c++ primer(第五版)学习笔记及习题答案代码版(第十五章)面向对象程序设计


习题答案至于一个.h 和.cc 中,需要演示某一题直接修改 #define NUM****, 如运行15.30题为#define NUM1530;

chapter 15

1. 面向对象程序设计的核心思想是数据抽象、继承和动态绑定。通过使用数据抽象,我们可以将类的实现和接口分离。





2. 基类通常都应该定义一个虚析构函数、即使该函数不执行任何实际操作也是如此。








3. 可以将基类的指针或引用绑定到派生类对象上有一层极为重要的含义:当使用基类的引用或指针时,实际上我们并不清楚该引用或指针所绑定对象的





重要的一点: 动态绑定只有当我们通过指针或引用调用虚函数时才会发生。

4. 如果我们用override标记了某个函数,但该函数并没有覆盖已存在的虚函数,此时编译器会报错。






5. 如果我们删除的是一个指向派生类对象的基类指针,则需要虚析构函数。




6. 当派生类对象被赋值给基类对象时,其中的派生类部分将被“切掉”,因此容器和存在继承关系的类型无法兼容。

#ifndef CHAPTER15_H
#define CHAPTER15_H

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;

class Quote{
	friend bool operator !=(const Quote& lhs, const Quote &rhs);
	Quote() {cout << "Default constructing Quote. "<<endl; }
	Quote(const string &b, double p): bookNo(b), price(p) {cout <<"Quote:constructor taking 2 parameters." <<endl;}

	Quote(const Quote &q): bookNo(q.bookNo), price(q.price){
		cout << "Quote:copy costructing\n";
	Quote(Quote &&q) noexcept : bookNo(move(q.bookNo)), price(move(q.price)){
				cout << "Quote:move constructing\n"; 
	Quote operator = (const Quote &rhs){
		if(*this != rhs){
			bookNo = rhs.bookNo;
			price = rhs.price;
		cout << "Quote:copy=() \n";
		return *this;
	Quote& operator =(Quote &rhs)noexcept{
		if(*this != rhs){
			bookNo = move(rhs.bookNo);
			bookNo = move(rhs.price);
		cout << "Quote:move != \n"<<endl;
		return *this;

	virtual Quote* clone()const& { return new Quote(*this); }
//	virtual Quote* clone()&& { return new Quote(move(*this)); }

	string isbn()const { return bookNo; }
	virtual double net_price(size_t n) const { return n*price; }
	virtual void debug() const;

	virtual ~Quote() = default;
	string bookNo;
	double price;


bool inline operator !=(const Quote& lhs, const Quote& rhs){
	return lhs.bookNo != rhs.bookNo	&&	lhs.price  != rhs.price;

void Quote::debug() const{
	cout << "Data members of this class: \n" << "bookNo: " << isbn() << " "
			<< "price: " << this ->price <<" ";

double print_total(ostream &os, const Quote &item, size_t n){
	double ret = item.net_price(n);
	os << "ISBN: " << item.isbn() << " # sold: "<< n << " total due: "<< ret << endl;
	return ret;

class Bulk_quote : public Quote{
	Bulk_quote() { cout <<"default constructing Bulk_quote \n"<<endl;}
	Bulk_quote(const string &book, double p, size_t q, double d): Quote(book, p), min_qty(q), discount(d) { 
		cout << "Bulk_quote: constructor takes 4 parameters.\n"; 
	Bulk_quote(const Bulk_quote &rhs): Quote(rhs){
		cout << "Bulk_quote: copy constructor.\n";

	 //! move constructor
    Bulk_quote(Bulk_quote&& bq): Quote(move(bq)){
        cout << "Bulk_quote : move constructor\n";

    //! copy =()
    Bulk_quote& operator =(const Bulk_quote& rhs){
        Quote::operator =(rhs);
        cout << "Bulk_quote : copy =()\n";

        return *this;
    //! move =()
    Bulk_quote& operator =(Bulk_quote&& rhs) noexcept {
        Quote::operator =(move(rhs));
        cout << "Bulk_quote : move =()\n";

        return *this;
	Bulk_quote* clone()const& { return new Bulk_quote(*this); }

	double net_price(size_t n) const override{
		return n * price * (n >= min_qty ? 1- discount : 1);
	void debug() const override;
	size_t min_qty;
	double discount;

void Bulk_quote::debug() const{
	cout << "min_qty= " <<this->min_qty << " " <<"discount= " << this->discount <<" ";

class Limit_quote: public Quote{
	Limit_quote(const string &book, double p, size_t mq, double d): Quote(book, p), max_qty(mq), discount(d) { } 
	double net_price(size_t n)const override{
		if(n <= max_qty)
			return n * price * (1 - discount);
			return (n - max_qty) * price + max_qty * price * (1- discount);
//		return n * price * (n <= max_qty ? 1 - discount : 1);
	void debug() const override;
	Limit_quote* clone()const& { return new Limit_quote(*this); }
	size_t max_qty;
	double discount;


void Limit_quote::debug() const{
	cout << "max_qty= " <<this->max_qty << " " <<"discount= " << this->discount <<" ";

void print_debug(const Quote &q){

class base
   string name() { return basename; }
   virtual void print(ostream &os) { os << basename; }
   string basename = "base\n";

class derived : public base
   void print(ostream &os) { base::print(os); os << " derived\n " << i; }
   int i;

class Disc_quote : public Quote{
	Disc_quote() = default;
	Disc_quote(const string &b, double p, size_t q, double d): Quote(b, p), quantity(q), discount(d){ }
	virtual double net_price(size_t n)const override = 0;
	size_t quantity;
	double discount;

class Bulk_quote1 : public Disc_quote{
	Bulk_quote1() = default;
	Bulk_quote1(const string &b, double p, size_t q, double dis):Disc_quote(b, p, q, dis){ }
	double net_price(size_t n) const override;
	void debug() const override;

double Bulk_quote1::net_price(size_t n) const{
	return n * price * (n >= quantity ? 1-discount : 1);
void Bulk_quote1::debug() const{
	cout << "min_qty= " << quantity <<" " <<"discount= " << discount<< " ";

class Limit_quote_16: public Disc_quote{
	Limit_quote_16() = default;
	Limit_quote_16(const string &book, double p, size_t max, double d): Disc_quote(book, p, max, d) { }
	double net_price(size_t n)const override{
		if(n <= quantity)
			return n * price * (1 - discount);
			return (n - quantity) * price + quantity * price * (1- discount);
	void debug() const override;

void Limit_quote_16::debug() const{
	cout << "max_qty= " <<this->quantity << " " <<"discount= " << this->discount <<" ";

class Base
    void pub_mem();   // public member
    int prot_mem;     // protected member
    char priv_mem;    // private member

struct Pub_Derv     : public    Base{
    void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

struct Priv_Derv    : private   Base{
    void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

struct Prot_Derv    : protected Base{
    void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

struct Derived_from_Public      : public Pub_Derv{
    void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

struct Derived_from_Private     : public Priv_Derv{
    //void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

struct Derived_from_Protected   : public Prot_Derv{
    void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

class Shape{
	typedef pair<double, double> Coordinate;
	Shape() = default;
	Shape(const string& n): name(){ }
	virtual double area() const = 0;
	virtual double perimeter() const = 0;
	virtual ~Shape() = default;
	string name;

class Rectangle : public Shape{
	Rectangle() = default;
	Rectangle(const string &n, const Coordinate &a, const Coordinate &b, 
			const Coordinate &c, const Coordinate &d): Shape(n), a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d){}
	double area() const;
	~Rectangle() = default;
	Coordinate a;
	Coordinate b;
	Coordinate c;
	Coordinate d;


class Square : public Rectangle{
	Square() = default;
	Square(const string &n, const Coordinate &a, const Coordinate &b, 
			const Coordinate &c, const Coordinate &d): Rectangle(n, a, b, c, d){}
	double area() const;
	~Square() = default;

class Base_23{
	virtual int fcn(){ cout << "Base::fcn()\n"; return 0; }

class D1: public Base_23{
	int fcn() override {cout << "D1::fcn()\n"; return 0;}
	virtual void f2() {cout << "D1::f2()\n"; }

class D2 : public D1{
	int fcn(int);
	int fcn() override{ cout << "D2::fcn()\n"; return 0;}
	void f2() override{ cout << "D2::f2()\n"; }

class Bulk_quote_27 : public Disc_quote{
    Bulk_quote_27() {cout << "default constructing Bulk_quote\n"; }

    Bulk_quote(const string& b, double p, size_t q, double disc) :
        Disc_quote(b,p,q,disc) { cout << "Bulk_quote : constructor taking 4 parameters\n"; }
    using Disc_quote::Disc_quote;

    //! copy constructor
    Bulk_quote_27(const Bulk_quote_27& bq) : Disc_quote(bq) { cout << "Bulk_quote_27 : copy constructor\n"; }

    //! move constructor
    Bulk_quote_27(Bulk_quote_27&& bq) : Disc_quote(move(bq))    {
        cout << "Bulk_quote_27 : move constructor\n";

    //! copy =()
    Bulk_quote_27& operator =(const Bulk_quote_27& rhs){
        Disc_quote::operator =(rhs);
        cout << "Bulk_quote_27 : copy =()\n";
        return *this;

    //! move =()
    Bulk_quote_27& operator =(Bulk_quote_27&& rhs){
        Disc_quote::operator =(move(rhs));
        cout << "Bulk_quote : move =()\n";
        return *this;

	Bulk_quote_27* clone()const& { return new Bulk_quote_27(*this); }
//	Bulk_quote_27* clone()&& { return new Bulk_quote_27(move(*this)); }

    double net_price(size_t n) const override;
    void  debug() const override;

    ~Bulk_quote_27() override    {
        cout << "destructing Bulk_quote\n";

double Bulk_quote_27::net_price(size_t n) const{
    return n * price * ( n >= quantity ? 1 - discount : 1);

void Bulk_quote_27::debug() const{
    cout //<< "data members of this class:\n"
              << "min_qty= " << quantity << " "
              << "discount= " << this->discount<< " \n";

class Basket{
    //! copy verison
//    void add_item(const Quote& sale){ 
//    items.insert(shared_ptr<Quote>(sale.clone())); }
	void add_item(const shared_ptr<Quote> &sale){ items.insert(sale);  }
    //! move version
//    void add_item(Quote&& sale){ 
//    items.insert(shared_ptr<Quote>(move(sale).clone())); }
    double total_receipt(ostream& os) const;
    //! function to compare needed by the multiset member
    static bool compare(const shared_ptr<Quote>& lhs,
                        const shared_ptr<Quote>& rhs){ 
    	return lhs->isbn() < rhs->isbn(); 

    //! hold multiple quotes, ordered by the compare member
    multiset<shared_ptr<Quote>, decltype(compare)*> items{compare};

double Basket::total_receipt(ostream &os) const{
    double sum = 0.0;
    for(auto iter = items.cbegin(); iter != items.cend(); iter = items.upper_bound(*iter)){
        sum += print_total(os, **iter, items.count(*iter));
    }                                   //! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ using count to fetch
                                        //! the number of the same book.
    os << "Total Sale: " << sum << endl;
    return sum;

// forward declaration needed for friend declaration in StrBlob
class StrBlobPtr;

class StrBlob{
	friend class StrBlobPtr;
    typedef vector<string>::size_type size_type;

	// constructors
    StrBlob() : data(make_shared<vector<string>>()) { }
    StrBlob(initializer_list<string> il);

	// size operations
    size_type size() const { return data->size(); }
    bool empty() const { return data->empty(); }

    // add and remove elements
    void push_back(const string &t) { data->push_back(t); }
    void pop_back();

    // element access
    string& front();
    string& back();

	// interface to StrBlobPtr
	StrBlobPtr begin();  // can't be defined until StrBlobPtr is
    StrBlobPtr end();
    shared_ptr<vector<string>> data; 
    // throws msg if data[i] isn't valid
    void check(size_type i, const string &msg) const;

// StrBlobPtr throws an exception on attempts to access a nonexistent element 
class StrBlobPtr{
	friend bool eq(const StrBlobPtr&, const StrBlobPtr&);
    StrBlobPtr(): curr(0) { }
    StrBlobPtr(StrBlob &a, size_t sz = 0) : wptr(a.data), curr(sz) { }

    //! newly overloaded why?
    StrBlobPtr(const StrBlob &a, const size_t sz = 0) : wptr(a.data), curr(sz) { }

    string& deref() const;
    StrBlobPtr& incr();       // prefix version
    StrBlobPtr& decr();       // prefix version
    // check returns a shared_ptr to the vector if the check succeeds
        check(size_t, const string&) const;

    // store a weak_ptr, which means the underlying vector might be destroyed
    weak_ptr<vector<string>> wptr;  
    size_t curr;      // current position within the array

class QueryResult;
 * @brief The TextQuery class using StrBlob
class TextQuery{
    typedef StrBlob::size_type line_no;
    //! constructor
    TextQuery(ifstream& fin);
    //! query operation
    QueryResult query(const string&) const;
    //! data members
    StrBlob file;
    map<string, shared_ptr<set<line_no>>> wordMap;

 * @brief Query Result
class QueryResult
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const QueryResult&);
	friend ostream& print(ostream&, const QueryResult&);
    //! constructor
    QueryResult(std::string s,
                std::shared_ptr<std::set<TextQuery::line_no>> sp_l,
                StrBlob f) :
        sought(s), sp_lines(sp_l), file(f) { }

    //! added for ex12.33
    //! ? Think about wether the "const"s here are expected.
    const StrBlob& get_file() const{ return file; }

    std::set<TextQuery::line_no>::iterator begin() { return sp_lines->begin(); }

    std::set<TextQuery::line_no>::iterator end()   { return sp_lines->end();   }
    //! three data members
    std::string sought;
    std::shared_ptr<std::set<TextQuery::line_no>> sp_lines;
    StrBlob file;


ostream& print(ostream&, const QueryResult&);
 * @brief   print the result to the output stream specified.
 * @note    class QueryResult's friend
ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const QueryResult &qr)
    os << qr.sought << " occurs " << qr.sp_lines->size() << " "
       << "times"   <<  "\n";

    //! print each line in which the word appears
    for ( auto &index : *qr.sp_lines)
        os << "\t(line " << index + 1 << ") ";
        const StrBlobPtr wp(qr.file, index);
        os << wp.deref() << "\n";
    return os;

 * @brief abstract class acts as a base class for all concrete query types
 *        all members are private.
class Query_base
    friend class Query;
    using line_no = TextQuery::line_no; //  used in the eval function
    virtual ~Query_base() = default;

    //! returns QueryResult that matches this query
    virtual QueryResult eval(const TextQuery&) const = 0;

    //! a string representation of this query
    virtual string rep() const = 0;

 * @brief The WordQuery class
 *The only class that actually performs a query on the given TextQuery object.
 *No public members defined in this class. All operation are through the friend
 *class Query.
class WordQuery : public Query_base{
    //! class Query uses the WordQuery constructor
    friend class Query;
    WordQuery(const string& s): query_word(s)    {
        cout << "WordQuery::WordQuery(" + s + ")\n";

    //! virtuals:
    QueryResult eval(const TextQuery& t) const override
    {   return t.query(query_word); }
    string rep() const override    {
        cout << "WodQuery::rep()\n";
        return query_word;
    string query_word;

 * @brief interface class to manage the Query_base inheritance hierachy
class Query
    friend Query operator~(const Query&);
    friend Query operator|(const Query&, const Query&);
    friend Query operator&(const Query&, const Query&);
    //! build a new WordQuery
    Query(const string& s) : q(new WordQuery(s)) {
        cout << "Query::Query(const string& s) where s="+s+"\n";

    //! interface functions: call the corresponding Query_base operatopns
    QueryResult eval(const TextQuery& t) const { return q->eval(t); }
    string rep() const
        cout << "Query::rep() \n";
        return q->rep();

    //! constructor only for friends
    Query(shared_ptr<Query_base> query) : q(query)    {
        cout << "Query::Query(shared_ptr<Query_base> query)\n";
    shared_ptr<Query_base> q;

inline ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Query& query){
    //! make a virtual call through its Query_base pointer to rep();
    return os << query.rep();

 * @brief The BinaryQuery class
 *An abstract class holds data needed by the query types that operate on two operands
class BinaryQuery : public Query_base{
    BinaryQuery(const Query&l, const Query& r, string s):
        lhs(l), rhs(r), opSym(s)    {
        cout << "BinaryQuery::BinaryQuery()  where s=" + s + "\n";

    //! @note:  abstract class: BinaryQuery doesn't define eval

    string rep() const override    {
        cout << "BinaryQuery::rep()\n";
        return "(" + lhs.rep() + " "
                   + opSym + " "
                + rhs.rep() + ")";
    Query lhs, rhs;
    string opSym;

class OrQuery :public BinaryQuery{
    friend Query operator|(const Query&, const Query&);
    OrQuery(const Query& left, const Query& right):
        BinaryQuery(left, right, "|")    {
        cout << "OrQuery::OrQuery\n";

    QueryResult eval(const TextQuery& )const override;

inline Query operator|(const Query &lhs, const Query& rhs){
    return shared_ptr<Query_base>(new OrQuery(lhs, rhs));

QueryResult OrQuery::eval(const TextQuery &text) const{
    QueryResult right = rhs.eval(text), left= lhs.eval(text);

    //! copy the left-hand operand into the result set
    shared_ptr<set<line_no>> ret_lines =
            make_shared<set<line_no>>(left.begin(), left.end());

    //! inert lines from the right-hand operand
    ret_lines->insert(right.begin(), right.end());

    return QueryResult(rep(),ret_lines,left.get_file());

 * @brief The NotQuery class
 *The ~ operator generates a NotQuery, which holds a Query,
 *which it negates.
class NotQuery : public Query_base{
    friend Query operator~(const Query& operand);
    NotQuery(const Query& q): query(q)    {
        cout << "NotQuery::NotQuery()\n";

    //! virtuals:
    string rep() const override {
        cout << "NotQuery::rep()\n";
        return "~(" + query.rep() + ")";

    QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &) const override;
    Query query;

inline Query operator~(const Query& operand){
    return shared_ptr<Query_base>(new NotQuery(operand));
    //!    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //! note : There is an imlplicit conversion here.
    //!        The Query constructor that takes shared_ptr is not
    //!        "explicit", thus the compiler allows this conversion.

 * @brief NotQuery::eval
 * @return the lines not in its operand's result set
QueryResult NotQuery::eval(const TextQuery &text) const{
    //! virtual call to eval through the Query operand
    QueryResult result = query.eval(text);

    //! start out with an empty result set
            ret_lines = make_shared<set<line_no>>();

            begin = result.begin(),
            end   = result.end();

    StrBlob::size_type sz = result.get_file().size();

    for(size_t n = 0; n != sz; ++n)    {
        if(begin == end || *begin != n)
        else if (begin != end)

    return QueryResult(rep(), ret_lines, result.get_file());

class AndQuery : public BinaryQuery{
    friend Query operator&(const Query&, const Query&);
    AndQuery(const Query& left, const Query& right):
        BinaryQuery(left,right, "&")    {
        cout << "AndQuery::AndQuery()\n";

    //! @note: inherits rep and define eval

    QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &) const override;

inline Query operator& (const Query& lhs, const Query& rhs){
    return shared_ptr<Query_base>(new AndQuery(lhs,rhs));

 * @brief AndQuery::eval
 * @return  the intersection of its operands' result sets
QueryResult AndQuery::eval(const TextQuery &text) const{
    //! virtual calls through the Query operands to get result sets for the operands
    QueryResult left = lhs.eval(text), right = rhs.eval(text);

    //! set to hold the intersection of the left and right
                   ret_lines = make_shared<set<line_no>>();

    //! writes the intersection of two ranges to a destination iterator
    set_intersection(left.begin(), left.end(),
                          right.begin(), right.end(),
                          inserter(*ret_lines, ret_lines->begin()));

    return QueryResult(rep(), ret_lines, left.get_file());

class QueryHistory
	Query& operator[](size_t n)	{
		return *(query_vec[n]);

	//return the assigned number of the  new query
	size_t add_query(const Query&);
	vector<shared_ptr<Query>> query_vec;

size_t QueryHistory::add_query(const Query &query){
	shared_ptr<Query> p = make_shared<Query>(query);
	return query_vec.size() - 1;
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "Chapter15.h"
using namespace std;
#define NUM1539

// constructor
StrBlob::StrBlob(initializer_list<string> il): 
              data(make_shared<vector<string>>(il)) { }

string& StrBlobPtr::deref() const{
    auto p = check(curr, "dereference past end"); 
    return (*p)[curr];  // (*p) is the vector to which this object points

StrBlobPtr::check(size_t i, const string &msg) const{
    auto ret = wptr.lock();   // is the vector still around?
    if (!ret)
        throw runtime_error("unbound StrBlobPtr");

    if (i >= ret->size()) 
        throw out_of_range(msg);
    return ret; // otherwise, return a shared_ptr to the vector

// prefix: return a reference to the incremented object
StrBlobPtr& StrBlobPtr::incr(){
    // if curr already points past the end of the container, can't increment it
    check(curr, "increment past end of StrBlobPtr");
    ++curr;       // advance the current state
    return *this;

StrBlobPtr& StrBlobPtr::decr(){
    // if curr is zero, decrementing it will yield an invalid subscript
    --curr;       // move the current state back one element}
    check(-1, "decrement past begin of StrBlobPtr");
    return *this;

// begin and end members for StrBlob
StrBlob::begin() {
    return StrBlobPtr(*this);

StrBlob::end() {
    auto ret = StrBlobPtr(*this, data->size());
    return ret; 

// named equality operators for StrBlobPtr
bool eq(const StrBlobPtr &lhs, const StrBlobPtr &rhs){
    auto l = lhs.wptr.lock(), r = rhs.wptr.lock();
    // if the underlying vector is the same 
    if (l == r) 
        // then they're equal if they're both null or 
        // if they point to the same element
        return (!r || lhs.curr == rhs.curr);
        return false; // if they point to difference vectors, they're not equal

bool neq(const StrBlobPtr &lhs, const StrBlobPtr &rhs){
    return !eq(lhs, rhs); 

 * @brief constructor using StrBlob.
TextQuery::TextQuery(ifstream &fin) : file(StrBlob()), wordMap(map<string,shared_ptr<set<line_no>>>()){
    string line;
    //! each line
    while(getline(fin, line))
        int n = file.size() - 1;    //! the current line number

        //! each word
        stringstream lineSteam(line);
        string word;
        while(lineSteam >> word) {
                           sp_lines = wordMap[word];
            //! if null
            if(!sp_lines)  {
                sp_lines.reset(new set<line_no>);

 * @brief do a query opertion and return QueryResult object.
TextQuery::query(const string &sought) const{
    //! dynamicaly allocated set used for the word does not appear.
    static shared_ptr<set<line_no>> noData(new set<line_no>);

    //! fetch the iterator to the matching element in the map<word, lines>.
    //map<string, shared_ptr<set<index_Tp>>>::const_iterator
    auto iter = wordMap.find(sought);
    if(iter == wordMap.end())
        return QueryResult(sought, noData, file);
        return QueryResult(sought, iter->second, file);

ostream& print(ostream &os, const QueryResult &qr){
	os <<"The result of your query "<< qr.sought <<" is: \n";
	for (const auto &index: *qr.sp_lines){
		os << "\t(line " << index + 1 << ")";
		const StrBlobPtr wp(qr.file, index);
		os << wp.deref() << "\n";
	return os;

int main(){
#ifdef NUM151
	cout << "基类的虚成员希望派生类定义自己的版本。一般的基类都会定义虚函数,即使不做任何实际操作。"<<endl;
#ifdef NUM152
#ifdef NUM153
	Quote basic( "a0-201-54848-8", 45);
	print_total(cout, basic, 20);	
#ifdef NUM154
	cout << "(a)不正确,从自己本身派生. (b)这是定义而非声明. (c)派生类的声明包含派生名但不包含派生列表."<<endl;
#ifdef NUM155
	cout <<"见Chapter15.h"<<endl;
#ifdef NUM156
	Quote basic( "0-201-54848-8", 45);
	print_total(cout, basic, 20);	
	Bulk_quote bulk("0-201-54848-8", 45, 15, 0.2);
	print_total(cout, bulk, 20); 
#ifdef NUM157
	Quote basic( "0-201-54848-8", 45);
	print_total(cout, basic, 30);	
	Limit_quote  lq("0-201-54848-8", 45, 20, 0.2);
	print_total(cout, lq, 30); 
#ifdef NUM158
	cout << "静态类型在编译时总是已知的,它是变量声明时的类型或表达式生成的类型."
#ifdef NUM159
	cout <<"指向基类的指针和引用的静态类型都不同于它的动态类型。"<<endl;
#ifdef NUM1510
	cout<<"因为ifstream继承于istream, 所以我们能够像使用cin一样使用ifstream对象."<<endl;
#ifdef NUM1511
	Quote q("aaa", 10.60);
	Bulk_quote bq("bbb",111, 10, 0.3);
	Limit_quote lq("ccc",222,10,0.3);

    /** @note   Not dynamic binding!
    Quote& r = q;
	cout << "\n";
    r = bq;
	cout << "\n";
    r = lq;
	cout << "\n";

    cout << "====================\n";
    /** @note   dynamic binding!
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "\n";	
#ifdef NUM1512
	cout <<"可以,override意味着从写在基类中同名的虚函数。final意味着防止派生类重写虚函数。"<<endl;	
#ifdef NUM1513
	cout << "派生类中的print有问题,试图调用基类的print函数,但是省略了作用域符号::,所以将陷入无限递归."
	derived de;
#ifdef NUM1514
	base bobj;
    base *bp1 = &bobj;
    base &br1 = bobj;
    derived dobj;
    base *bp2 = &dobj;
    base &br2 = dobj;
    //! a.  this is an object, so compile time.

    //! b.  this is an object, so compile time.

    //! c.  function name is not virtual , so no dynamic
    //!     binding happens.so conpile time
    //cout << bp1->name();

    //! d.  function name is not virtual , so no dynamic
    //!     binding happens.so conpile time
    //cout << bp2->name();

    //! e.  run time

    //! f.  run time
#ifdef NUM1515
	cout <<"见Chapter15.h"<<endl;
#ifdef NUM1516
	Limit_quote_16 lq("0-201-54848-8", 45, 20, 0.2);
	print_total(cout, lq, 20);
#ifdef NUM1517
	Disc_quote d;
#ifdef NUM1518
	Pub_Derv d1;
    Base *p = &d1;             //合法

    Priv_Derv d2;				
    //p = &d2;					//不合法

    Prot_Derv d3;
    //p = &d3;					//不合法

    Derived_from_Public dd1;
    p = &dd1;					//合法

    Derived_from_Private dd2;	
    //p =& dd2;					//不合法

    Derived_from_Protected dd3;
    //p = &dd3;					//不合法
	cout << "只有第1、4是正确的,在用户代码中,派生类向基类的转换(指针)"
#ifdef NUM1519
	cout << "因为转换发生在函数中,关于书中的第二条规则: "
		"不论D以什么方式继承B,D的成员函数和友元函数都能使用派生类向基类的转换. 所以:"
	"所有继承于Base的类Pub_Derv, Priv_Derv, Prot_Derv都可以转换."
	"Derived_from_Public, Derived_from_Protected这两个类也可以转换两次得到."<<endl;
#ifdef NUM1520
	cout << "见15.18"<<endl;
#ifdef NUM1521
	cout <<"见Chapter15.h"<<endl;
#ifdef NUM1523
	Base_23 bobj;
	D1 d1obj;
	D2 d2obj;
    Base_23 *bp1 = &bobj, *bp2 = &d1obj, *bp3 = &d2obj;
    bp1->fcn(); //虚调用,将在运行时调用Base_32::fcn()
    bp2->fcn(); //虚调用,运行时调用D1::fcn 
    bp3->fcn(); //虚调用, 运行时调用 D2::fcn   
    D1 *d1p = &d1obj; D2 *d2p = &d2obj;

    //bp2->f2();    //Base_32没有f2()的成员
    d1p->f2();    //虚调用,运行时调用 D1::f2() 
    d2p->f2();    //虚调用,运行时调用 D2::f2() 
#ifdef NUM1524
#ifdef NUM1525
	cout <<"会产生编译错误"          
#ifdef NUM1526
	Bulk_quote bq1;
	Bulk_quote bq2("0-201-82470-1", 45, 3, 0.3);
	bq2 = move(bq2);
	print_total(cout, bq2, 20);
#ifdef NUM1527
	Bulk_quote bq("sss",20.0,2,0.3);
#ifdef NUM1528
     *  outcome == 9090
    vector<Quote> v;
    for(unsigned i =1; i != 10; ++i)
        v.push_back(Bulk_quote_27("sss", i * 10.1, 10, 0.3));

    double total = 0;
    for (const auto& b : v)
        total += b.net_price(20);
    cout << total << endl;

    cout << "======================\n\n";

     *   outccome == 6363
    vector<shared_ptr<Quote>> pv;    //多态

    for(unsigned i =1; i != 10; ++i)
        pv.push_back(make_shared<Bulk_quote_27>(Bulk_quote_27("sss", i * 10.1, 10, 0.3)));

    double total_p = 0;
    for (auto p : pv)
        total_p +=  p->net_price(20);
		print_total(cout, *p, 20);
    cout << total_p << endl;

#ifdef NUM1529
    //答案不一样 因为v保存的全部是Quote的对象(静态类型) 也就是说Bulk_quote强行转换成了Quote
    //而pv保存的是(动态类型) 转换的仅是指针
#ifdef NUM1530
	Basket basket;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
//        basket.add_item(Bulk_quote_27("Bible",20.6,20,0.3));

    for (unsigned i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
//        basket.add_item(Bulk_quote_27("C++Primer",30.9,5,0.4));

    for (unsigned i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
//        basket.add_item(Quote("CLRS",40.1));

    ofstream log("log.txt",ios_base::app|ios_base::out);

#ifdef NUM1531
//!     (a) Query(s1) | Query(s2) & ~ Query(s3);
//          OrQuery, AndQuery, NotQuery, WordQuery
//!     (b) Query(s1) | (Query(s2) & ~ Query(s3));
//			OrQuery, AndQuery, NotQuery, WordQuery
//!     (c) (Query(s1) & (Query(s2)) | (Query(s3) & Query(s4)));
//!         OrQuery, AndQuery, WordQuery
#ifdef NUM1532
		"所以成员智能指针的use count加1;"
		"移动:原对象的智能指针q指向空的nullptr,新对象指向原对象中成员的q指向的对象。use count不变。"
		"销毁:对象成员智能指针q的use count -1,如果use count为0,则其对象就自动销毁。"<<endl;
#ifdef NUM1533
#ifdef NUM1534
//	Query q = Query("fiery") & Query("bird") | Query("wind");
// 1. Query::Query(const string &s)			  3次
// 2. WordQuery::WordQuery(const string& s)   3次
// 3. AndQuery::AndQuery(const Query &left, const Query &right);
// 4. BinaryQuery(const Query &1, const BinaryQuery &r, string s);
// 5. Query::Query(shared_ptr<Query_base> query)   2次
// 6. OrQuery::OrQuery(const Query& left, const Query &right);
// 7. BinaryQuery(const Query &l, const Query &r, string s);
// 8. Query::Query(shared_ptr<Query_base> query);   2次
#ifdef NUM1535
    cout <<"见Chapter15.h"<<endl;
#ifdef NUM1536
    ifstream file("test.txt");
    TextQuery tQuery(file);
    Query q = Query("wind");
    cout << q.eval(tQuery);
#ifdef NUM1537
    cout <<"不需要改变"<<endl;
#ifdef NUM1538
    BinaryQuery a = Query("fiery") & Query("bird");
//不合法   纯虚类没有对象
    AndQuery b = Query("fiery") & Query("bird");
//不合法   &操作后返回的是Query的对象  无法转换为AndQuery的对象    
    OrQuery c = Query("fiery") & Query("bird");
//不合法   &操作后返回的是Query的对象  无法转换为OrQuery的对象
#ifdef NUM1539
    ifstream file("test.txt");
    TextQuery tQuery(file);
    Query q = Query("fieryzzz")  | Query("wind");
    cout << q.eval(tQuery);
#ifdef NUM1540
    cout <<"不会发生什么,因为make_shared会自动分配一个新的set。"<<endl;
#ifdef NUM1542
    ifstream fin("test.txt");
    TextQuery text(fin);
    QueryHistory history;
    Query q0("Alice");
    Query q1("hair");
    Query q2("Daddy");

    history[0] = history[0] | q2;

    auto result = history[0].eval(text);
    print(cout, result);
	return 0;

c++ primer中文版第五版,电子工业出版社。

c++ primer第四版习题解答,人民邮电出版社。


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