
You inherited a haunted house. Its floor plan is an nn-by-nn square grid with ll lamps in fixedlocations and no interior walls. Each lamp can either illuminate its row or its column, but not bothsimultaneously. The illumination of each lamp extends by rr squares in both directions, so a lampunobstructed by an exterior wall of the house can illuminate as many as 2r+12r + 1 squares.

If a square is illuminated by more than one lamp in its row, or by more than one lamp in its column,the resulting bright spot will scare away ghosts forever, diminishing the value of your property. Isit possible for all lamps to illuminate a row or column, without scaring any ghosts? Note that asquare illuminated by two lamps, one in its row and the other in its column, will not scare awaythe ghosts.


The first line of input contains three positive integers, nn, rr and ll(1n,r,l1,000)(1 ≤ n, r, l ≤ 1,000).

Each of the next ll lines contains two positive integers rir_i and cic_i (1ri,cin)(1 ≤ r_i, c_i ≤ n), indicating thatthere is a lamp in row ri and column cic_i.

It is guaranteed that all lamps are in distinct locations.


Print, on a single line, YES if it is possible to illuminate all lamps as stated above; otherwise, print NO.

3 2 5
1 1
1 3
3 1
3 3
2 2
3 2 6
1 1
1 2
1 3
3 1
3 2
3 3



#define si(a) scanf("%d",&a)
#define sl(a) scanf("%lld",&a)
#define sd(a) scanf("%lf",&a)
#define sc(a) scahf("%c",&a);
#define ss(a) scanf("%s",a)
#define pi(a) printf("%d\n",a)
#define pl(a) printf("%lld\n",a)
#define pc(a) putchar(a)
#define ms(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))
#define repi(i, a, b) for(register int i=a;i<=b;++i)
#define repd(i, a, b) for(register int i=a;i>=b;--i)
#define reps(s) for(register int i=head[s];i;i=Next[i])
#define ll long long
#define ull unsigned long long
#define vi vector<int>
#define pii pair<int,int>
#define mii unordered_map<int,int>
#define msi unordered_map<string,int>
#define lowbit(x) ((x)&(-(x)))
#define ce(i, r) i==r?'\n':' '
#define pb push_back
#define fi first
#define se second
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define pr(x) cout<<#x<<": "<<x<<endl
using namespace std;

inline int qr() {
    int f = 0, fu = 1;
    char c = getchar();
    while (c < '0' || c > '9') {
        if (c == '-')fu = -1;
        c = getchar();
    while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
        f = (f << 3) + (f << 1) + c - 48;
        c = getchar();
    return f * fu;

const int N = 2e3 + 10, M = 1e6 + 10;
vi col[N], row[N];
map<pii, int> id;
int head[N], ver[M << 1], Next[M << 1], tot;
stack<int> s;
bool ins[N];
int c[N], dfn[N], low[N], cnt, num;
int n, k, m;

inline void add(int x, int y) {
    ver[++tot] = y;
    Next[tot] = head[x];
    head[x] = tot;

inline void build() {
    repi(i, 1, n) if (row[i].size() >= 2) {
            int l = 0, r = 0;
            repi(j, 0, row[i].size() - 1) {
                while (row[i][j] - row[i][l] > 2 * k)l++;
                while (r + 1 < row[i].size() && row[i][r + 1] - row[i][j] <= 2 * k) r++;
                repi(t, l, r) if (t != j)add(id[{i, row[i][j]}], id[{i, row[i][t]}] + m);
    repi(i, 1, n) if (col[i].size() >= 2) {
            int l = 0, r = 0;
            repi(j, 0, col[i].size() - 1) {
                while (col[i][j] - col[i][l] > 2 * k)l++;
                while (r + 1 < col[i].size() && col[i][r + 1] - col[i][j] <= 2 * k)r++;
                repi(t, l, r) if (t != j)add(id[{col[i][t], i}] + m, id[{col[i][j], i}]);

void tarjain(int x) {
    dfn[x] = low[x] = ++num;
    ins[x] = true;
    for (int i = head[x]; i; i = Next[i])
        if (!dfn[ver[i]]) {
            low[x] = min(low[x], low[ver[i]]);
        } else if (ins[ver[i]])
            low[x] = min(low[x], dfn[ver[i]]);
    if (dfn[x] == low[x]) {
        int y;
        do {
            y =;
            ins[y] = false;
            c[y] = cnt;
        } while (x != y);

inline void solve() {
    bool flag = true;
    for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
        if (c[i] == c[i + m]) {
            flag = false;
    puts(flag ? "YES" : "NO");

int main() {
    n = qr(), k = qr(), m = qr();
    repi(i, 1, m) {
        int x = qr(), y = qr();
        id[{x, y}] = i;
        row[x].pb(y), col[y].pb(x);
    repi(i, 1, n) {
        sort(row[i].begin(), row[i].end());
        sort(col[i].begin(), col[i].end());
    repi(i, 1, 2 * m)if (!dfn[i])tarjain(i);
    return 0;
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