
Android 中,對話框有以下五種:

+  Dialog

+   AlertDialog

+   CharacterPickerDialog

+   DatePickerDialog

+   ProgressDialog

其中 Dialog 是所有對話框的基類。 AlertDialog CharacterPickerDialog Dialog 的直接派生類, DatePickerDialog ProgressDialog TimePickerDialog Dialog 的間接派生類。 CharacterPickerDialog 的用處感覺不大,而且在 Android2.2 之前的版本似乎有 bug


下面文字中 對話框 的含義,包括 Dialog 自己及其所有的派生類。


+   對話框必須在使用它的 Activity 中定義;

+   Activity 中有三個和對話框顯示有關的方法,即 showDialog() dismissDialog() removeDialog() 。其中 showDialog() 方法用於顯示一個對話框; dismissDialog() 使對話框消失,但仍然處於內存中,只是不顯示而已,如果再次調用 showDialog() 方法,則緩存在內容的對話框,會重新顯示,而不需要重新創建。 removeDialog() 使對話框消失,並從內存中將對話框清除,如果再次調用 showDialog() 方法來顯示它,則在顯示之前需要重新創建該對話框。相關函數的原型如下:

public final void showDialog (int id)

public final boolean showDialog (int id, Bundle args)

public final void dismissDialog (int id)

public final void removeDialog (int id)

其中第一個參數 id ,均爲對話框所對應的 ID

+   Activity 中增加一個對話框的步驟大致如下:

-   Activity 中爲對話框定義唯一的標識符 (ID)

-   重寫 Activity 中的 onCreateDialog() 方法,並返回一個對話框實例

-   重寫 Activity 中的 onPrepareDialog() 方法。該方法不是必須重寫的,但可以在該方法中爲相關的對話框改變一些屬性設置

-   調用 showDialog() 方法,顯示該對話框

需要注意的是,在一個對話框的聲明週期內, onCreateDialog() 僅被調用一次,但 onPrepareDialog() 方法可以被多次調用。比如,第一次調用 showDialog() 方法顯示某個對話框時,會先觸發 onCreateDialog() 方法的執行,然後再觸發 onPrepareDialog() 方法的執行;如果將某個對話框 removeDialog() 後,再次用 showDialog() 顯示它是,也會先觸發 onCreateDialog() 方法的執行,然後再觸發 onPrepareDialog() 方法的執行;如果某個對話框被 dismissDialog() 在屏幕上消失後,在調用 showDialog() 方法來顯示它的話,則不會觸發 onCreateDialog() 方法的執行,但會觸發 onPrepareDialog() 方法的執行。正因爲如此,可以在該方法中爲相關的對話框 ( 同一個 ID) 改變一些屬性設置。

+   Dialog 中也存在功能分別和 Activity 中的 showDialog() dismissDialog() 方法一樣的方法,它們是 show() dismiss() ,其原型如下:

public void show ()

public void dismiss ()

但沒有對應的 remove() 方法,理由很簡單, removeDialog() 方法調用後,對話框實例已經不存在了,所以此時在對話框中的 remove 方法已經沒有意義了。


1.     創建 Android Project ,修改其 main.xml ,使之如下:

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>

< LinearLayout xmlns:android = ""

    android:orientation = "vertical"

    android:layout_width = "fill_parent"

    android:layout_height = "fill_parent"

    android:gravity = "center_horizontal"



         < Button

                   android:id = "@+id/show_button1"

                   android:layout_width = "220px"

                   android:layout_height = "38px"

                   android:text = "Dialog (1)"



         < Button

                   android:id = "@+id/show_button2"

                   android:layout_width = "220px"

                   android:layout_height = "38px"

                   android:text = "AlertDialog (2)"



         < Button

                   android:id = "@+id/show_button3"

                   android:layout_width = "220px"

                   android:layout_height = "38px"

                   android:text = "AlertDialog (3)"



         < Button

                   android:id = "@+id/show_button4"

                   android:layout_width = "220px"

                   android:layout_height = "38px"

                   android:text = "AlertDialog (4)"



         < Button

                   android:id = "@+id/show_button5"

                   android:layout_width = "220px"

                   android:layout_height = "38px"

                   android:text = "AlertDialog (5)"



         < Button

                   android:id = "@+id/show_button6"

                   android:layout_width = "220px"

                   android:layout_height = "38px"

                   android:text = "AlertDialog (6)"



         < Button

                   android:id = "@+id/show_button7"

                   android:layout_width = "220px"

                   android:layout_height = "38px"

                   android:text = "CharacterPickerDialog (7)"



         < Button

                   android:id = "@+id/show_button8"

                   android:layout_width = "220px"

                   android:layout_height = "38px"

                   android:text = "DatePickerDialog (8)"



         < Button

                   android:id = "@+id/show_button9"

                   android:layout_width = "220px"

                   android:layout_height = "38px"

                   android:text = "TimePickerDialog (9)"



         < Button

                   android:id = "@+id/show_button10"

                   android:layout_width = "220px"

                   android:layout_height = "38px"

                   android:text = "ProgressDialog (10)"



         < Button

                   android:id = "@+id/show_button11"

                   android:layout_width = "220px"

                   android:layout_height = "38px"

                   android:text = "Customized Dialog (11)"


</ LinearLayout >


2.     創建一個 layout 文件: custom_dialog.xml ,使其內容如下:

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>

< LinearLayout xmlns:android = ""

         android:layout_height = "wrap_content"

         android:layout_width = "wrap_content"

         android:background = "#ffffffff"

         android:orientation = "horizontal"

         android:gravity = "center_horizontal"

         android:id = "@+id/dialog" >


         < TextView

                   android:layout_height = "wrap_content"

                android:layout_width = "wrap_content"

                android:id = "@+id/tvname"

                android:text = " 姓名 "



         < EditText

                   android:layout_height = "wrap_content"

                   android:layout_width = "wrap_content"

                   android:id = "@+id/etname"

                   android:minWidth = "140px"


</ LinearLayout >

這個 layout 將用於自定義的對話框。


3.     修改 Activity 所對應的代碼,使之如下:

package com.pnf.gui;








import android.content.DialogInterface;

import android.os.Bundle;

import android.os.Handler;

import android.os.Message;

import android.text.method.CharacterPickerDialog;

import android.util.Log;

import android.view.LayoutInflater;

import android.view.View;

import android.view.View.OnClickListener;

import android.widget.AdapterView;

import android.widget.Button;

import android.widget.DatePicker;

import android.widget.EditText;

import android.widget.TimePicker;

import android.widget.Toast;


public class ControlDialog extends Activity




         // 聲明一個 Dialog 對象

         private Dialog dialog = null ;


         // 聲明 11 Button 對象 他們分別用於顯示 11 個不同的對話框

         private Button show_button1 ;

         private Button show_button2 ;

         private Button show_button3 ;

         private Button show_button4 ;

         private Button show_button5 ;

         private Button show_button6 ;

         private Button show_button7 ;

         private Button show_button8 ;

         private Button show_button9 ;

         private Button show_button10 ;

         private Button show_button11 ;


         // 11 個不同的對話框設定 ID

         private static final int ID_DIALOG1 = 1;

         private static final int ID_DIALOG2 = 2;

         private static final int ID_DIALOG3 = 3;

         private static final int ID_DIALOG4 = 4;

         private static final int ID_DIALOG5 = 5;

         private static final int ID_DIALOG6 = 6;

         private static final int ID_DIALOG7 = 7;

         private static final int ID_DIALOG8 = 8;    

         private static final int ID_DIALOG9 = 9;

         private static final int ID_DIALOG10 = 10;

         private static final int ID_DIALOG11 = 11;


         // 用於保存 ID ID_DIALOG5 的對話框的狀態

         private boolean id_dialog5 [] = { false , false };

         // 用於保存 ID ID_DIALOG6 的對話框的狀態

         private int id_dialog6 = 0;


         // 定義一個 Handler 對象 用於更新 ProgressDialog(ID ID_DIALOG10) 中的進度條

         // 相關做法可以參考 AndroidGUI06 ProgressBar 常用技巧》

         private Handler progressHandler = new Handler()


                   public void handleMessage(Message msg)      // 重寫 handleMessage 方法


                            ((ProgressDialog) dialog ).setProgress(msg. what * 10);

                            if (msg. what == 1000) dismissDialog( ID_DIALOG10 );




    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)


        super .onCreate(savedInstanceState);

        setContentView(R.layout. main );


        // 獲取 11 按鈕對象 並分別爲他們設置 OnClickListener

        show_button1 = (Button) this .findViewById( show_button1 );

        show_button1 .setOnClickListener( this );


        show_button2 = (Button) this .findViewById( show_button2 );

        show_button2 .setOnClickListener( this );


        show_button3 = (Button) this .findViewById( show_button3 );

        show_button3 .setOnClickListener( this );


        show_button4 = (Button) this .findViewById( show_button4 );

        show_button4 .setOnClickListener( this );


        show_button5 = (Button) this .findViewById( show_button5 );

        show_button5 .setOnClickListener( this );


        show_button6 = (Button) this .findViewById( show_button6 );

        show_button6 .setOnClickListener( this );


        show_button7 = (Button) this .findViewById( show_button7 );

        show_button7 .setOnClickListener( this );


        show_button8 = (Button) this .findViewById( show_button8 );

        show_button8 .setOnClickListener( this );


        show_button9 = (Button) this .findViewById( show_button9 );

        show_button9 .setOnClickListener( this );


        show_button10 = (Button) this .findViewById( show_button10 );

        show_button10 .setOnClickListener( this );


        show_button11 = (Button) this .findViewById( show_button11 );

        show_button11 .setOnClickListener( this );



    // OnClick 方法中 調用 showDialog(int id, Bundle args) 顯示一個對話框時

    // showDialog 的兩個參數 會分別傳遞給 onCreateDialog

         protected Dialog onCreateDialog( int id, Bundle args)


                   // 定義一個 AlertDialog.Builder 對象。創建 AlertDialog 時,都要用到這個

                   // AlertDialog.Builder 對象。自定義的對話框,本質上也是一個 AlertDialog

                   // 因此創建自定義對話框,也需要用到 AlertDialog.Builder

                   AlertDialog.Builder builder;

                   switch (id)


                   case ID_DIALOG1 :   // 創建一個基本的對話框

                            dialog =  new Dialog( this );

                            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG2 :   // 創建一個 AlertDialog 有兩個按鈕

                            builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ControlDialog. this );

                            builder.setTitle( "Prompt" );

                            builder.setMessage( "Are you sure to quit?" );


                            builder.setPositiveButton( "OK" , new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()


                                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)


                                               // which=-1 ( BUTTON_POSITIVE) 說明是 positive 按鈕

                                               // which=-2 ( BUTTON_NEGATIVE) 說明是 negative 按鈕

                                               Log.e ( "AlertDialog" , dialog.toString()+ " " + which);                     

                                               // do something else

                                         dialog.dismiss();   // 可以沒有這句





                            builder.setNegativeButton( "Cancel" , new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()


                                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)


                                               // which=-1 ( BUTTON_POSITIVE) 說明是 positive 按鈕

                                               // which=-2 ( BUTTON_NEGATIVE) 說明是 negative 按鈕

                                               Log.e ( "AlertDialog" , dialog.toString()+ " " + which);

                                               // do something else

                                         dialog.dismiss();   // 可以沒有這句




                            dialog = builder.create();

                            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG3 :   // 創建一個 AlertDialog 有三個按鈕

                            builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ControlDialog. this );

                            builder.setIcon(android.R.drawable. btn_star );

                            builder.setTitle( "Survey of Favorite Star" );

                            builder.setMessage( "Do you like Jet Lee?" );


                            builder.setPositiveButton( "Great!" , new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()

                            {        // which=-1 ( BUTTON_POSITIVE) 說明是 positive 按鈕

                                     // which=-2 ( BUTTON_NEGATIVE) 說明是 negative 按鈕

                                     // which=-3 ( BUTTON_NEUTRAL) 說明是 neutral 按鈕   

                                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)


                                               Toast.makeText (ControlDialog. this , "I love him..." , Toast. LENGTH_LONG ).show();

                                               dialog.dismiss();   // 可以沒有這句




                            builder.setNegativeButton( "Hate!" , new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()

                            {        // which=-1 ( BUTTON_POSITIVE) 說明是 positive 按鈕

                                     // which=-2 ( BUTTON_NEGATIVE) 說明是 negative 按鈕

                                     // which=-3 ( BUTTON_NEUTRAL) 說明是 neutral 按鈕

                                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)


                                               Toast.makeText (ControlDialog. this , "I hate him..." , Toast. LENGTH_LONG ).show();

                                               dialog.dismiss();   // 可以沒有這句




                            builder.setNeutralButton( "OK!" , new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()

                            {        // which=-1 ( BUTTON_POSITIVE) 說明是 positive 按鈕

                                     // which=-2 ( BUTTON_NEGATIVE) 說明是 negative 按鈕

                                     // which=-3 ( BUTTON_NEUTRAL) 說明是 neutral 按鈕   

                                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)


                                               Toast.makeText (ControlDialog. this , "Let me think..." , Toast. LENGTH_LONG ).show();

                                               dialog.dismiss();   // 可以沒有這句



                            dialog = builder.create();

                            break ;

                  case ID_DIALOG4 :   // 創建一個 AlertDialog 有一個按鈕和一個輸入框

                            builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ControlDialog. this );

                            builder.setIcon(android.R.drawable. ic_dialog_info );

                            builder.setTitle( "Please input something" );

                            final EditText edit = new EditText( this );


                            builder.setPositiveButton( "OK" , new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()


                                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)


                                               Toast.makeText (ControlDialog. this , edit.getText().toString(), Toast. LENGTH_LONG ).show();

                                               dialog.dismiss();   // 可以沒有這句



                            dialog = builder.create();

                            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG5 :   // 創建一個 AlertDialog 有一個按鈕和兩個 CheckBox

                            builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ControlDialog. this );

                            builder.setIcon(android.R.drawable. ic_dialog_info );

                            builder.setTitle( "CheckBox in AlertDialog" );

                            builder.setMultiChoiceItems( new String[]{ "Item1" , "Item2" },

                                               id_dialog5 ,    // id_dialog5 數組記錄 CheckBox 的狀態

                                               new DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener()



                                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which, boolean isChecked)


                                               switch (which)


                                               case 0:

                                                        if (isChecked)   id_dialog5 [0] = true ;

                                                        else                     id_dialog5 [0] = false ;

                                                        break ;

                                               case 1:

                                                        if (isChecked)   id_dialog5 [1] = true ;

                                                        else                     id_dialog5 [1] = false ;

                                                        break ;




                            builder.setPositiveButton( "OK" , new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()


                                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)


                                               String tmpstr = "" ;

                                               if ( id_dialog5 [0])        tmpstr = "Item1 is checked" ;

                                               else                               tmpstr = "Item1 is not checked." ;

                                               tmpstr += "/n" ;

                                               if ( id_dialog5 [1])        tmpstr += "Item2 is checked" ;

                                               else                               tmpstr += "Item2 is not checked." ;

                                               Toast.makeText (ControlDialog. this , tmpstr, Toast. LENGTH_LONG ).show();

                                               dialog.dismiss();   // 可以沒有這句



                            dialog = builder.create();

                            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG6 :   // 創建一個 AlertDialog ,有一個按鈕和兩個 RadioButton

                            builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ControlDialog. this );

                            builder.setIcon(android.R.drawable. ic_dialog_info );

                            builder.setTitle( "RadioButton in AlertDialog" );

                            builder.setSingleChoiceItems( new String[]{ "Item1" , "Item2" },

                                               id_dialog6 ,       // id_dialog6 記錄那個 RadioButton 被選中

                                               new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()


                                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)


                                               id_dialog6 = which;



                            builder.setPositiveButton( "OK" , new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()


                                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)


                                               String tmpstr = "" ;

                                               if ( id_dialog6 == 0)    tmpstr = "Item1 is selected" ;

                                               else                               tmpstr = "Item2 is selected" ;

                                               Toast.makeText (ControlDialog. this , tmpstr, Toast. LENGTH_LONG ).show();

                                               dialog.dismiss();   // 可以沒有這句



                            dialog = builder.create();

                            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG7 :   // 創建一個 CharacterPickerDialog

                            dialog = new CharacterPickerDialog( this , new View( this ), null , "0123" , false )


                /* if we don't override these, pressing one of the buttons crashes */


                public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent,

                               View view,

                        int position, long id)


                     Log.e ( "1" , "" + position + "/" + id);




                public void onClick(View v)


                     Log.e ( "2" , ((Button)v).getText().toString());




            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG8 :   // 創建一個 DatePickerDialog

                            dialog = new DatePickerDialog( this , new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener()


                public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth)


                    String tmpstr = "" + year + "/" + (monthOfYear + 1) + "/" + dayOfMonth;

                    Toast.makeText (ControlDialog. this , tmpstr, Toast. LENGTH_SHORT ).show();


            }, 2011,0, 1);        // 注意:月份取值空間: 0~11

                            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG9 :   // 創建一個 TimePickerDialog

                            dialog = new TimePickerDialog( this , new TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener()


                public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute)


                    Toast.makeText (ControlDialog. this ,

                                    "You picked " +hourOfDay+ " hours and " +minute+ " minutes." ,

                                    Toast. LENGTH_SHORT ).show(); 


            }, 0, 0, true );

                            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG10 : // 創建一個 ProgressDialog

                            dialog = (ProgressDialog) new ProgressDialog(ControlDialog. this );

                            ((ProgressDialog) dialog ).setIndeterminate( false );

                            ((ProgressDialog) dialog ).setMax(10000);

                            ((ProgressDialog) dialog ).setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog. STYLE_HORIZONTAL );

                            ((ProgressDialog) dialog ).setTitle( " 顯示進度 " );

                            ((ProgressDialog) dialog ).setMessage( " 我們一直在進步 " );

                            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG11 : // 創建一個自定義的對話框

                            builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ControlDialog. this );

                            LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();

                            final View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout. custom_dialog , null );

                            builder.setTitle( " 自定義對話框 " );


                            builder.setPositiveButton( " 確定 " , new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()


                                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)


                                               EditText ed = (EditText)layout.findViewById( etname );

                                               Toast.makeText (ControlDialog. this , ed.getText().toString(), Toast. LENGTH_LONG ).show();

                                               dialog.dismiss();   // 可以沒有這句



                            dialog = builder.create();

                            break ;


                   // 返回創建的對話框實例

                   return dialog ;



         // 在顯示之前 對部分對話框的屬性進行修改。

         // 但, CharacterPickerDialog 的屬性修改似乎無效 有人認爲這是 CharacterPickerDialog 本身的 bug

         protected void onPrepareDialog( int id, Dialog dialog)


                   switch (id)


                   case ID_DIALOG1 :

                            dialog.setTitle( "A dialog with title1" );

                            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG2 :

                            ((AlertDialog)dialog).setTitle( "Title" );

                            ((AlertDialog)dialog).setMessage( "Simple Information" );

                            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG8 :

                            ((DatePickerDialog)dialog).setTitle( " 選擇日期 " );

                            break ;

                   case ID_DIALOG9 :

                            ((TimePickerDialog)dialog).setTitle( " 選擇時間 " );

                            break ;




         public void onClick(View v)


                   // 點擊不同的按鈕,顯示不同的對話框

                   switch (v.getId())


                   case show_button1 :

                            this .showDialog( ID_DIALOG1 , null );

                            break ;                

                   case show_button2 :

                            this .showDialog( ID_DIALOG2 , null );

                            break ;

                   case show_button3 :

                            this .showDialog( ID_DIALOG3 , null );

                            break ;

                   case show_button4 :

                            this .showDialog( ID_DIALOG4 , null );

                            break ;

                   case show_button5 :

                            this .showDialog( ID_DIALOG5 , null );

                            break ;

                   case show_button6 :

                            this .showDialog( ID_DIALOG6 , null );

                            break ;

                   case show_button7 :

                            this .showDialog( ID_DIALOG7 , null );

                            break ;

                   case show_button8 :

                            this .showDialog( ID_DIALOG8 , null );

                            break ;

                   case show_button9 :

                            this .showDialog( ID_DIALOG9 , null );

                            break ;

                   case show_button10 :

                            // 顯示 ProgressDialog

                            this .showDialog( ID_DIALOG10 , null );

                            // 創建線程 pt

                            ProgressThread pt = new ProgressThread( progressHandler );

                            // 啓動線程


                            break ;

                   case show_button11 :

                            this .showDialog( ID_DIALOG11 , null );

                            break ;





// 線程類:用於更新 ProgressDialog 中的進度條

class ProgressThread extends Thread


         private Handler handler ;

         public ProgressThread(Handler handler) // 傳入一個 Handler 對象


                   this . handler = handler;




         public void run()


                   int i = 0;

                   while (i <= 1000)


                            handler .sendEmptyMessage(i);                 // i 就是 Message what 的值 handler.sendEmptyMessage

                                                                            // 會觸發 handler handleMessage 執行




                                     sleep (100);                               // 休息 100ms


                            catch (InterruptedException e)








4.     運行結果:




試着點擊 OK 或者 Cancel 按鈕,看看 LogCat 中有什麼輸出。



點擊對話框上的三個按鈕,會有對應的 Toast 出現。



EditText 中輸入“ hello, android ”,在點擊 OK 按鈕,則會出現:



點擊 Item1 ,然後點擊 OK ,會出現:



選中 Item2 ,在點擊 OK 按鈕,會出現:



點擊“ 0 ”按鈕,觀察在 LogCat 中輸出。



將月份調整到 5 ,日期調整到 23 後,點擊“設置”按鈕,則會出現:






當進度達到 100% 的時候,對話框會自動消失。



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