Person Transfer GAN to Bridge Domain Gap for Person Re-Identification論文閱讀

論文提出的主要創新點就爲了彌補某算法可以在已數據集上取得很好的效果,但是在其他數據集上泛化性能較差。作者通過借鑑Cycle-GAN的思想提出了PTGAN,與Cycle-GAN不同的是PTGAN可以生成更高質量的person image。通過PTGAN可以有效的減少各數據集之間的域間隔。
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我們這個工作主要分爲在ReID中的descriptor learning與通過GAN的image-to-image 風格轉移。大多數方法學習的是全局的descriptors同時忽略了重要的局部信息.[1]解決了這個問題。[2]提出通過一定的人工製作特徵可以作爲深度特徵的補充。儘管大量的方法取得很好的效果,但是忽略了不對齊問題。
[3] utilize Deepercut [4] to detect three coarse body regions and then learn an global local-alignment descriptor. In [5], more fine-grained part regions are localized and then fed into the proposed Spindle Net for descriptor learning. Similarly, Li et al. [6] adopt Spatial Transform Networks (STN) [7] to detect latent part regions and then learn descriptors on those regions.
MSMT17 Dataset
1)行人或攝像頭過少;2)大部分數據集僅在單一場景下采集(室內室外);3)大部分現存的數據集是由短時間採集沒有明顯的光線變化;4)bounding boxes由昂貴的手工或過時的算法標註。
Person Transfer GAN
定義loss founction:
LP T GAN =LStyle + λ1LID
LStyle =LGAN (G, DB, A, B) + LGAN (G’, DA, B, A) + λ2Lcyc(G, G’)

[1]Person re-identification by multi-channel parts-based cnn with improved triplet loss function
[2]An enhanced deep feature representation for person re-identification
[3]Global-local-alignment descriptor for pedestrian retrieval.
[4]Deepercut: A deeper, stronger, and faster multiperson
pose estimation model.
[5]Person re-identification with human body region guided feature decomposition and fusion.
[6]Learning deepcontext-aware features over body and latent parts for person re-identification.
[7]Spatial transformer networks
[8] Imageto-image translation with conditional adversarial networks.
[9]Unpaired imageto-image translation using cycle-consistent adversarial networks
[10]Unsupervised dual learning for image-to-image translation
[11]Learning to discover cross-domain relations with generative adversarial networks

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