 416
# 2014
[[  42.   35.]
 [  41.  109.]
 [  87.   68.]
 [  19.   52.]
 [ 113.  178.]
 [   9.   25.]
 [  22.   16.]
 [ 287.  295.]
 [   5.    9.]]

# 416
# 2017
[[ 109.  169.]
 [  81.   62.]
 [  39.   31.]
 [  19.   14.]
 [   9.   25.]
 [   5.    8.]
 [  18.   51.]
 [  40.  104.]
 [ 281.  292.]]

# yolov3
[[ 10  13]
 [ 16  30]
 [ 33  23]
 [ 30  61]
 [ 62  45]
 [ 59 119]
 [116  90]
 [156 198]
 [373 326]]
# 608
# 2014
[[  62.   51.]     /
 [  60.  159.]     /
 [ 128.   99.]     /
 [  28.   77.]     /
 [ 165.  260.]     /
 [  14.   37.]     /
 [  32.   24.]     /
 [ 419.  431.]     /
 [   8.   13.]]    /

# 608
# 2017
[[ 109.  169.]
 [  81.   62.]
 [  39.   31.]
 [  19.   14.]
 [   9.   25.]
 [   5.    8.]
 [  18.   51.]
 [  40.  104.]
 [ 281.  292.]]

# yolov3       # 2014
[[ 10  13]   [   8.   13.]
 [ 16  30]   [  14.   37.]
 [ 33  23]   [  32.   24.]
 [ 30  61]   [  28.   77.]
 [ 62  45]   [  62.   51.]
 [ 59 119]   [  60.  159.]
 [116  90]   [ 128.   99.]
 [156 198]   [ 165.  260.]
 [373 326]]  [ 419.  431.]
對比分析發現基本是 608 大小的 2014 的數據集擬合出來的


[10,13,  16,30,  33,23,  30,61,  62,45,  59,119,  116,90,  156,198,  373,326]

這個yolov3 anchors 聚類結果 大概率是由 2014 的 608 大小的尺寸 聚類出來的。

補充一點:聚類自己的數據集時,9個anchors 的排列順序依據是面積大小,也就是每個框兩個數據的乘積,面積小在前,面積大在後。

[10,13, 16,30, 33,23, 30,61, 62,45, 59,119, 116,90, 156,198, 373,326]



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