原创 打噴嚏

I'm sneezing, Mom. 媽,我打噴嚏了。 My nose is ticklish. 我的鼻子很癢。 It's probably because of the pollen. 這也許是因爲花粉的關係。 Cover your mo

原创 被蟲咬

I think I got a bug bite here, Mom. 媽,我想我這裏被蟲咬到了。 It's swollen and red. 又腫又紅。 It's ticklish./It's itchy. 很癢。 I can't sle

原创 傳染類疾病

I think I broke something in my body. 我想我把自己的身體搞壞了。 I broke out all over my body. 我全身突然長出什麼了。 It seems like you have chi

原创 摔倒的時候

Mom, I fell down. 媽,我摔倒了。 I slipped on the floor. 我在地板上滑倒了。 I fell down while running. 我在跑的時候摔倒了。 I tripped over a rock.

原创 介紹家人

How many people are there in your family?/How many people do you have in your family? 你家裏有幾個人? There are four people in

原创 介紹玩具

What's your favorite toy? 你最喜歡的玩具是什麼? I like this doll the most. 我最喜歡這個娃娃。 It was a present from my daddy. 這是爸比送我的禮物。 I'

原创 介紹父母

What does your father do? 你爸爸做什麼? He works in some company. 他在某家公司上班。 He works for a computer company. 他在電腦公司上班。 He work

原创 介紹祖父母

How are your grandparents? 你的祖父母好嗎? They're both healthy. 他們都很健康。 My grandfather passed away. 我爺爺已經過世了。 My gandmother di

原创 介紹親戚

I have a lot of relatives. 我有很多親戚。 I don't have many relatives. 我的親戚不多。 I have many aunts and uncles. 我有很多阿姨和叔叔。 I have

原创 介紹寵物

I have a dog. 我有一隻狗。 His name is Happy. 它的名字叫 Happy. He shakes his tail when I get back from school. 當我放學回來時,它會搖尾巴。 He i

原创 介紹兄弟姐妹

How old is your younger sister? 你妹妹幾歲? She's 5 years old. 她五歲了。 How much older than your brother are you? 你比你弟弟大幾歲? We a

原创 對外表的期望

I want to be taller. 我想要更高。 I want my skin to be whiter. 我希望我的皮膚可以更白。 I want my hair to be longer. 我希望我的頭髮可以更長。 I want t

原创 描述外貌與身材

He is not really handsome. 他長得不是很帥。 She is not really pretty. 她長得不是很漂亮。 He / She just has a common look. 他/她長得很平凡。 He /

原创 描述體重

I am overweight. 我很胖。 I weigh 20kg. 我的體重是 20 公斤。 Let's measure your weight. 我們來量一下你的體重。 Step on the scale. 站到體重機上。 You'v

原创 描述相貌特點

He's got a pointed forehead. 他有凸出的額頭。 He has a long jaw. 他有個長下巴。 His ears are extremely long. 他的耳朵非常長。 He has pimples. 他