原创 大雪MajorSnow

大雪應節序,霏霏灑我廬,千山銀世界,萬樹玉珊瑚。瓊蕊隨風至,芳馨待歲除。海天同一色,明日渡江初。Druing the solar term it's snowing so hard.Snowflakes  are sifting  soft

原创 桐廬古意


原创 手機 Cellphone

咫尺成千裏,方寸滿別情。相思無限意,都付小銀屏。So near and yet so far,To meet or to depart,Endless love attachedThe little phone smart.12.3.202

原创 手機 Handset

咫尺成千裏,方寸滿別情。相思無限意,都付小銀屏。So near and yet so far,To meet or to depart,Endless miss 's on a screenOf the  litter phone smar

原创 哀蒼鼠 Sorrowforthehamster

銀狐蒼鼠太堪憐,軟玉香消影團團。一種相思雪花白,幾回淚目夜窗寒。What a poor winter white hamster,Died as a soft jade broken forever.I aways think of you

原创 西洲曲SongoftheWesternIslet

春風吹夢過西洲,日暖寒消罨畫樓。浮雲皚皚映清池,碧草如絲柳蔭稠。心字羅裙合歡襦,楚腰婆娑曲江頭。紫燕參差逐香塵,落英繽紛木蘭舟。徘徊城南望城北,獨把花枝憶舊遊。The breeze blew on the Western Islet,  l

原创 夜航Nightsailing

日暮東南去,乘舟下岳陽。沙鷗橫勁翮,遠樹結嚴霜。擊汰天星動,憑軒午夜涼。滄江雲月好,同醉莫還鄉。Toward the southeast, I set off at the evening,On the boat to Yueyang  w

原创 越王臺  Yuewangtai

古殿蕭森雁影開,秋風空拂越王臺。浮雲莫問前朝事,故國青山入夢來。Above the gloomy ancient  hall , wild geese flew away.The autumn wind blew over king Gou

原创 聽潮 Listen to the tide

鷗鷺風前落,繁花雨後凋。素心長漠漠,塵世自囂囂。散發尋儔侶,青山每寂寥。白雲歸舊館,倚枕聽江潮。In the breeze  gulls land  and  play.After the rain flowers wither away.

原创 青絲 Black hair

昨日理青絲,今宵見白髮。金釵玳瑁簪,棄置玉臺下。Yesterday,  I combed my  hair  still black.But I saw my hair turn white tonight.Hairpins made of

原创 函谷關   Hangu pass

落日函關外,天涯鼙鼓稀。音書懷遠路,弓箭望將歸。魏闕多封事,殘煙隱翠微。漁歌生漵浦,江上數鴻飛。The setting sun is over Hangu pass at the border.The distance drums are

原创 獨酌Drinkingalone

尉茂庭前樹,遲遲向晚風,小窗且獨酌,隱逸對芳叢。The wind blew softly in  the  night. What a lush tree in the front yard.Drinking alone by the wi

原创 離別 Parting

同窗如一夢,分手各千里。相逢未曾問,道別情何已。Learning and living with you is like a dream.It would be thousands of miles  apart if we part.I

原创 流年成塵 Lifewritteninwater

十年流水已成塵,幾度夢迴空淚痕。誰比煙花更寂寞,蕭蕭葉落到長門。The  life written in water have become dust.Many times I woke up from my dreams with tea

原创 致洪七公 To master HongQi

先生方外至,樹葉落巖扉。掃榻罷丹藥,呼童傾綠醅。興隨雲浪沒,思與海風回。把臂青山側,心同白鶴飛。Here you come,my reclusive master,With the leaves felling onto the door