Caffe Resnet 簡單的圖像分類示例




Nvidia顯卡 TITIAN X



1.1生成 所有圖像數據的 每一幅圖的路徑 類別標籤的 txt文件

2.利用1中的txt文件生成 lmdb文件


4.準備Caffe的Solver 文件:solver.prototxt


6.訓練完成後得到:solver_iter_75000.solverstate  solver_iter_75000.caffemodel  






insulator3Class下面,並生成一個txt文件,txt文件的每一行是一幅圖像的名稱 類別


1.1生成 所有圖像數據的 每一幅圖的路徑 類別標籤的 txt文件

imageLabel.txt 文件如下:2588_1.jpg 1  2588代表是第2588張圖,1代表類別, 1代表類別  

2588_1.jpg 1 


圖像名稱 類別

2588_1.jpg 1
4286_2.jpg 2
3177_1.jpg 1
4658_2.jpg 2
1705_0.jpg 0
1160_0.jpg 0
602_0.jpg 0
2065_1.jpg 1
59_0.jpg 0
5478_2.jpg 2
448_0.jpg 0
3798_1.jpg 1
959_0.jpg 0
2217_1.jpg 1


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Nov 30 16:55:18 2018
@author: yang

import shutil
import glob

srcFileNum='2/*.jpg'    #2類別文件夾下的所有jpg圖像文件
destFileNum='insulator3Class/*.jpg'    #用於計算insulator3Class文件夾下面的所有jpg圖像文件
srcJpgList=glob.glob(srcFileNum) #glob這個模塊的用處就是得到一個文件夾下面的所有特定的文件名並生成列表

jpgImageFileNum=len(destJpgList)+1 #從下一個數字計起

for imageFile in srcJpgList:   #遍歷srcJpgList這個列表
    shutil.copy(imageFile,newFileName) #複製並重命名新文件

生成圖像文件名(或者圖像的全路徑 類別標籤)的Python代碼如下: 得到的txt文件是隨機打散的

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Nov 30 16:42:44 2018

@author: yang

import glob
import random


random.shuffle(imageList)		#將該列表隨機打散

with open('imageLabel.txt','w') as f:  #以寫的方式 打開imageLabel.txt文件
    for image_name in imageList:
		#以下兩行就是解析文件路徑,比如全路徑是這樣的:xxx/xxxxx/2588_1.jpg  解析得到 這張圖像的標號是2588,類別標籤是1,
        image_label = image_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[1]
        image_label_save_item= image_name.split('/')[-1]+' '+image_label  #將圖像的名稱2588_1.jpg 和 類別標籤1 以一行的方式寫入imageLabel.txt文件


有了圖像數據(全部存儲在insulator3Class文件夾下面,其實存哪裏都可以,關鍵是看你的 圖像路徑 類別標籤 文件)

有了圖像路徑 類別標籤 的txt 文件(像imageLabel.txt)


2.利用1中的txt文件生成 lmdb文件

如下是 腳本文件,用於生成lmdb文件:

其中用到了Caffe主目錄 build/tools 下的convert_imageset 這個可執行命令 

# convert images to lmdb

DATA=/home/yang/insulator_train_3class  #這次操作的圖像數據和標籤文件所在的路徑(文件夾)
IMGDIRNAME=insulator3Class        #存儲所有圖像數據的文件夾
IMGLIST=val.txt #val.txt  train.txt  # 分別生成訓練和驗證的 lmdb文件
LMDBNAME=resnet_valid_224_lmdb #resnet_train_224_lmdb   #驗證的lmdb文件夾名resnet_valid_224_lmdb 和訓練的lmdb文件夾名

rm -rf $DATA/$LMDBNAME echo 'converting images...'   #rm -rf 用於強制移除已經存在的文件夾
/home/yang/caffe/build/tools/convert_imageset  -resize_height 224 -resize_width 224 --shuffle=true $DATA/$IMGDIRNAME/ $DATA/$IMGLIST $DATA/$LMDBNAME

convert_imageset  命令帶了一些參數:-resize_height 224 -resize_width 224 是將所有的圖像的寬度和高度resize到224像素大小



$DATA/$IMGDIRNAME/     # /home/yang/insulator_train_3class/insulator3Class   存儲所有圖像的文件夾

$DATA/$IMGLIST             #/home/yang/insulator_train_3class/val.txt             所有圖像的名稱 和類別標籤的 txt文件

$DATA/$LMDBNAME       #/home/yang/insulator_train_3class/resnet_valid_224_lmdb    要生成的lmdb文件的存儲路徑



到github下載 Resnet網絡定義文件:


name: "ResNet-50"
input: "data"
input_dim: 1
input_dim: 3
input_dim: 224
input_dim: 224

layer {
	bottom: "data"
	top: "conv1"
	name: "conv1"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 7
		pad: 3
		stride: 2

layer {
	bottom: "conv1"
	top: "conv1"
	name: "bn_conv1"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "conv1"
	top: "conv1"
	name: "scale_conv1"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "conv1"
	top: "conv1"
	name: "conv1_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "conv1"
	top: "pool1"
	name: "pool1"
	type: "Pooling"
	pooling_param {
		kernel_size: 3
		stride: 2
		pool: MAX

layer {
	bottom: "pool1"
	top: "res2a_branch1"
	name: "res2a_branch1"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch1"
	top: "res2a_branch1"
	name: "bn2a_branch1"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch1"
	top: "res2a_branch1"
	name: "scale2a_branch1"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "pool1"
	top: "res2a_branch2a"
	name: "res2a_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
	top: "res2a_branch2a"
	name: "bn2a_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
	top: "res2a_branch2a"
	name: "scale2a_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
	top: "res2a_branch2a"
	name: "res2a_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
	top: "res2a_branch2b"
	name: "res2a_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2b"
	top: "res2a_branch2b"
	name: "bn2a_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2b"
	top: "res2a_branch2b"
	name: "scale2a_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2b"
	top: "res2a_branch2b"
	name: "res2a_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2b"
	top: "res2a_branch2c"
	name: "res2a_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2c"
	top: "res2a_branch2c"
	name: "bn2a_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2c"
	top: "res2a_branch2c"
	name: "scale2a_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch1"
	bottom: "res2a_branch2c"
	top: "res2a"
	name: "res2a"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res2a"
	top: "res2a"
	name: "res2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2a"
	top: "res2b_branch2a"
	name: "res2b_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
	top: "res2b_branch2a"
	name: "bn2b_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
	top: "res2b_branch2a"
	name: "scale2b_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
	top: "res2b_branch2a"
	name: "res2b_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
	top: "res2b_branch2b"
	name: "res2b_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2b"
	top: "res2b_branch2b"
	name: "bn2b_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2b"
	top: "res2b_branch2b"
	name: "scale2b_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2b"
	top: "res2b_branch2b"
	name: "res2b_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2b"
	top: "res2b_branch2c"
	name: "res2b_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2c"
	top: "res2b_branch2c"
	name: "bn2b_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2c"
	top: "res2b_branch2c"
	name: "scale2b_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a"
	bottom: "res2b_branch2c"
	top: "res2b"
	name: "res2b"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res2b"
	top: "res2b"
	name: "res2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2b"
	top: "res2c_branch2a"
	name: "res2c_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2a"
	top: "res2c_branch2a"
	name: "bn2c_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2a"
	top: "res2c_branch2a"
	name: "scale2c_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2a"
	top: "res2c_branch2a"
	name: "res2c_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2a"
	top: "res2c_branch2b"
	name: "res2c_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2b"
	top: "res2c_branch2b"
	name: "bn2c_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2b"
	top: "res2c_branch2b"
	name: "scale2c_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2b"
	top: "res2c_branch2b"
	name: "res2c_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2b"
	top: "res2c_branch2c"
	name: "res2c_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2c"
	top: "res2c_branch2c"
	name: "bn2c_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2c"
	top: "res2c_branch2c"
	name: "scale2c_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b"
	bottom: "res2c_branch2c"
	top: "res2c"
	name: "res2c"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res2c"
	top: "res2c"
	name: "res2c_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2c"
	top: "res3a_branch1"
	name: "res3a_branch1"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch1"
	top: "res3a_branch1"
	name: "bn3a_branch1"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch1"
	top: "res3a_branch1"
	name: "scale3a_branch1"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c"
	top: "res3a_branch2a"
	name: "res3a_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
	top: "res3a_branch2a"
	name: "bn3a_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
	top: "res3a_branch2a"
	name: "scale3a_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
	top: "res3a_branch2a"
	name: "res3a_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
	top: "res3a_branch2b"
	name: "res3a_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2b"
	top: "res3a_branch2b"
	name: "bn3a_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2b"
	top: "res3a_branch2b"
	name: "scale3a_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2b"
	top: "res3a_branch2b"
	name: "res3a_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2b"
	top: "res3a_branch2c"
	name: "res3a_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2c"
	top: "res3a_branch2c"
	name: "bn3a_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2c"
	top: "res3a_branch2c"
	name: "scale3a_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch1"
	bottom: "res3a_branch2c"
	top: "res3a"
	name: "res3a"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res3a"
	top: "res3a"
	name: "res3a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3a"
	top: "res3b_branch2a"
	name: "res3b_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
	top: "res3b_branch2a"
	name: "bn3b_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
	top: "res3b_branch2a"
	name: "scale3b_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
	top: "res3b_branch2a"
	name: "res3b_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
	top: "res3b_branch2b"
	name: "res3b_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2b"
	top: "res3b_branch2b"
	name: "bn3b_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2b"
	top: "res3b_branch2b"
	name: "scale3b_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2b"
	top: "res3b_branch2b"
	name: "res3b_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2b"
	top: "res3b_branch2c"
	name: "res3b_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2c"
	top: "res3b_branch2c"
	name: "bn3b_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2c"
	top: "res3b_branch2c"
	name: "scale3b_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a"
	bottom: "res3b_branch2c"
	top: "res3b"
	name: "res3b"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res3b"
	top: "res3b"
	name: "res3b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3b"
	top: "res3c_branch2a"
	name: "res3c_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
	top: "res3c_branch2a"
	name: "bn3c_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
	top: "res3c_branch2a"
	name: "scale3c_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
	top: "res3c_branch2a"
	name: "res3c_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
	top: "res3c_branch2b"
	name: "res3c_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2b"
	top: "res3c_branch2b"
	name: "bn3c_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2b"
	top: "res3c_branch2b"
	name: "scale3c_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2b"
	top: "res3c_branch2b"
	name: "res3c_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2b"
	top: "res3c_branch2c"
	name: "res3c_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2c"
	top: "res3c_branch2c"
	name: "bn3c_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2c"
	top: "res3c_branch2c"
	name: "scale3c_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b"
	bottom: "res3c_branch2c"
	top: "res3c"
	name: "res3c"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res3c"
	top: "res3c"
	name: "res3c_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3c"
	top: "res3d_branch2a"
	name: "res3d_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2a"
	top: "res3d_branch2a"
	name: "bn3d_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2a"
	top: "res3d_branch2a"
	name: "scale3d_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2a"
	top: "res3d_branch2a"
	name: "res3d_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2a"
	top: "res3d_branch2b"
	name: "res3d_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2b"
	top: "res3d_branch2b"
	name: "bn3d_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2b"
	top: "res3d_branch2b"
	name: "scale3d_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2b"
	top: "res3d_branch2b"
	name: "res3d_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2b"
	top: "res3d_branch2c"
	name: "res3d_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2c"
	top: "res3d_branch2c"
	name: "bn3d_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2c"
	top: "res3d_branch2c"
	name: "scale3d_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c"
	bottom: "res3d_branch2c"
	top: "res3d"
	name: "res3d"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res3d"
	top: "res3d"
	name: "res3d_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3d"
	top: "res4a_branch1"
	name: "res4a_branch1"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch1"
	top: "res4a_branch1"
	name: "bn4a_branch1"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch1"
	top: "res4a_branch1"
	name: "scale4a_branch1"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d"
	top: "res4a_branch2a"
	name: "res4a_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
	top: "res4a_branch2a"
	name: "bn4a_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
	top: "res4a_branch2a"
	name: "scale4a_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
	top: "res4a_branch2a"
	name: "res4a_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
	top: "res4a_branch2b"
	name: "res4a_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2b"
	top: "res4a_branch2b"
	name: "bn4a_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2b"
	top: "res4a_branch2b"
	name: "scale4a_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2b"
	top: "res4a_branch2b"
	name: "res4a_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2b"
	top: "res4a_branch2c"
	name: "res4a_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2c"
	top: "res4a_branch2c"
	name: "bn4a_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2c"
	top: "res4a_branch2c"
	name: "scale4a_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch1"
	bottom: "res4a_branch2c"
	top: "res4a"
	name: "res4a"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4a"
	top: "res4a"
	name: "res4a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4a"
	top: "res4b_branch2a"
	name: "res4b_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
	top: "res4b_branch2a"
	name: "bn4b_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
	top: "res4b_branch2a"
	name: "scale4b_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
	top: "res4b_branch2a"
	name: "res4b_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
	top: "res4b_branch2b"
	name: "res4b_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2b"
	top: "res4b_branch2b"
	name: "bn4b_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2b"
	top: "res4b_branch2b"
	name: "scale4b_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2b"
	top: "res4b_branch2b"
	name: "res4b_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2b"
	top: "res4b_branch2c"
	name: "res4b_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2c"
	top: "res4b_branch2c"
	name: "bn4b_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2c"
	top: "res4b_branch2c"
	name: "scale4b_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a"
	bottom: "res4b_branch2c"
	top: "res4b"
	name: "res4b"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4b"
	top: "res4b"
	name: "res4b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4b"
	top: "res4c_branch2a"
	name: "res4c_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
	top: "res4c_branch2a"
	name: "bn4c_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
	top: "res4c_branch2a"
	name: "scale4c_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
	top: "res4c_branch2a"
	name: "res4c_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
	top: "res4c_branch2b"
	name: "res4c_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2b"
	top: "res4c_branch2b"
	name: "bn4c_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2b"
	top: "res4c_branch2b"
	name: "scale4c_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2b"
	top: "res4c_branch2b"
	name: "res4c_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2b"
	top: "res4c_branch2c"
	name: "res4c_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2c"
	top: "res4c_branch2c"
	name: "bn4c_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2c"
	top: "res4c_branch2c"
	name: "scale4c_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b"
	bottom: "res4c_branch2c"
	top: "res4c"
	name: "res4c"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4c"
	top: "res4c"
	name: "res4c_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4c"
	top: "res4d_branch2a"
	name: "res4d_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
	top: "res4d_branch2a"
	name: "bn4d_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
	top: "res4d_branch2a"
	name: "scale4d_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
	top: "res4d_branch2a"
	name: "res4d_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
	top: "res4d_branch2b"
	name: "res4d_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2b"
	top: "res4d_branch2b"
	name: "bn4d_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2b"
	top: "res4d_branch2b"
	name: "scale4d_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2b"
	top: "res4d_branch2b"
	name: "res4d_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2b"
	top: "res4d_branch2c"
	name: "res4d_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2c"
	top: "res4d_branch2c"
	name: "bn4d_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2c"
	top: "res4d_branch2c"
	name: "scale4d_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c"
	bottom: "res4d_branch2c"
	top: "res4d"
	name: "res4d"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4d"
	top: "res4d"
	name: "res4d_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4d"
	top: "res4e_branch2a"
	name: "res4e_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2a"
	top: "res4e_branch2a"
	name: "bn4e_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2a"
	top: "res4e_branch2a"
	name: "scale4e_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2a"
	top: "res4e_branch2a"
	name: "res4e_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2a"
	top: "res4e_branch2b"
	name: "res4e_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2b"
	top: "res4e_branch2b"
	name: "bn4e_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2b"
	top: "res4e_branch2b"
	name: "scale4e_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2b"
	top: "res4e_branch2b"
	name: "res4e_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2b"
	top: "res4e_branch2c"
	name: "res4e_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2c"
	top: "res4e_branch2c"
	name: "bn4e_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2c"
	top: "res4e_branch2c"
	name: "scale4e_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d"
	bottom: "res4e_branch2c"
	top: "res4e"
	name: "res4e"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4e"
	top: "res4e"
	name: "res4e_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4e"
	top: "res4f_branch2a"
	name: "res4f_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2a"
	top: "res4f_branch2a"
	name: "bn4f_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2a"
	top: "res4f_branch2a"
	name: "scale4f_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2a"
	top: "res4f_branch2a"
	name: "res4f_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2a"
	top: "res4f_branch2b"
	name: "res4f_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2b"
	top: "res4f_branch2b"
	name: "bn4f_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2b"
	top: "res4f_branch2b"
	name: "scale4f_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2b"
	top: "res4f_branch2b"
	name: "res4f_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2b"
	top: "res4f_branch2c"
	name: "res4f_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2c"
	top: "res4f_branch2c"
	name: "bn4f_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2c"
	top: "res4f_branch2c"
	name: "scale4f_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e"
	bottom: "res4f_branch2c"
	top: "res4f"
	name: "res4f"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4f"
	top: "res4f"
	name: "res4f_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4f"
	top: "res5a_branch1"
	name: "res5a_branch1"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 2048
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch1"
	top: "res5a_branch1"
	name: "bn5a_branch1"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch1"
	top: "res5a_branch1"
	name: "scale5a_branch1"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f"
	top: "res5a_branch2a"
	name: "res5a_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
	top: "res5a_branch2a"
	name: "bn5a_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
	top: "res5a_branch2a"
	name: "scale5a_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
	top: "res5a_branch2a"
	name: "res5a_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
	top: "res5a_branch2b"
	name: "res5a_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2b"
	top: "res5a_branch2b"
	name: "bn5a_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2b"
	top: "res5a_branch2b"
	name: "scale5a_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2b"
	top: "res5a_branch2b"
	name: "res5a_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2b"
	top: "res5a_branch2c"
	name: "res5a_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 2048
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2c"
	top: "res5a_branch2c"
	name: "bn5a_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2c"
	top: "res5a_branch2c"
	name: "scale5a_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch1"
	bottom: "res5a_branch2c"
	top: "res5a"
	name: "res5a"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res5a"
	top: "res5a"
	name: "res5a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5a"
	top: "res5b_branch2a"
	name: "res5b_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
	top: "res5b_branch2a"
	name: "bn5b_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
	top: "res5b_branch2a"
	name: "scale5b_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
	top: "res5b_branch2a"
	name: "res5b_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
	top: "res5b_branch2b"
	name: "res5b_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2b"
	top: "res5b_branch2b"
	name: "bn5b_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2b"
	top: "res5b_branch2b"
	name: "scale5b_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2b"
	top: "res5b_branch2b"
	name: "res5b_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2b"
	top: "res5b_branch2c"
	name: "res5b_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 2048
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2c"
	top: "res5b_branch2c"
	name: "bn5b_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2c"
	top: "res5b_branch2c"
	name: "scale5b_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a"
	bottom: "res5b_branch2c"
	top: "res5b"
	name: "res5b"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res5b"
	top: "res5b"
	name: "res5b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5b"
	top: "res5c_branch2a"
	name: "res5c_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2a"
	top: "res5c_branch2a"
	name: "bn5c_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2a"
	top: "res5c_branch2a"
	name: "scale5c_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2a"
	top: "res5c_branch2a"
	name: "res5c_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2a"
	top: "res5c_branch2b"
	name: "res5c_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2b"
	top: "res5c_branch2b"
	name: "bn5c_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2b"
	top: "res5c_branch2b"
	name: "scale5c_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2b"
	top: "res5c_branch2b"
	name: "res5c_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2b"
	top: "res5c_branch2c"
	name: "res5c_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 2048
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2c"
	top: "res5c_branch2c"
	name: "bn5c_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2c"
	top: "res5c_branch2c"
	name: "scale5c_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b"
	bottom: "res5c_branch2c"
	top: "res5c"
	name: "res5c"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res5c"
	top: "res5c"
	name: "res5c_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5c"
	top: "pool5"
	name: "pool5"
	type: "Pooling"
	pooling_param {
		kernel_size: 7
		stride: 1
		pool: AVE

layer {
	bottom: "pool5"
	top: "fc1000"
	name: "fc1000"
	type: "InnerProduct"
	inner_product_param {
		num_output: 1000

layer {
	bottom: "fc1000"
	top: "prob"
	name: "prob"
	type: "Softmax"

對以上ResNet-50-test.prototxt 文件的輸入輸出(文件頭和文件尾)進行修改,以適應我們的訓練要求是3類圖像數據:



name: "ResNet-50"

layer {
    name: "data"
    type: "Data"
    top: "data"
    top: "label"
    include {
        phase: TRAIN
    transform_param {
        mirror: false
        # crop_size: 224
        mean_value: 0
        mean_value: 0
        mean_value: 0
    data_param {
        source: "resnet_train_224_lmdb"
        batch_size: 16
        backend: LMDB
layer {
    name: "data"
    type: "Data"
    top: "data"
    top: "label"
    include {
        phase: TEST
    transform_param {
        mirror: false
        # crop_size: 224
        mean_value: 0
        mean_value: 0
        mean_value: 0
    data_param {
        source: "resnet_valid_224_lmdb"
        batch_size: 1
        backend: LMDB

layer {
	bottom: "data"
	top: "conv1"
	name: "conv1"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 7
		pad: 3
		stride: 2

layer {
	bottom: "conv1"
	top: "conv1"
	name: "bn_conv1"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "conv1"
	top: "conv1"
	name: "scale_conv1"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "conv1"
	top: "conv1"
	name: "conv1_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "conv1"
	top: "pool1"
	name: "pool1"
	type: "Pooling"
	pooling_param {
		kernel_size: 3
		stride: 2
		pool: MAX

layer {
	bottom: "pool1"
	top: "res2a_branch1"
	name: "res2a_branch1"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch1"
	top: "res2a_branch1"
	name: "bn2a_branch1"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch1"
	top: "res2a_branch1"
	name: "scale2a_branch1"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "pool1"
	top: "res2a_branch2a"
	name: "res2a_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
	top: "res2a_branch2a"
	name: "bn2a_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
	top: "res2a_branch2a"
	name: "scale2a_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
	top: "res2a_branch2a"
	name: "res2a_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
	top: "res2a_branch2b"
	name: "res2a_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2b"
	top: "res2a_branch2b"
	name: "bn2a_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2b"
	top: "res2a_branch2b"
	name: "scale2a_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2b"
	top: "res2a_branch2b"
	name: "res2a_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2b"
	top: "res2a_branch2c"
	name: "res2a_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2c"
	top: "res2a_branch2c"
	name: "bn2a_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch2c"
	top: "res2a_branch2c"
	name: "scale2a_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a_branch1"
	bottom: "res2a_branch2c"
	top: "res2a"
	name: "res2a"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res2a"
	top: "res2a"
	name: "res2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2a"
	top: "res2b_branch2a"
	name: "res2b_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
	top: "res2b_branch2a"
	name: "bn2b_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
	top: "res2b_branch2a"
	name: "scale2b_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
	top: "res2b_branch2a"
	name: "res2b_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
	top: "res2b_branch2b"
	name: "res2b_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2b"
	top: "res2b_branch2b"
	name: "bn2b_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2b"
	top: "res2b_branch2b"
	name: "scale2b_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2b"
	top: "res2b_branch2b"
	name: "res2b_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2b"
	top: "res2b_branch2c"
	name: "res2b_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2c"
	top: "res2b_branch2c"
	name: "bn2b_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b_branch2c"
	top: "res2b_branch2c"
	name: "scale2b_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2a"
	bottom: "res2b_branch2c"
	top: "res2b"
	name: "res2b"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res2b"
	top: "res2b"
	name: "res2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2b"
	top: "res2c_branch2a"
	name: "res2c_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2a"
	top: "res2c_branch2a"
	name: "bn2c_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2a"
	top: "res2c_branch2a"
	name: "scale2c_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2a"
	top: "res2c_branch2a"
	name: "res2c_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2a"
	top: "res2c_branch2b"
	name: "res2c_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 64
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2b"
	top: "res2c_branch2b"
	name: "bn2c_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2b"
	top: "res2c_branch2b"
	name: "scale2c_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2b"
	top: "res2c_branch2b"
	name: "res2c_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2b"
	top: "res2c_branch2c"
	name: "res2c_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2c"
	top: "res2c_branch2c"
	name: "bn2c_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c_branch2c"
	top: "res2c_branch2c"
	name: "scale2c_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2b"
	bottom: "res2c_branch2c"
	top: "res2c"
	name: "res2c"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res2c"
	top: "res2c"
	name: "res2c_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res2c"
	top: "res3a_branch1"
	name: "res3a_branch1"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch1"
	top: "res3a_branch1"
	name: "bn3a_branch1"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch1"
	top: "res3a_branch1"
	name: "scale3a_branch1"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res2c"
	top: "res3a_branch2a"
	name: "res3a_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
	top: "res3a_branch2a"
	name: "bn3a_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
	top: "res3a_branch2a"
	name: "scale3a_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
	top: "res3a_branch2a"
	name: "res3a_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
	top: "res3a_branch2b"
	name: "res3a_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2b"
	top: "res3a_branch2b"
	name: "bn3a_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2b"
	top: "res3a_branch2b"
	name: "scale3a_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2b"
	top: "res3a_branch2b"
	name: "res3a_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2b"
	top: "res3a_branch2c"
	name: "res3a_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2c"
	top: "res3a_branch2c"
	name: "bn3a_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch2c"
	top: "res3a_branch2c"
	name: "scale3a_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a_branch1"
	bottom: "res3a_branch2c"
	top: "res3a"
	name: "res3a"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res3a"
	top: "res3a"
	name: "res3a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3a"
	top: "res3b_branch2a"
	name: "res3b_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
	top: "res3b_branch2a"
	name: "bn3b_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
	top: "res3b_branch2a"
	name: "scale3b_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
	top: "res3b_branch2a"
	name: "res3b_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
	top: "res3b_branch2b"
	name: "res3b_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2b"
	top: "res3b_branch2b"
	name: "bn3b_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2b"
	top: "res3b_branch2b"
	name: "scale3b_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2b"
	top: "res3b_branch2b"
	name: "res3b_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2b"
	top: "res3b_branch2c"
	name: "res3b_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2c"
	top: "res3b_branch2c"
	name: "bn3b_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b_branch2c"
	top: "res3b_branch2c"
	name: "scale3b_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3a"
	bottom: "res3b_branch2c"
	top: "res3b"
	name: "res3b"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res3b"
	top: "res3b"
	name: "res3b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3b"
	top: "res3c_branch2a"
	name: "res3c_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
	top: "res3c_branch2a"
	name: "bn3c_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
	top: "res3c_branch2a"
	name: "scale3c_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
	top: "res3c_branch2a"
	name: "res3c_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
	top: "res3c_branch2b"
	name: "res3c_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2b"
	top: "res3c_branch2b"
	name: "bn3c_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2b"
	top: "res3c_branch2b"
	name: "scale3c_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2b"
	top: "res3c_branch2b"
	name: "res3c_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2b"
	top: "res3c_branch2c"
	name: "res3c_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2c"
	top: "res3c_branch2c"
	name: "bn3c_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c_branch2c"
	top: "res3c_branch2c"
	name: "scale3c_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3b"
	bottom: "res3c_branch2c"
	top: "res3c"
	name: "res3c"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res3c"
	top: "res3c"
	name: "res3c_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3c"
	top: "res3d_branch2a"
	name: "res3d_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2a"
	top: "res3d_branch2a"
	name: "bn3d_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2a"
	top: "res3d_branch2a"
	name: "scale3d_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2a"
	top: "res3d_branch2a"
	name: "res3d_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2a"
	top: "res3d_branch2b"
	name: "res3d_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 128
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2b"
	top: "res3d_branch2b"
	name: "bn3d_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2b"
	top: "res3d_branch2b"
	name: "scale3d_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2b"
	top: "res3d_branch2b"
	name: "res3d_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2b"
	top: "res3d_branch2c"
	name: "res3d_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2c"
	top: "res3d_branch2c"
	name: "bn3d_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d_branch2c"
	top: "res3d_branch2c"
	name: "scale3d_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3c"
	bottom: "res3d_branch2c"
	top: "res3d"
	name: "res3d"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res3d"
	top: "res3d"
	name: "res3d_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res3d"
	top: "res4a_branch1"
	name: "res4a_branch1"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch1"
	top: "res4a_branch1"
	name: "bn4a_branch1"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch1"
	top: "res4a_branch1"
	name: "scale4a_branch1"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res3d"
	top: "res4a_branch2a"
	name: "res4a_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
	top: "res4a_branch2a"
	name: "bn4a_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
	top: "res4a_branch2a"
	name: "scale4a_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
	top: "res4a_branch2a"
	name: "res4a_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
	top: "res4a_branch2b"
	name: "res4a_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2b"
	top: "res4a_branch2b"
	name: "bn4a_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2b"
	top: "res4a_branch2b"
	name: "scale4a_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2b"
	top: "res4a_branch2b"
	name: "res4a_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2b"
	top: "res4a_branch2c"
	name: "res4a_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2c"
	top: "res4a_branch2c"
	name: "bn4a_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch2c"
	top: "res4a_branch2c"
	name: "scale4a_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a_branch1"
	bottom: "res4a_branch2c"
	top: "res4a"
	name: "res4a"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4a"
	top: "res4a"
	name: "res4a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4a"
	top: "res4b_branch2a"
	name: "res4b_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
	top: "res4b_branch2a"
	name: "bn4b_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
	top: "res4b_branch2a"
	name: "scale4b_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
	top: "res4b_branch2a"
	name: "res4b_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
	top: "res4b_branch2b"
	name: "res4b_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2b"
	top: "res4b_branch2b"
	name: "bn4b_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2b"
	top: "res4b_branch2b"
	name: "scale4b_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2b"
	top: "res4b_branch2b"
	name: "res4b_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2b"
	top: "res4b_branch2c"
	name: "res4b_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2c"
	top: "res4b_branch2c"
	name: "bn4b_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b_branch2c"
	top: "res4b_branch2c"
	name: "scale4b_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4a"
	bottom: "res4b_branch2c"
	top: "res4b"
	name: "res4b"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4b"
	top: "res4b"
	name: "res4b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4b"
	top: "res4c_branch2a"
	name: "res4c_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
	top: "res4c_branch2a"
	name: "bn4c_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
	top: "res4c_branch2a"
	name: "scale4c_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
	top: "res4c_branch2a"
	name: "res4c_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
	top: "res4c_branch2b"
	name: "res4c_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2b"
	top: "res4c_branch2b"
	name: "bn4c_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2b"
	top: "res4c_branch2b"
	name: "scale4c_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2b"
	top: "res4c_branch2b"
	name: "res4c_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2b"
	top: "res4c_branch2c"
	name: "res4c_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2c"
	top: "res4c_branch2c"
	name: "bn4c_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c_branch2c"
	top: "res4c_branch2c"
	name: "scale4c_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4b"
	bottom: "res4c_branch2c"
	top: "res4c"
	name: "res4c"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4c"
	top: "res4c"
	name: "res4c_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4c"
	top: "res4d_branch2a"
	name: "res4d_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
	top: "res4d_branch2a"
	name: "bn4d_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
	top: "res4d_branch2a"
	name: "scale4d_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
	top: "res4d_branch2a"
	name: "res4d_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
	top: "res4d_branch2b"
	name: "res4d_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2b"
	top: "res4d_branch2b"
	name: "bn4d_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2b"
	top: "res4d_branch2b"
	name: "scale4d_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2b"
	top: "res4d_branch2b"
	name: "res4d_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2b"
	top: "res4d_branch2c"
	name: "res4d_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2c"
	top: "res4d_branch2c"
	name: "bn4d_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d_branch2c"
	top: "res4d_branch2c"
	name: "scale4d_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4c"
	bottom: "res4d_branch2c"
	top: "res4d"
	name: "res4d"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4d"
	top: "res4d"
	name: "res4d_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4d"
	top: "res4e_branch2a"
	name: "res4e_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2a"
	top: "res4e_branch2a"
	name: "bn4e_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2a"
	top: "res4e_branch2a"
	name: "scale4e_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2a"
	top: "res4e_branch2a"
	name: "res4e_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2a"
	top: "res4e_branch2b"
	name: "res4e_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2b"
	top: "res4e_branch2b"
	name: "bn4e_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2b"
	top: "res4e_branch2b"
	name: "scale4e_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2b"
	top: "res4e_branch2b"
	name: "res4e_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2b"
	top: "res4e_branch2c"
	name: "res4e_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2c"
	top: "res4e_branch2c"
	name: "bn4e_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e_branch2c"
	top: "res4e_branch2c"
	name: "scale4e_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4d"
	bottom: "res4e_branch2c"
	top: "res4e"
	name: "res4e"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4e"
	top: "res4e"
	name: "res4e_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4e"
	top: "res4f_branch2a"
	name: "res4f_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2a"
	top: "res4f_branch2a"
	name: "bn4f_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2a"
	top: "res4f_branch2a"
	name: "scale4f_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2a"
	top: "res4f_branch2a"
	name: "res4f_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2a"
	top: "res4f_branch2b"
	name: "res4f_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 256
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2b"
	top: "res4f_branch2b"
	name: "bn4f_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2b"
	top: "res4f_branch2b"
	name: "scale4f_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2b"
	top: "res4f_branch2b"
	name: "res4f_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2b"
	top: "res4f_branch2c"
	name: "res4f_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 1024
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2c"
	top: "res4f_branch2c"
	name: "bn4f_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f_branch2c"
	top: "res4f_branch2c"
	name: "scale4f_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4e"
	bottom: "res4f_branch2c"
	top: "res4f"
	name: "res4f"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res4f"
	top: "res4f"
	name: "res4f_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res4f"
	top: "res5a_branch1"
	name: "res5a_branch1"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 2048
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch1"
	top: "res5a_branch1"
	name: "bn5a_branch1"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch1"
	top: "res5a_branch1"
	name: "scale5a_branch1"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res4f"
	top: "res5a_branch2a"
	name: "res5a_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 2
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
	top: "res5a_branch2a"
	name: "bn5a_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
	top: "res5a_branch2a"
	name: "scale5a_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
	top: "res5a_branch2a"
	name: "res5a_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
	top: "res5a_branch2b"
	name: "res5a_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2b"
	top: "res5a_branch2b"
	name: "bn5a_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2b"
	top: "res5a_branch2b"
	name: "scale5a_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2b"
	top: "res5a_branch2b"
	name: "res5a_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2b"
	top: "res5a_branch2c"
	name: "res5a_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 2048
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2c"
	top: "res5a_branch2c"
	name: "bn5a_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch2c"
	top: "res5a_branch2c"
	name: "scale5a_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a_branch1"
	bottom: "res5a_branch2c"
	top: "res5a"
	name: "res5a"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res5a"
	top: "res5a"
	name: "res5a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5a"
	top: "res5b_branch2a"
	name: "res5b_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
	top: "res5b_branch2a"
	name: "bn5b_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
	top: "res5b_branch2a"
	name: "scale5b_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
	top: "res5b_branch2a"
	name: "res5b_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
	top: "res5b_branch2b"
	name: "res5b_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2b"
	top: "res5b_branch2b"
	name: "bn5b_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2b"
	top: "res5b_branch2b"
	name: "scale5b_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2b"
	top: "res5b_branch2b"
	name: "res5b_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2b"
	top: "res5b_branch2c"
	name: "res5b_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 2048
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2c"
	top: "res5b_branch2c"
	name: "bn5b_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b_branch2c"
	top: "res5b_branch2c"
	name: "scale5b_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5a"
	bottom: "res5b_branch2c"
	top: "res5b"
	name: "res5b"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res5b"
	top: "res5b"
	name: "res5b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5b"
	top: "res5c_branch2a"
	name: "res5c_branch2a"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2a"
	top: "res5c_branch2a"
	name: "bn5c_branch2a"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2a"
	top: "res5c_branch2a"
	name: "scale5c_branch2a"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2a"
	top: "res5c_branch2a"
	name: "res5c_branch2a_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2a"
	top: "res5c_branch2b"
	name: "res5c_branch2b"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 512
		kernel_size: 3
		pad: 1
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2b"
	top: "res5c_branch2b"
	name: "bn5c_branch2b"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2b"
	top: "res5c_branch2b"
	name: "scale5c_branch2b"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2b"
	top: "res5c_branch2b"
	name: "res5c_branch2b_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2b"
	top: "res5c_branch2c"
	name: "res5c_branch2c"
	type: "Convolution"
	convolution_param {
		num_output: 2048
		kernel_size: 1
		pad: 0
		stride: 1
		bias_term: false

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2c"
	top: "res5c_branch2c"
	name: "bn5c_branch2c"
	type: "BatchNorm"
	batch_norm_param {
		use_global_stats: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5c_branch2c"
	top: "res5c_branch2c"
	name: "scale5c_branch2c"
	type: "Scale"
	scale_param {
		bias_term: true

layer {
	bottom: "res5b"
	bottom: "res5c_branch2c"
	top: "res5c"
	name: "res5c"
	type: "Eltwise"

layer {
	bottom: "res5c"
	top: "res5c"
	name: "res5c_relu"
	type: "ReLU"

layer {
	bottom: "res5c"
	top: "pool5"
	name: "pool5"
	type: "Pooling"
	pooling_param {
		kernel_size: 7
		stride: 1
		pool: AVE

layer {
	bottom: "pool5"
	top: "fc3"
	name: "fc3"
	type: "InnerProduct"
	inner_product_param {
		num_output: 3

layer {
	bottom: "fc3"
    	bottom: "label"
	top: "loss"
	name: "loss"
	type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"

layer {
    bottom: "fc3"
    bottom: "label"
    top: "acc/top-1"
    name: "acc/top-1"
    type: "Accuracy"
    include {
        phase: TEST


ResNet-50-test.prototxt 文件的開頭部分的:

input: "data"
input_dim: 1
input_dim: 3
input_dim: 224
input_dim: 224



layer {
    name: "data"
    type: "Data"
    top: "data"
    top: "label"
    include {
        phase: TRAIN        #訓練階段  這個註釋方式可能不對,要去掉
    transform_param {
        mirror: false
        # crop_size: 224
        #下面三行可以用生成的均值文件代替 train_meanfile
        mean_value: 0
        mean_value: 0
        mean_value: 0
    data_param {
        source: "resnet_train_224_lmdb"    #訓練使用的lmdb文件路徑
        batch_size: 16                    #批的大小,也就是blob的厚度 一次出來16幅圖像
        backend: LMDB                       #後端數據庫是LMDB
layer {
    name: "data"
    type: "Data"
    top: "data"
    top: "label"
    include {
        phase: TEST         #測試階段
    transform_param {
        mirror: false
        # crop_size: 224
        mean_value: 0
        mean_value: 0
        mean_value: 0
    data_param {
        source: "resnet_valid_224_lmdb"
        batch_size: 1
        backend: LMDB

然後將ResNet-50-test.prototxt 文件的最後兩層的:全連接 full connection 改爲自己的數據標籤的類別,我這裏是3

layer {
	bottom: "pool5"
	top: "fc1000"
	name: "fc1000"
	type: "InnerProduct"
	inner_product_param {
		num_output: 1000

layer {
	bottom: "fc1000"
	top: "prob"
	name: "prob"
	type: "Softmax"

將Softmax 改爲  SoftmaxWithLoss  因爲訓練的時候需要計算誤差Loss的反向傳播的梯度。


layer {
	bottom: "pool5"
	top: "fc3"
	name: "fc3"
	type: "InnerProduct"
	inner_product_param {
		num_output: 3

layer {
	bottom: "fc3"
    	bottom: "label"
	top: "loss"
	name: "loss"
	type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"

layer {
    bottom: "fc3"
    bottom: "label"
    top: "acc/top-1"
    name: "acc/top-1"
    type: "Accuracy"
    include {
        phase: TEST

總之:ResNet-50-test.prototxt 這個文件定義的網絡模型是用來前向傳播的,即用來部署和發佈時用的,

而ResNet-50-train-val.prototxt 文件定義的網絡模型是用來訓練和測試網絡的!

4.準備Caffe的Solver 文件:solver.prototxt

solver.prototxt 如下:


net: "ResNet-50-train-val.prototxt"
test_iter: 24000
test_interval: 2000
test_initialization: false
base_lr: 0.001
lr_policy: "step"
gamma: 0.1
stepsize: 5000
display: 100
max_iter: 75000
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0001
snapshot: 5000
snapshot_prefix: "snapshot"        #存放求解模型和求解狀態的快照文件路徑,.caffemodel 和..solverstate 文件
solver_mode: GPU


訓練前去網上下載與訓練模型:ResNet-50-model.caffemodel  用於初始化網絡的初始權重參數


/home/liziqin/caffe/build/tools/caffe train -solver solver.prototxt -weights ResNet-50-model.caffemodel -gpu 0

/home/liziqin/caffe/build/tools/caffe 這個是caffe目錄下的命令路徑   train 就是訓練的命令

train  命令可以帶很多參數,有的是必須的,有的有默認值。

-solver solver.prototxt -weights ResNet-50-model.caffemodel -gpu 0

-solver solver.prototxt 和-weights ResNet-50-model.caffemodel 是必須的

-gpu 0 是使用第0塊GPU 顯卡進行訓練(我用的服務器帶了多塊Nvidia顯卡)

6.訓練完成後得到:solver_iter_75000.solverstate  solver_iter_75000.caffemodel  

訓練完成在snapshot 文件夾下得到多個模型和求解狀態文件,根據訓練設置的,即solver.prototxt文件設置的 迭代次數和,迭代多少次存儲一個快照:





利用訓練完成後得到的3個文件和一個類別的標籤文件就可以通過 OpenCV中的dnn模塊在C++ 和Pyhon 、java 代碼中發佈這個網絡模型的:



3.類別標籤文件 insulatorClassify.txt  其實就是第0、1、2類標籤的名稱

insulatorClassify.txt 如下:









Caffe Resnet-50 訓練自己的數據

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