leetcode 1088. Confusing Number II

We can rotate digits by 180 degrees to form new digits. When 0, 1, 6, 8, 9 are rotated 180 degrees, they become 0, 1, 9, 8, 6 respectively. When 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 are rotated 180 degrees, they become invalid.

A confusing number is a number that when rotated 180 degrees becomes a different number with each digit valid.(Note that the rotated number can be greater than the original number.)

Given a positive integer N, return the number of confusing numbers between 1 and N inclusive.


Example 1:

Input: 20
Output: 6
The confusing numbers are [6,9,10,16,18,19].
6 converts to 9.
9 converts to 6.
10 converts to 01 which is just 1.
16 converts to 91.
18 converts to 81.
19 converts to 61.

Example 2:

Input: 100
Output: 19
The confusing numbers are [6,9,10,16,18,19,60,61,66,68,80,81,86,89,90,91,98,99,100].



  1. 1 <= N <= 10^9



string ns = to_string(N) ;
int nlen = ns.size() ;


for(int len = nlen - 1 ; len >= 2 ; len--)
   if(len == 2)
       nt += 4 * 4 ;
   cnt += limit_all(len) - limit_palin(len) ;    



int limit_all(int len)
    int res = 4 ;
    len-- ;
    while(len > 0)
        res *= 5 ;
        len-- ;
    return res ;


   int limit_palin(int len)
        if(len % 2)
            int res = 3 ;
            res *= 4 ;
            len = (len - 3) / 2 ;
            while(len > 0)
                res *= 5 ;
                len-- ;
            return res ;
            int res = 4 ;
            len = (len - 2) / 2 ;
            while(len > 0)
                res *= 5 ;
                len-- ;
            return res ;



然後開始構造由{0,1,6,8,9}構成的偶位數 ;在空字符串的兩邊添加字符 ;

    unordered_map<string, bool> backtrack(string base , bool islimited , int nlen)
        unordered_map<string , bool> res ;
        for(auto f : rotated_num)
            for(auto l : rotated_num)
                string new_base = string(1 , f) + base + string(1 , l) ;
                if(new_base.size() <= nlen)
                    unordered_map<string , bool> ret ;
                    if(islimited || l != corre_num[f]) ret = backtrack(new_base , true , nlen) ;
                    else ret = backtrack(new_base , false , nlen) ;
                    if(!ret.empty()) res.insert(ret.begin() , ret.end()) ;
                    if(new_base.size() < nlen - 1 || f == '0') continue ;
                    if(islimited || l != corre_num[f]) res[new_base] = true ;
                    else res[new_base] = false ;
                    //cout<<"new_base:"<<new_base<<" "<<res[new_base]<<endl;
                else return {} ;
        return res ;

unordered_map[string] = bool 是爲了判斷string是否符合confused number的條件 , 符合爲true , 不符合爲false ;

只需要長度爲nlen或者nlen - 1的字符串 , 因爲長度更小的字符串已經添加到結果中了,這樣可以減少ret的遍歷次數 ;

不允許字符串的第一個字符爲'0' , 因爲數字的第一位不可能是0 ;


for(auto ele : ret)
            if(ele.first.size() == nlen )
                if(ele.second && ele.first >= ones && ele.first <= ns) cnt++ ;
                continue ;
            for(auto c : rotated_num)
                if(c == '6' || c == '9')
                    string s = ele.first.substr(0 , ele.first.size() / 2) + c + ele.first.substr(ele.first.size() / 2) ;
                    if(s >= ones && s <= ns) cnt++ ;
                        string s = ele.first.substr(0 , ele.first.size() / 2) + c + ele.first.substr(ele.first.size() / 2) ;
                        if(s >= ones && s <= ns) cnt++ ;


優化:用排除法,先求{0 , 1 , 6 , 8 , 9}的所有排列數 ;

   int limit_all(string s)
        if(s.empty()) return 0 ; 
        string digits = "01689" ;
        int res = 0 , smaller = 0;
        for(auto c : digits) 
            if(s.size() == 1) smaller += c <= s[0] ;
            else smaller += c < s[0] ;
        if(s.size() == 1) return smaller ;
            res += smaller * (int)pow(5 , s.size() - 1) ;
        if(digits.find(s[0]) != string::npos) 
            res += limit_all(s.substr(1)) ;
        return res ;

因爲其中包含了0 , 所以最後還要減去0 ;


    int limit_palin(string ns , int N)
        vector<string> pairs = {"00" , "11" , "69" , "88" , "96"} ;
        unordered_map<int , vector<string>> nonconfused ;
        int res = 0 ;
        nonconfused[0] = {""} ;
        for(int len = 1 ; len <= ns.size() ; ++len)
            if(len == 1)
                for(auto pair : pairs)
                    if(pair[0] == '6' || pair[0] == '9') continue ;
                    nonconfused[1].push_back(pair.substr(0 , 1)) ;
                    long num = stol(pair.substr(0 , 1)) ;
                    if(num >= 1 && num <= N) res++ ;
                for(auto s : nonconfused[len - 2])
                    for(auto pair : pairs)
                        string new_s = pair[0] + s + pair[1] ;
                        nonconfused[len].push_back(new_s) ;
                        if(pair[0] == '0') continue ;
                        long num = stol(new_s) ;
                        if(num >= 1 && num <= N) res++ ;
        return res ;
    int confusingNumberII(int N) 
        string ns = to_string(N) ;
        return limit_all(ns) - limit_palin(ns , N) - 1 ;


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