
  哈佛大學,大名鼎鼎婦孺皆知不需要多介紹了,每年錄取的中國學生和Princeton一樣也是屈指可數。儘管從科研實力上來講,很多第一梯隊的學校並不輸於哈佛,但哈佛仍然是萬千學生和家長心中的The One。



  選擇common essay的主題是文書創作的第一步,也是重中之重。作者以自己的多元文化背景作爲切入點,引出自己的獨特性。作者的父親來自捷克斯洛伐克,母親來自日本。由於父親工作的原因,作者一家常常在海上旅行並旅居,現定居於夏威夷。從小就浸泡在不同文化的碰撞與融合之中,作者具有很強的文化適應性和包容性。Common essay最重要的是寫出“你是誰”、“你最獨特的地方是什麼”,作者選擇這個角度來創作主文書,無疑是心之所向。



  My story begins even before I was born.(短句開頭,引出父母的文化背景)My father lived in a world of oppression and persecution.As a child in Czechoslovakia ravaged by Communism,he was compelled to escape to the United States.Later,on the other side of the world,my mother struggled with poverty in Osaka,Japan.How these two distant individuals encountered each other is another marvelous story all on its own.These are the remarkable individuals who created the person I am today.(提到父母並不是偏題,實際是爲了講自己獨特之處的緣起。)While I am the first generation in my family to be raised in the United States,I still contain a blend of both my parents’cultures.(父母的兩種不同文化背景+生活地美國的文化背景=“我”的文化多樣性)

  After I was born in Japan my parents moved to Lake Tahoe,Nevada.Yet that was not our permanent home.(引出自己常常隨父親在加勒比海上巡遊)Half of the time was spent sailing on the Royal Caribbean Cruise lines on which my father performed.My mother was his assistant,and I was the sweet girl who would be a part of his magic tricks.I also entertained with other performances on the ship.We sailed to a variety of locations including Alaska,the Bahamas,and sometimes to Europe.From a young age,I was exposed to a variety of people every week;socialization became effortless.(由於在遊輪上會接觸很多人,社交對“我”來說易如反掌。)

  The cruise ship would often dock in Cozumel,Mexico,and due to that convenience my family and I moved to the tiny island.(很自然地講述自己爲什麼會搬去墨西哥)At the age of four Mexico became my home.My parents did not hesitate to enroll me in a Spanish school despite my not knowing how to speak the local tongue.My young,flexible mind allowed the new language to easily roll off of my tongue.(不經意間點出自己極強的文化適應性和語言習得能力)

  All the while,my mother also taught me Japanese.(同時點出自己也會日語)My grandparents who still live in Japan do not speak English and I needed a way to communicate with them.I became a child who spoke Spanish in school,English at home,and Japanese on the phone!(日常在三個語言之間自由切換)For periods of time when my father had lengthier performing tours on the cruise ships,my mother and I would visit my grandparents in Japan.I attended the local school there.My elementary school years were spent floating back and forth between learning calligraphy in Japanese schools and being educated on independence from Spain in Mexican schools.(將日本的傳統書法和西班牙推崇的獨立形成對比,不同的文化在“我”身上碰撞、融合)

  How did I end up in Hawaii?(設問引出自己移居夏威夷的原因)I can only seem to recall that the move was because the islands are closer to Japan in order to visit my family.Today,a tiny and secluded community called Hawi is my home.Hawi’s main struggle is to provide numerous resources as larger cities in the modern world.Despite this,the tiny town teaches its citizens lessons that are essential for well being and happiness.(引出夏威夷教會了我什麼)This population has educated me in the most imperative lessons and-principles I carry with me wherever I venture.The Ohana,or“family”lifestyle has made me essay writing service on essay.lxws.net a community oriented,social individual who enjoys companyand companionship.This rural area also emphasizes the value of dependence on one another,supporting one’s peers,and the importance of making true connections and friendships.(強調對community、彼此支持、友誼、social connections的重視)

  My background is an essential aspect of who I am today.(“我”的背景打造了現在的“我”,與首段相呼應)My parents bring together two vastly different cultures;they educate me with the best aspects of both.Travel has allowed me to have an exposure to a vast array of societies,which in return,has made me comfortable in many different populations.Tied together with the loving and community-oriented lifestyle Hawaii has taught me,I have matured to become a mixture of different cultures and experiences within the common community of my mind.(分別簡單總結父母、旅行、夏威夷給“我”帶來了什麼)The result?My passion is in discovery.My advantage is my experience.My distinction is my diversity.(末尾點睛,設問之後三個短句排比,概括出我的熱情、優勢、獨特之處分別是什麼)






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