2020年高考英語聽力真題浙江卷 對話1 你一個人嗎?

M: Jenny, you can just drop me here.

M: 珍妮,你可以把我放在這裏。

W: But we’re two streets away from the office.

W: 但我們離辦公室有兩條街。

M: It’s fine. I had a big breakfast and feel like a bit of walk.

M: 很好。我吃了一頓豐盛的早餐,想散散步。

W: Hello, George. You look tired. Didn’t sleep well last night?

W: 你好,喬治。你看起來很累。昨晚沒睡好嗎?

M: No, not at all. I had to work flat out to meet the project deadline. Now I’m really feeling a bit run-down.

M: 不,一點也不。爲了趕上項目的最後期限,我不得不全力以赴。現在我真的有點累了。

W: John, can't we go someplace and talk?It's so noisy in here.

W: 約翰,我們能不能找個地方談談?這裏太吵了。

M: Well, there's a small park across the street. It's usually not crowded at this time of day.

M: 嗯,街對面有一個小公園。每天這個時候通常不擁擠。

W:We've got to do something about the neighbor's dog.

W: 我們必須對鄰居的狗採取措施。

M: Why? Has he been into your flower garden again?

M: 爲什麼?他又進過你的花園嗎?

W: The flower garden, the garbage can and yesterday he started digging holes in the yard.

W: 花園、垃圾桶和昨天他開始在院子裏挖洞。

M: Hello, we have a reservation in the name of Mr. Jones. Is there any table by the window?

M: 你好,我們以瓊斯先生的名義預訂了房間。窗邊有桌子嗎?

W: Sorry, we've got this corner table for you. It's quiet here, not close to the door.

W: 對不起,我們爲您準備了這張角桌。這裏很安靜,不靠近門。

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