Guide and Escort Jobs and Descriptions

Tour guide jobs and escort typically involve that are required to assist people individually or as part of the course of a tour through various locations like tourist attractions, and even museums and galleries. These types of jobs typically come with a variety of descriptions based on the type of tour that is that requires the services of a tour guide. The majority of the tours that require guides are are educationally related, where students are taking an educational journey. Other tours are tourist trips, while some tour guides work aboard cruise ships in foreign countries to guide foreign tourists to their destinations. The most common aspect of the description for this specific position is being accountable in the protection and conduct of the guests on their tour.

Also, it is a common guide's requirement to undergo training in emergency first-aid and security protocols therefore, a typical job description requires people with a solid understanding of these subjects. Like we said, the description of the job will depend on the type of tour that requires the guide. A further prerequisite for these tours is knowing about the tour or site in order that when people ask questions, the guide is capable of answering them. It is also crucial that the guide is familiar with several foreign languages to aid him in communicating with his customers, particularly if they are foreigners. The task of the tourist guide starts with greeting the crowd of visitors and explaining the details of the agenda to be followed by the rest of their day. Also, it is the guides job to make sure that they arrive punctual enough to attend to all activities which are scheduled for the day.

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