原创 2023-02-27 What does it mean to be wise?

“The wise man is full of joy, cheerful and calm, undisturbed. He lives on equal terms with the gods. Now examine yoursel

原创 2023-02-17 Searching In The Wrong Places

We tend to look for fulfillment outside ourselves. Through the opinions of others. Through material possessions. Through

原创 2023-02-21 Make time to ponder — a better life depends on it

“He who thinks little errs much…” ― Leonardo da Vinci “How to think” is the process and skills we use in reasoning. That

原创 2023-02-16 To transcend yourself, think for yourself

Socrates was right when he said, “To find yourself, think for yourself.” Engaging in mental dialogue is about growing be

原创 2023-02-20 Nostalgia Can Connect Us

Looking back can serve as a means to finding common ground. Memories work in ways that precede active thought processes.

原创 2023-02-19 Success Is Closer Than You Think

“Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.” ―Winston Churchill The advice for overcom

原创 2023-02-22 Presence communicates attention

“Live the actual moment. Only this actual moment is life,” argues Thích Nhất Hạnh, a Buddhist monk. Our presence is a

原创 2023-02-14 Act like the host

There is a false myth that says that tough guys and Femme Fatales are the most flirtatious at the discotheque. And it’s

原创 2023-02-11 Total Surrender

Surrender may be one of the most misunderstood terms of the spiritual path. It is often understood as giving up or being

原创 2023-02-10 The Counterintuitive Strategy For Building a Better Future

Billionaire business owner Charlie Munger says “he wants to know where he is going to die” so that he never goes there,

原创 2023-02-12 A Lot Of Those Benefits Are With Cold Baths

To give you an idea of the miscommunication, a lot of the benefits listed for taking cold showers are actually more appr

原创 2023-02-15 Skills alone don’t translate to career success

I’m a firm believer that mastery of skills is at the foundation of career success. I don’t believe you can truly fake it

原创 2023-02-09 The Voice In Our Head

We have a voice in our head that always seems to be talking. That voice is constantly evaluating what’s good and what is

原创 2023-02-08 Stop being your own worst enemy

You are your worst enemy when you allow others’ opinions of you to be more important than your own. You are your worst e

原创 2023-02-05 Indifference becomes your default mode

Just before life changes you for the better, what usually happens is that you go through a brief period of indifference.