Vocabulary and Phrase in Paper of Computer Vision (Updating)

Vocabulary and Phrase in Paper of Computer Vision

Sec 1 RCNN

v&p characteristic translation usage
as measured on 正如…所衡量的 as measured on the canonical PASCAL VOC dataset
plateau vi 達到平衡;達到穩定階段 B has plateaued in the last few years.某領域近年來趨於平穩
best-performing adj 最佳效果的 用來形容某領域中效果最佳的方法
scalable adj 可擴展的 用於形容一種可擴展的算法
more than 30% relative to … 相比於…多了30% more than 30% relative to the previous best result
scarce adj;adv 不足的;稀有的 形容某物很少
domain-specific 特定領域的
yield vi;vt 導致;屈服 同lead
boost n;v 提升;促進;增加 同improvement
by a large margin 以一個很高的狀態 A outperforms B by a large margin; A極大地超越了B
canonical adj 權威性的 the canonical visual recognition task 權威性的視覺識別工作
it is generally acknowledged that …是被認可的共識 形容某種趨勢,方法的優點
minor variants of successful methods 對成功方法的微小改進
… see heavy use … 得到大量使用 CNNs saw heavy use in the 1990s;CNN在90年代得到了大量使用
rekindle v 重新點燃
vigorously adv 強有力地;茁壯地;強烈地
frame … as … 將…定義爲…
may not fare well in practice 可能實際表現並不理想
alternative adj;n 替代的;替代品
… dub … v …給…起綽號
head-to-head comparison of … and … …和…的直接較量
category-independent adj 類別無關的
warp v 扭曲,使彎曲 warp all pixels in a tight bounding box around it to the required size;彎曲所有像素使其達到所需大小
time spent n 時間消耗
tightly enclose 密切地緊貼着 形容某region將某物體最小包圍
elucidate v 闡明 同depict
stems from 源於 The inefficiency stems from the fact that …
One concern over this strategy 對這種策略的擔憂
streamline v,n,adj 流線型,簡單化,合理化,流線 a streamlined training process
sibling n 兄弟姐妹 A Fast R-CNN network has two sibling output layers.
by convention 按照慣例 By convention the catch-all background class is labeled u = 0.
catch-all 所有的
notion n 概念;見解;打算 there is no notion of a ground-truth bounding box 沒有gt 包圍盒的概念

Sec 2 Feature Selective Anchor-Free Module for Single-Shot Object Detection(CVPR2019)

v&p characteristic translation usage
plug A into B 將A嵌入到B中 A is plugged into B
limitation n 限制,缺點,弱項 It addresses two limitations
brought up by 由…帶來的

Sec 3 Small Obstacle Avoidance Based on RGB-D Semantic Segmentation(ICCV2019 Workshop)

v&p characteristic translation usage
local path planning 局部路徑規劃
morphological processing 形態學處理
monochrome adj 單色的,黑白的 monochrome image

Sec 4 MultiNet: Real-time Joint Semantic Reasoning for Autonomous Driving(IV 2018)

v&p characteristic translation usage
prominently adv 顯著地;重要地 the input features one object, usually centred prominently in the image
serve as 用作 The purpose of this encoder is to serve as high quality baseline
joint inference 聯合推理(多任務神經網絡) This first classification encoder cannot be used for joint inference with segmentation and detection
feature n,v 使突出,容貌,特點 the input features one object, usually centred prominently in the image
marry A with B 將A特性賦予B

Sec 5 A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks

v&p characteristic translation usage
revolutionize vt 使徹底變革 Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years.
taxonomy n 分類學,分類系統


v&p characteristic translation usage
prevailing adj 佔優勢的;主要的;流行的;普遍的 prevailing methods
tackle v,n 解決,應付 tackle the task
symptom n 徵兆;症狀 a typical symptom is distorted and blurry reconstruction of object boundaries.
revisit v,n 重遊;再訪;重臨 revisiting Single Image Depth Estimation表達對某物的重新探討
substantially adv 可觀地 considerablely
be superior to 比…更優 This method is superior to direct point cloud interpolation methods in term of feasibility and efficiency.
lightweight adj n 輕量級的 the lightweight model
affluent adj 富裕的;豐富的;流暢的 同plentiful
filter out 過濾掉 effectively filter out the incorrect bounding boxes
resort n,v 使用,憑藉,訴諸,手段 resort to the following procedure
maneuver n,vi,vt 調遣,機動,策略 the proposed method can be used to guide the maneuver of the robot
inherent adj 固有的,內在的 we analyze a problem inherent to any homography-based approach
resultant adj 因而發生的, 必然產生的 Due to the reduced degree of freedom, the resultant algorithm …
stringent adj 嚴格的,嚴厲的,緊縮的,短缺的 there is no stringent requirement on camera calibration
In theory 理論上說
stably adv 堅固地;安定地;平穩地
be on par with …與…相當 The results are on par with supervised methods
laborious adj. 勤勞的;困難的, 費力的 Compared with laborious pixel-wise dense labeling
scribble n,v 雜文,亂寫,濫寫
mitigate v 緩解,使緩和
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