Spring Cache 下對分頁請求的正確緩存方式


  在 spring boot 應用程式開發的時候,在對 service 層加入緩存支持的過程中,遇到了處理分頁緩存的難題,在摸索了多個解決方式後,找到了比較適合,特此記錄


  在程序中存在 User與 Note 實體。假設用戶此時需要從服務器獲得 Note 數據,在大部分情況下,用戶不需要一次性獲取所有的 Note 數據,我們會使用 Page 來減少帶寬壓力的,同時使用緩存來減少對數據庫的訪問。

  在緩存流程中,在對數據進行查找時候,需要先查找緩存中是否存在相應 key 的數據,如果沒有,則觸發一次數據庫訪問並把查詢到的結果存入緩存中,這在 Spring Boot 中以註解的方式很容易實現,我們可以這樣子使用: 

 1     @Transactional(readOnly = true)
 2     @Cacheable(
 3             key = "'user_'+#user.id+':'+#pageable.pageSize+'_'+#pageable.pageNumber",
 4             condition = "#user!=null && #pageable!=null",
 5             unless = "#result==null",
 6             cacheNames = "note"
 7            )
 8     @Nonnull
 9     @Override
10     public Page<Note> findAllByUserAndPageable(@Nonnull User user, @Nonnull Pageable pageable) throws IllegalArgumentException {

  但是當用戶對其中一個 Note 進行更改時,緩存的更新就成了一大難題,試想有一個方法如下:

1     @Nonnull
2     @Override
3     public Note addOne(@Nonnull Note toAdd) throws IllegalArgumentException {...

  我們新增了一個 Note,現在程序需要清除與之有關聯的緩存數據,比如 分頁,Spring Cache 提供了 @CacheEvict ,現在我們使用它來清除緩存,很自然的,對應產生緩存的方式,我們在 @CacheEvict 的數據中加入 key = "'user_'+#user.id+':'#pageable.pageSize+'_'+#pageable.pageNumber"。很不幸,這是個錯誤的使用方式,在這裏,我們獲取不到 pageable 對象。

  @CacheEvict 裏邊有個 allEntries 選項,把它設置爲 true 清空 當前 cacheNames 下的所有緩存如何?同樣的,這不是一個好的處理方式。如果這麼做了,當前緩存中的所有 緩存,包括那些沒有被修改的數據,比如單個的 Note 緩存同樣被刪的一乾二淨。但是,其中的涉及小細節給了我們一些 hint。


  在上面的問題中,我們發現使用 allEntries 並不適用,它會導致緩存 cacheNames 下的所有數據被清空,請注意是指定的 cacheNames 下的所有數據,那麼我們是否可以將分頁數據單獨放入對應 User 的 cacheName 下,當發生緩存更改時,直接刪除只包含分頁緩存的 cacheName 下的緩存? 比如 cacheNames="#principle.username" ?

  如果通讀過 Spring-doc 的 Cache 章節,會發現,cacheNames 屬性並不支持 SpEL 表達式,所以以上的設置並不行得通。似乎山窮水盡,其實不然。仔細觀察 @Cache... 的通用屬性,會發現 cacheResolver 的註釋是這樣的。

The bean name of the custom {@link org.springframework.cache.interceptor.CacheResolver} to use.

  可以使用 bean ,至少有一絲曙光,點進去 CacheResolver,他只規定了一個方法 resolveCaches,查看它的 Hierarchy 視圖,所幸類試圖並不複雜,

  讓我們查看 CacheResolverAdapter 的源碼與註釋。

Spring's {@link CacheResolver} implementation that delegates to a standard
JSR-107 {@link javax.cache.annotation.CacheResolver}.
Used internally to invoke user-based JSR-107 cache resolvers.

  使用JCacheCache 的 JCache (JSR-107)實現, pass

  查看 AbstractCacheResolver 的源碼與註釋。

A base {@link CacheResolver} implementation that requires the concrete
implementation to provide the collection of cache name(s) based on the
invocation context.

   很幸運,我們很快發現了候選。但是我們需要參考 spring 的默認實現 SimpleCacheResolver。

A simple {@link CacheResolver} that resolves the {@link Cache} instance(s)
based on a configurable {@link CacheManager} and the name of the
cache(s) as provided by {@link BasicOperation#getCacheNames() getCacheNames()}.


  讓我們針對 cache names 細節做一些具體實現:繼承這個類,更改 getCacheNames 方法,然後我們就得到了一個具體的實現

 1     /**
 2      * dynamic generates cache name: findAllByUserAndPageable_${userId}
 3      * <br>
 4      * use for page&lt;Note&gt; with annotation{@link org.springframework.cache.annotation.CacheEvict}, {@link org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable}
 5      */
 6     public static class DynamicNotePageCacheNames extends SimpleCacheResolver implements CacheResolver {
 7         private final AuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper;
 8         public static final String FIND_ALL_BY_USER_AND_PAGEABLE = "findAllByUserAndPageable";
10         public DynamicNotePageCacheNames(CacheManager cacheManager, AuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper) {
11             super(cacheManager);
12             log.debug(String.format("using customize CacheResolver: %s , cacheManager: %s",
13                     this.getClass().getName(), cacheManager.getClass().getName()));
14             this.authenticationHelper = authenticationHelper;
15         }
17         @Override
18         protected Collection<String> getCacheNames(CacheOperationInvocationContext<?> context) {
20             Long uId = authenticationHelper.checkAndExtractUserFromAuthentication().getId();
21             String cacheName = String.format("%s_%d", FIND_ALL_BY_USER_AND_PAGEABLE, uId);
22             log.debug(String.format("generate cache name %s for target %s", cacheName, context.getTarget()));
23             return Collections.singleton((String.format("%s_%d", FIND_ALL_BY_USER_AND_PAGEABLE, uId)));
24         }
25     }

  這裏我從 Security 中獲取到當前的登錄用戶的 id,將 id 與 方法字符串拼接起來作爲 cachename 返回。需要注意的是 在方法體中我並沒有對 uId 進行空檢查是因爲在調用 checkAndExtractUserFromAuthentication 方法 嘗試獲取 user 的時候,如果當前 Authentication 中只存在匿名用戶的時候,方法會拋出  AccessDeniedException 錯誤,直接導致了 403 返回,具體可參考章節附。

  讓我們使用這個bean,實例化並且改寫 service 層

    public DynamicNotePageCacheNames cacheResolver() {
        return new DynamicNotePageCacheNames(cacheManager, authenticationHelper);


 1     @Transactional(readOnly = true)
 2     @Cacheable(
 3             key = "#pageable.pageSize+'_'+#pageable.pageNumber",
 4             condition = "#user!=null && #pageable!=null",
 5             unless = "#result==null",
 6            cacheResolver = "dynamicNotePageCacheNames"
 7     )
 8     @Nonnull
 9     @Override
10     public Page<Note> findAllByUserAndPageable(@Nonnull User user, @Nonnull Pageable pageable) throws IllegalArgumentException {


@Transactional(rollbackFor = EntityExistsException.class)
            evict = {
                            condition = "#toAdd!=null ",
                            cacheResolver = "dynamicNotePageCacheNames", allEntries = true),
            put = @CachePut(key = "'id_'+#result.id",
                    condition = "#toAdd!=null",
                    unless = "#result==null", cacheNames = CustomCacheConfig.NOTE)
    public Note addOne(@Nonnull Note toAdd) throws IllegalArgumentException {

  需要注意的是,類上的註解 @CacheConfig 會覆蓋方法中的設置,參考



 1 /**
 2  *
 3  *
 4  * @author pancc
 5  * @version 1.0
 6  */
 7 @Component
 8 public class AuthenticationHelper {
 9     private final UserService userService;
11     public AuthenticationHelper(UserService userService) {
12         this.userService = userService;
13     }
15     /**
16      * extract User From Authentication at current request, at this case it refers to a {@link UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken}<br>
17      * <br>
18      * <code>anonymousUser</code> filter out anonymous user set by spring security web
19      *
20      * @param authentication if null, will get from current request
21      * @return optional with current user  or empty
22      * @see JWTAuthenticationFilter
23      * @see TokenAuthenticationProcessor#getAuthentication(String)
24      * @see AnonymousAuthenticationFilter#AnonymousAuthenticationFilter(java.lang.String)
25      */
26     private Optional<User> extractUserOptionalFromAuthentication(Authentication authentication) {
27         final String anonymous = "anonymousUser";
28         if (authentication == null) {
29             authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
30         }
31         if (authentication == null || !authentication.isAuthenticated()) {
32             return Optional.empty();
33         }
34         if ((authentication.getPrincipal().getClass().equals(String.class))) {
35             String username = (String) authentication.getPrincipal();
36             if (username == null || username.contentEquals(anonymous)) {
37                 return Optional.empty();
38             }
39             return userService.findByUsername(username);
40         }
41         return Optional.empty();
42     }
44     /**
45      * extract User From Authentication at current request, at this case it refers to a {@link UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken}<br>
46      *
47      * @return optional with current user  or empty
48      * @see JWTAuthenticationFilter
49      * @see TokenAuthenticationProcessor#getAuthentication(String)
50      */
51     public Optional<User> extractUserOptionalFromAuthentication() {
52         return this.extractUserOptionalFromAuthentication(null);
53     }
55     /**
56      * extract User From Authentication, at this case it points to a {@link UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken}<br>
57      * this method may throw {@link AccessDeniedException} if not caught, resulting in server response 403 code
58      * <br>
59      * <b>required login</b>
60      *
61      * @param authentication {@link UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken}
62      * @return current user or throw AccessDeniedException that means 403 Http-code
63      * @throws AccessDeniedException if current Authentication contains bad Credentials
64      * @see ExceptionResolver.AccessDeniedAdvice
65      * @see JWTAuthenticationFilter
66      * @see TokenAuthenticationProcessor#getAuthentication(String)
67      */
68     public User checkAndExtractUserFromAuthentication(Authentication authentication) throws AccessDeniedException {
69         return this.extractUserOptionalFromAuthentication(authentication).orElseThrow(() -> new AccessDeniedException("Access Denied"));
70     }
72     /**
73      * extract User From Authentication at current request, at this case it refers to a {@link UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken}<br>
74      * this method may throw {@link AccessDeniedException} if not caught, resulting in server response 403 code
75      * <br>
76      * <b>required login</b>
77      *
78      * @return current user or throw AccessDeniedException that means 403 Http-code
79      * @throws AccessDeniedException if current Authentication contains bad Credentials
80      * @see ExceptionResolver.AccessDeniedAdvice
81      * @see JWTAuthenticationFilter
82      * @see TokenAuthenticationProcessor#getAuthentication(String)
83      */
84     public User checkAndExtractUserFromAuthentication() throws AccessDeniedException {
85         return this.extractUserOptionalFromAuthentication(null).orElseThrow(() -> new AccessDeniedException("Access Denied"));
86     }
88 }
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