leetcode 772. Basic Calculator III

Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string.

The expression string may contain open ( and closing parentheses ), the plus + or minus sign -, non-negative integers and empty spaces .

The expression string contains only non-negative integers, +, -, *, / operators , open ( and closing parentheses ) and empty spaces . The integer division should truncate toward zero.

You may assume that the given expression is always valid. All intermediate results will be in the range of [-2147483648, 2147483647].

Some examples:

"1 + 1" = 2
" 6-4 / 2 " = 4
"2*(5+5*2)/3+(6/2+8)" = 21
"(2+6* 3+5- (3*14/7+2)*5)+3"=-12


Note: Do not use the eval built-in library function.

class Solution {
    int calculate(string s) 
        int pos = 0 ;
        return cal(s , pos) ;
    int cal(string &s , int& pos)
        long res = 0 , prev_ope , num;
        char opn = '.' ;
        while(pos < s.size())
            if(s[pos] == '(')
                pos++ ;
                num = cal(s , pos) ;
                if(opn == '-')
                    opn = '+' ;
                    num -= 2 * num ;
                getRes(opn , prev_ope , res , num) ;
            else if(s[pos] == ')')
                pos++ ;
                return res ;
            else if(s[pos] == '+' || s[pos] == '*' ||s[pos] == '/' || s[pos] == '-')
                opn = s[pos] ;
                pos++ ;
            else if(isdigit(s[pos]))
                num = getNum(s , pos) ;
                if(opn == '-')
                    opn = '+' ;
                    num -= 2 * num ;
                getRes(opn , prev_ope , res , num) ;
                pos++ ;
        return res ;
    long getNum(string &s , int &pos)
        long num = 0 , beginpos = pos ;
        bool isnega = false ;
        while(isdigit(s[pos])) pos++ ;
        num = stol(s.substr(beginpos , pos - beginpos)) ;
        return num ;
    void getRes(char opn , long &prev_ope , long& res , long num)
            case '.':
                res = num ;
                prev_ope = num ;
                break ;
            case '+':
                res = res + num ;
                prev_ope = num ;
                break ;
            case '*':
                res -= prev_ope ;
                prev_ope *= num ;
                res += prev_ope ;
                break ;
            case '/':
                res -= prev_ope ;
                prev_ope /= num ;
                res += prev_ope ;
                break ;


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