
SAP管這個過程叫Price Determination價格確定。在SCM500中,關於Price Determination,解釋如下:

If you create a purchasing document, the system attempts to find a price for the material to be procured. The system always searches from “specific” to “general”. When you create a purchase order, the system searches for an info record for the vendor/material combination at purchasing information level/plant level. If there is no specific data for the purchasing organization/plant combination, it searches at purchasing organization level. If there is no data here either, you must enter the price manually.

Hint: In the purchase order, the valuation price from the material master record is not proposed as the purchase order price.


If a purchasing info record exists, then valid conditions have priority during price determination. If an info record does not contain any conditions or only contains invalid conditions, the system reads the number of the last purchasing document in the info record and then proposes the price from this document. The prices determined in this way are default values that can be changed by the buyer if necessary.

In the default values for buyers (Customizing), you can define how the system handles conditions from the last purchase order. To transfer conditions from the last purchase order, you can specify the following:

- The conditions are always copied

- The conditions are not copied if the price is entered manually

- The conditions are never copied

上面的內容和流程圖是SAP進行價格確定的邏輯判斷。這些內容並不影響你對SAP MM的學習,只是掌握它有助於你對SAP的理解而已。

我們在用ME21N創建訂單時,它的Item Detail中Material data畫面的右下角有個InfoUpdate的複選框,見下圖中的塗色部分。


這個鉤選的作用,就是將當前的PO中的價格更新到相應的InfoRecord中去。如果沒有InfoRecord,則創建它,但並不在InfoRecord中更新其價格,只是在下一次作類似PO時,從InfoRecord中調出Last PO,把Last PO中的價格帶到新PO中。

判斷邏輯見上面的流程圖。優先級是InfoRecord>Last PO。

根據SAP的建議,在Material Master Record中的價格不建議作爲PO的價格。我用ME21N創建一個PO,所用物料是我新建的一個物料,沒有創建InfoRecord,也沒有作過PO,系統始終沒將MMR中的價格帶過來,最終我還是自己輸入了個價格。看來,SAP是不將MMR中的價格帶到PO中去的。至少我剛纔的測試證明了這一點。也不知我的測試有沒有問題。


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