
montreal 生信人 2020年8月12日


所謂的“不速之客”就是高水平預印本推薦平臺Peer Community In(PCI)的兩位主創人員,來自法國國家農業研究院所(INRAE)的Thomas Guillemaud 和 Denis Bourguet教授。兩位老師首次做客我們的欄目,向讀者朋友們宣傳PCI。

左Thomas Guillemaud ,右Denis Bourguet provided by Denis Bourguet





衆所周知,從某種角度上說,在學術界發表文章是一件奇怪的事,因爲作者非但沒有稿費,還要向出版商付錢。這筆錢,要麼由從實驗室的科研經費裏出(開放獲取,open access,下圖左),要麼由學校或研究所支付(subscriptions and paywalls),如果你所在的單位沒有出錢訂閱你訪問的雜誌,那麼相信你對下圖右的畫面不會陌生。

截自Nature communications(左)和Nature ecology and evolution(右)官網


也許你會想:預印本是免費的,但沒有同行評議;傳統學術期刊有同行評議,但文章發表燒錢,那麼,爲何不把二者的優點結合起來呢?你想得沒錯。這一看似水到渠成實則飛躍的想法,在17年的時候由來自法國國家農業研究所(INRAE;Institut national de la recherche agronomique)的三位科學家通過對PCI的創建而實踐,三位教授分別是Thomas Guillemaud, Denis Bourguet 和 Benoit Facon。從那時起,“最低成本發paper”就成了PCI的重要服務宗旨。


PCI的具體操作怎樣的呢?很簡單。你只需先將文章存放到預印本服務器上,便可以向PCI投稿啦。接下來,文章會經歷嚴格的審稿過程,並由有一位“編輯”(在PCI稱推薦人recommender)對文章去留最終裁定。一旦被推薦,本着公開透明的原則,文章的審稿意見、作者的回覆以及編輯決定也會同時刊出。由於PCI的審稿人和編委大都是領域的知名學者,且PCI採用嚴格的審稿標準,有理由相信,被PCI推介的文章在業界享有與top journal上發表文章別無二致的待遇。理論上,從對文章的認可度的角度說,文章被PCI推薦相當於完成了在高水平期刊的“發表”。所以,PCI更像是一個類似雜誌但完全免費的“出版平臺”,preprint只不過是它藉助的工具。




本期欄目,我們非常高興邀請到了前面提到的三位PCI主創人員中的Thomas Guillemaud和Denis Bourguet,兩位教授熱情地接受了我們的文字採訪,並就大家可能感興趣的幾個問題做了細緻的解答,下面請見採訪原文和中文翻譯。



A1:部分滿意吧。看上去發展新的社區(相當於PCI下轄的不同領域的“雜誌”,譯者注)是一件有吸引力的事,到目前爲止我們已經有11個社區了,而今年會有更多的PCI社區與大家見面,還有一些在籌備中。然而從另一個角度講,對每一個PCI社區而言投稿的文章數仍不是很多,儘管最早創辦的幾個社區(比如PCI Ecology, PCI Evol Biol)有小幅度的增長,且在新創辦的幾個社區裏也慢慢多了起來。




Q2-補充:您剛纔提到的幾個雜誌應該是採用了不同的標準啊。比如,領域內最好的期刊基本都會要求文章的新穎性,而plos one和peerj顯然沒有這一項。

A2-補充:謝謝。你說得對,我剛纔表述有誤。在PCI Evolutionary Biology裏我們有詳盡的答案(由於內容較長請見文末。譯者注)。



- 獲得一個嚴謹而又全面的對預印本手稿的同行評議,而且如果文章被PCI推薦,審稿意見也會公佈

- 如果被推薦,文章可獲得專家——有時候他們是業內非常優秀的學者——的正式推介。

- 被推的薦預印本會被整個學界認爲是嚴密而紮實的研究,就如發表在領域內最好的雜誌

- 這一切都是免費的



A4: 你說的這個精確的比例呢,我們並不是很清楚。這是因爲作者並不需要在文章被傳統期刊接受後通知我們:)所以我們無從知曉他們會否在雜誌上又發表了文章。大體上說,被我們推薦的文章有五到七成在被推薦後的半年內又發表於業內的高水平期刊上。



A5:確實,目前有越來越多的獨立於雜誌的對於預印本的同行評議服務,比如說Review Commons, PreLight等等。但是,(i)這些平臺仍非常少。(ii)所有這些服務都旨在爲傳統期刊發表文章做鋪墊,這與PCI截然不同。在PCI,預印本不僅會得到全面的評審(而且免費哦),還會像傳統雜誌一樣對文章進行編輯決定,以使預印本最終被validate——成爲可被引用的正式文章。


A6:通過公立研究組織和機構的小筆經費和捐助。我們網站上有一個博客專門寫PCI的運營模式 https://peercommunityin.org/2019/05/29/pci-economic-model/。






Q1. First launched in 2017, the family of PCI has expanded to 11 communities and has recommended some 200 preprints. I think that is a great achievement. How satisfied are you with the development of PCI?

A1: We are partly satisfied because the project of setting up new communities seems attractive with now 11 PCIs. More PCIs will be launched this year and others are also under discussion. Within each PCI, however, the number of submissions is still limited although slightly increasing for the oldest PCIs (PCI Ecology, PCI Evol Biol...) and already rising in some new PCIs.

Q2. On the website it says identifying high-quality unpublished articles by a specific recommendation obtained after rigorous peer-review. Can you tell us more about the selection standard for preprints submitted to PCI?

A2: The selection criteria are the same as those used in the best journals in the field covered by PCIs and in generalist journals (e.g. PLoS, PeerJ...). The aim of the PCI is not to recommend all articles, but only those that the editors (we call them “Recommenders”) consider interesting to highlight. The recommendation texts that the recommenders write and that we publish on the PCI websites are intended to explain the reasons why they do recommend an article (on the basis of peer-reviews that are also made available to readers, allowing them to judge the quality of the evaluation process).

There is a follow-up question at the end of the blog.

Q3. What are the biggest advantages you think to have preprints recommended by PCI?

A3: We see several major advantages:

-obtaining a critical and thorough evaluation of your preprint with reviews that are published if the preprint is accepted and therefore recommended,

-obtaining a recommendation text signed by a - sometimes very renowned - recommender and, ultimately,

-obtaining a validated preprint that can be considered by the community as serious and solid as articles published in the best journals in the field.

And all this is free of charge for authors and readers.

For those who ultimately want to publish in a journal and not just be recommended by PCI, the advantage of submitting to PCI is that they can then submit their article to a journal. The evaluation by PCI results in a high quality preprint that is likely to be accepted quickly (and sometimes as it stands) in an excellent journal. Nearly 40 scientific journals are PCI-friendly journals, meaning that they are willing to consider PCI reviews and recommendations to support/accelerate their editorial decision.

Q4. Do you know the proportion of PCI recommended papers that are later published in traditional journals? Would you think most authors consider PCI as the destination of their manuscript or they plan to get their study published in traditional journals but want some feedbacks at PCI?

A4: We do not know the exact proportion because the authors do not necessarily keep us informed and, for recently recommended articles, we cannot know whether they will ultimately be published in traditional journals. For preprints recommended for more than 6 months, the proportion seems to be between 50 and 70% of them being published in (very good) journals.

For some authors, PCI is clearly seen as a step prior to a submission to a traditional journal and to get a first feedback on their preprint. Others don't know in advance what they will do after their preprint recommendation. Interestingly, a fraction of the authors clearly want to turn to PCI to validate their article and avoid publishing in journals. We hope that, as awareness and recognition of PCI increases (especially among the evaluation/recruitment committees and funding agencies), the proportion of the latter will increase over time.

Q5. As I understand, an advantage of submitting to PCI is that the review comments can be transferred to many traditional journals. However, there are a few platforms conferring peer review for preprints, some of which have recently started to collaborate with traditional journals. Do you think this will have any impact on PCI?

A5: There is indeed an increase in initiatives of journal-independent peer-review services (e.g. Review Commons, PreLight...), but (i) this number remains limited and (ii) these services, outside of PCI, are clearly intended to be a pre-submission/publication step in a traditional journal. PCI not only evaluates preprints (and free of charge!), but also makes editorial decisions in the same way as journals, allowing a preprint to be validated - which then becomes a reference in the same way as articles published in journals.

Q6.  Just curious, how is PCI funded?

A6: Through small support and donations from many public research organisations and institutions - see https://peercommunityin.org/pci-network/.

We have written a blog post about the PCI business model, available here: https://peercommunityin.org/2019/05/29/pci-economic-model/

Q7. I see PCI’s founders are all from France. Also, PCI’s most supporting or participating institutions are from France in addition to some European countries. Does it mean that it is important to promote PCI to the world? And could you tell us some of the challenges in promoting PCI?

Q7: Yes, it is. For historical reasons (the founders and the first communities were founded by French and European researchers), but the aim of PCI is indeed to be as international as possible - this is one of the selection criteria for the opening of new PCIs. The recommenders are generally of more diverse origins and we wish to continue to diversify as much as possible the geographical origin of the founders, recommenders, authors, reviewers… It is therefore crucial to promote PCI especially in international networks. The other challenge in promoting PCI is its recognition by evaluation/recruitment committees and by funding agencies. Indeed, researchers need to be confident that their preprints recommended by a PCI will be considered as a valuable article by these committees and agencies.

Q8. Last, is there anything you would like to say to researchers in China?

A8: Given the importance of the Chinese research community, an massive involvement of the Chinese researchers would be particularly important.


Q2-followup:However, it seems to me that they could apply different criteria. For example, while top journals in the field may ask for novelties, some generalists journals like plos one or peerj are certainly not that picky. Would you please mind clarifying this point?

A2-followup:Thanks. You're right, the answer is not correct. You can find a detailed answer in the about of eg PCI Evol Biol:

"PCI Evol Biol recommends only preprints of high scientific quality that are methodologically and ethically sound. To this end, PCI Evol Biol: - Requires data, computer codes and mathematical and statistical analysis scripts to be made available to reviewers and recommenders at the time of submission and to readers after recommendation. - Welcomes reproductions of studies. - Welcomes preregistration submissions and preprint submissions based on preregistrations (whether or not reviewed) - Welcomes preprints reporting negative results, provided that the questions addressed and the methodology are sound. - Does not accept submissions of preprints presenting financial conflicts of interest. Other conflicts of interest must be minimal and declared. - Ensures that, as far as possible, the reviewers and referees have no conflict of interest with the content or authors of the study being evaluated.  PCI Evol Biol does not guarantee the evaluation or recommendation of all submitted preprints. Only preprints considered interesting by at least one competent recommender (equivalent to an associate editor in a classical journal) will be peer-reviewed. The interest of the preprint, as determined by the recommender, can relate to its context, the scientific question addressed, the methodology, or the results. PCI Evol Biol has a large number of recommenders, ensuring a considerable diversity of interests. The recommendations published by PCI Evol Biol are designed to draw the attention of the research community to the qualities of the article, including the subjective reasons for the recommender’s interest in it. "

想給你的preprint一個新去處嗎?不妨試試PCI吧。有關PCI的更多的諮詢,請瀏覽它的官網:https://peercommunityin.org。最後,對Thomas Guillemaud和Denis Bourguet 兩位老師接受我們的專訪表示衷心感謝。


1. 2018. Time to break academic publishing's stranglehold on research. NewScientist.

2. https://peercommunityin.org/pci-network/

3. https://peercommunityin.org/faq/


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